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Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Prevention and Management of Diabetes
Diabetes is the most
debilitating lifestyle
disease. Persistent high
blood sugar content in
blood due diabetes, can lead
to many other types of
consequential health
complications such as
kidney failure,
cardiovascular diseases,
chronic illnesses of the eye,
leg amputation, early aging,
blocking of arteries,
Diabetes Mellitus-A Fast spreading lifestyle disease in
modern times Adult onset or Type II diabetes has now
assumed epidemic proportions worldwide. Rapidly
changing life style like changes in diet, sedentary life,
irregular meals, lack of adequate sleep/rest and emotional
stress, are the likely causes for diabetes. Once diagnosed,
most diabetics are prescribed to take lifelong regular
medications, like insulin, hormone supplementation
medicines or injections and drugs for controlling the sugar
levels. Taking appropriate dosage of insulin medicine is
critical for managing diabetes once it becomes an incurable
condition. However diabetes patients and their family need
to understand about advent of this disease and learn to
manage or reverse or prevent it by diet, lifestyle changes.
Symptoms of diabetes
Frequent urination, Tiredness, Hunger pangs, Thirst, wounds not healing in time, etc.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Essentials of diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes:
Most diabetes patients are over 40 years of age and obese.
Many patients have few or no symptoms.
Diabetes is diagnosed when plasma glucose of 126 mg/dL or higher after an overnight fast on
more than one occasion. After 75 g oral glucose, diagnostic values are 200 mg/dL or more
after 2 hours.
Hypertension, dyslipidemia, (abnormal amount of fats in the blood) and atherosclerosis(a
condition in which the arteries become hardened and
narrowed because of an excessive accumulation of plaque)
Pre-diabetes is a
are often associated with diabetes. As per one view, fat
specifically visceral , abdominal fat is the trigger for insulin
condition where blood
resistance leading to diabetes.
glucose levels are higher
Pre-diabetes or Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT),
than normal but not yet
Impaired Fasting Glucose(IFG))
high enough to be
First of all, understand that diabetes does not strike suddenly.
diagnosed as diabetes.
Most patients are in “Pre-diabetes stage” for ten years or so.
This condition is a
As per one study, over 80 million Indians are pre-diabetic.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation has developed a risk
warning that a person is
score by three simple questions on age, physical activity,
at high risk for
family history and waist circumference. The test gives risk
score for age more than 35; risk score for waist circumference
developing within ten
more than 80 CMs (32inches); Risk score for sedentary
years. Pre-diabetes is a
lifestyle ; risk score for family history of diabetes.
Conversely, Making life style changes like diet, taking up
early warning signal often
exercises during pre-diabetic as well as post-diabetic stage,
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
can prevent diabetes. In addition to better awareness of diet and routine of daily exercises, Yoga
and deep relaxation techniques, for calming down the mind are important factors. Such a holistic
treatment approach has salutary side effects on quality of life not only the diabetes patients but
the entire family.
Symptoms at pre-diabetic stage People with pre-diabetes often don’t have symptoms. Symptoms,
if any, develop so gradually that people often do not recognize them. An elevated blood glucose level is
the only symptom of pre-diabetes in initial stage.
Diagnosis & Tests for Pre-Diabetes
There are two different tests that doctors use to screen for pre-diabetes.
Fasting plasma glucose test, also called FPG. With this test, a person’s blood glucose level is
measured following a fast, which means no food or drink has been taken in for at least 8 hours. If
the blood glucose level is between 110 and 125 mg/dL, the person is pre-diabetic. Levels
higher than that indicate type 2 diabetes. Oral glucose tolerance test, also called OGTT. With this
test, a person’s blood glucose level is measured after a fast and 2 hours after drinking a special
glucose drink. If the 2-hour blood glucose level is 140 to 199 mg/dL, the person has prediabetes. Levels at 200 mg/dL or higher indicate type 2 diabetes.
A1C Test The A1C test represents the amount of glucose attached to hemoglobin, so it reflects
an average of all the blood glucose levels a person may experience over 3 months. The A1C test
will not show day-to-day changes, unlike to blood glucose test that will give varying sugar level.
The A1C test can be used to diagnose type 2 diabetes and prediabetes alone or in combination
with other diabetes tests. Blood sample The following table provides the percentages that indicate
diagnoses of normal, diabetes, and pre-diabetes according to A1C, Blood Glucose levels.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
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SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
6.5% and Above 126
5.7 %to 111 to 125
glucose drink Blood
Blood Sugar Sugar Level (mg/DL)
Level (mg/DL)
Below 110
Below 140
Above 200
140 to 199
*Any test for diagnosis of diabetes requires confirmation with a second measurement unless there are
clear symptoms of diabetes. Having pre-diabetes is a risk factor for getting type 2 diabetes. People
with pre-diabetes may be retested each year. Within the pre-diabetes A1C range of 5.7 to 6.4 percent,
the higher the A1C, the greater the risk of diabetes. Those with pre-diabetes are likely to develop type
2 diabetes within 10 years, but they can take steps to reverse (prevent or delay) diabetes
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Pre-Diabetic Stage
Range of Blood Sugar Levels
Sugar Level 2hrs After
Pre-Diabetic Stage
Sugar Level-Fasting
More than
Less than
Process of Metabolizing glucose in body
Glucose is the main form of sugar metabolised by the body from processing the food eaten.
Glucose is a key source of energy for the body. Pancreas makes insulin hormone to help control
blood glucose levels in the body. However insulin is either insufficient or ineffective, which is
termed as “insulin resistance”. As a result, glucose builds up in the body. Such higher than normal
levels of glucose in the blood causes long-term damage to the body.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
What are the causes of diabetes?
Obesity, lack of physical exercise, family history and age are three of the strongest risk factors.
Other risk factors include: High Blood Pressure, History of gestational diabetes or giving birth to
a baby weighing 9 pounds or more, Low HDL cholesterol level with high triglycerides, Member
of a high-risk ethnic group
Prevention of diabetes
Lot can be done to prevent diabetes. A person at risk for pre-diabetes can delay, prevent and
possibly reverse the onset of illness simply by doing moderate exercise, following a diet plan ,
that results in losing weight. In fact, a person can cut the risk for type 2 diabetes by 50% simply
by walking 30 minutes a day and reducing his or her weight by about 5 to 10 per cent. Healthy
What are the long-term risks of diabetes ?
A diabetic person has 1.5 times the risk of heart disease, including High Blood Pressure, stroke,
problems with vision, blindness, kidney failure and limb amputation.
Treatment & Monitoring
In addition to lifelong medication, lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, weight loss, and modest
daily exercise are the main treatments. The following guidelines may help:
Lose a modest amount of weight. Experts recommend that most people lose 5 to 10 percent of
their total body weight.
Increase the level of physical activity. Moderate exercise, such as walking, for 30 minutes a
day at least 5 days a week can help lower blood glucose levels and can help with weight loss.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Follow healthy eating habits. This will help lower heart disease risk and will make it
easier to lose weight.
produced by
Ineffective or insufficient insulin :
pancreas is
Unlike people with type 1 diabetes, who are unable to produce insulin,
people with type 2 diabetes do produce insulin. But, either the body does
not respond to insulin’s action (it’s resistant) or there is just not enough
ineffective or
insulin to go around or combination of both. Either problem leads to the
same outcome: Insulin can’t deliver glucose to the cells that need it, and
insufficient or
there’s too much glucose in the blood. Virtually all cells in the body contain
special proteins called receptors that bind to insulin. They work like a lock
and key. In order for glucose to enter the cell, insulin (the key) must first fit
into the insulin receptor (the lock). But for some reason, in some people with type 2 diabetes,
there is a faulty lock, or insulin receptor. The key doesn’t open the lock, and glucose is shut out
of the cell. And in some people with type 2 diabetes, there are not enough locks, or insulin
receptors, on the cells to allow enough glucose to enter. But for most people with diabetes, it’s
not so much that the key doesn’t fit the lock, but that insulin doesn’t work properly, making it
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
ineffective. In rare cases, the insulin is mutated, or built incorrectly, and does not fit the insulin
receptor. Initially, the pancreas is able to produce enough insulin to overcome the resistance. But
over the course of time , the beta cells in the pancreas are no longer able to produce enough
insulin or insulin is released too slowly. Without enough insulin to meet the body’s needs, glucose
levels rise and diabetes results. Scientists do not know why the pancreas does not function well in
these people. Some believe that the system that controls glucose levels in the blood “signals” the
pancreas to make insulin that is ineffective simply to avoid steep fall of sugar levels. Others think
that the cells of pancreas, after many years of working overtime simply begins to “burn out.”
Although researchers do not fully understand exactly how type 2 diabetes develops, they have
uncovered many factors that may contribute to the disease.
Genetics also appears to play a role in how type 2 diabetes develops. Like type 1 diabetes, type 2
diabetes also seems to run in families, due to the inheritance of certain genes. The link to genetics
seems even stronger in type 2 diabetes than in type 1 diabetes.
If a person with type 1 diabetes has an identical twin, there is
Both nature (ie genes) and
a 25 to 50 percent chance that the twin will develop diabetes.
nurture (bad dietary habits
But if a person with type 2 diabetes has an identical twin, there
is a 60 to 75 per cent chance that the person will develop
and lifestyle) cause
diabetes. Researchers have not yet isolated a single gene that
triggers “type 2 diabetes” but they are finding several that may
contribute to type 2 diabetes. For example, researchers have
identified a protein called PC-1 that shuts down the insulin receptor, creating insulin resistance.
This protein is prevalent in most people with type 2 diabetes, compared with people without
diabetes. For some reason, too much of the inhibitor protein is made in some people, and the
insulin receptor cannot do its job properly, which can lead to insulin resistance. Researchers
believe that the genes that lead to obesity may also play a role in diabetes. In mice, scientists
have identified a gene they called the obese gene. The obese gene appears to regulate body weight
by making proteins that affect the centre in the brain that tells you whether you’re full or hungry.
When the obese gene is mutated, the mice become obese and develop type 2 diabetes .However
genetic factors alone do not cause diabetes Most of wrong dietary habits, life style factors are
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
found identical among families. Genetic factors do produce a vulnerability to diabetes with
environmental/lifestyle factors also equally contributing in great degrees in different
individuals. Hence diabetes is found to be caused equally by nature as well as nurture (life
style).Metabolic syndrome is caused by excess glucose/fat in blood .This can be caused by one or
combination of following interdependent causes
Risk Factors for
diabetes are
Being overweight ,
Abdominal fat,
improper dietary
habits, aging,
Sedentary lifestyle,
Emotional stress,
Binge drinking.
Being overweight (with high abdominal fat )
Sedentary life with complete absence of physical exercises
Eating an unbalanced diet (High proportion of starchy or low fiber or
sugary food in diet )
v. Not having enough adequate breakfast but having heavy dinner
which leads to sugar spikes
vi. Mental stress resulting in auto immune disorder ;continued stress
levels raise blood glucose levels, causing auto immune disorder that
results in insulin resistance
vii. Lack of adequate rest,
viii. Sleep deprivation
ix. Having high blood pressure and /or High blood cholesterol levels,
x. Binge drinking (Alcohol) can also upset body’s metabolism
triggering type II diabetes
a. Heavy drinking reduces the body’s sensitivity to insulin
b. Diabetes is a common side effect of chronic pancreatitis, which is
caused by heavy drinking.
c. When blood sugar levels drop, the liver begins to produce glucose
from stored carbohydrates to compensate. However drinking
alcohol blocks the liver's ability to produce glucose. The liver
treats alcohol as a toxin and works to rid the body of alcohol as
quickly as possible. The liver does not produce glucose again until
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Both Glucagon (that
raises glucose) and
Insulin(that brings
glucose down ) are
important hormones
secreted by pancreas. .
It secrets more glucagon
when under emotional
stress. Thus emotional
stress may be root cause
of a chain of events
resulting in diabetes.
the alcohol has been processed and cleared from the body. Thus
drinking alcohol upsets body’s glucose balancing system.
Alcohol is chemical cousin of sugar, as it is derived from
same source, sugar molasses. Alcohol contains a high amount of
In conclusion drinking alcohol can increase chance of
becoming overweight, especially stomach fat, thereby increasing
risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Combination of above factors renders insulin secreted by
pancreas either insufficient or ineffective , or both results in
Type 2 diabetes or adult onset diabetes. As per health experts
causes of many other lifestyle diseases like Cancer, heart
disease, Hypertension, are similar to diabetes. As poor
countries like India grow wealthier, their citizens adopt the
new eating habits like starchy, sugary, oily food as well as
sedentary lives of the rich. The thrifty gene in Indians was
result of short supply of food during evolution. Sudden
wealth allows forbidden fruits like sugar, fat to be indulged in
abundance. Unfortunately, human bodies have evolved
neither to cope with nor easily to resist such temptations.
Result is metabolic syndrome that triggers a host of diseases
like diabetes
1. Medications for diabetes patients: All people with type I diabetes must take
injections for insulin dosages. Those with type II diabetes can manage diabetes
without insulin injections if blood sugar can be controlled within safe limits by
taking diabetes OHA pills (Oral Hypoglycemic Agents). These tablets are effective as
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
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Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
long as pancreas is still capable of producing insulin. There are two types of diabetes
a. Sulfonylureas, taken 20-30 Min before taking food. These stimulate pancreas
to secret more insulin
b. Biguanides taken immediately after taking food. These decrease absorption of
glucose in intestine or improve effectiveness of available insulin
2. Understanding Body’s complex glucose balancing system Human body converts
carbohydrates into simple sugar, namely glucose. Glucose is then released into blood,
circulated to nourish cells which change it into energy for immediate use. Extra
glucose is stored in liver in form of glycogen. Some extra glucose is converted into
fat. Pancreas secretes two different hormones that balance blood sugar; Insulin
which lowers blood sugar, while Glucagon which raises blood glucose levels. The
pancreas releases glucagon when blood sugar (glucose) levels fall too low. High
blood glucose levels stimulate the release of insulin. Insulin allows glucose to be
taken up by cells and used by insulin-dependent tissues. Thus glucagon and insulin
are part of a feedback system that keeps blood glucose levels within a stable range
level of minimum 60 mg/dl(mg% )at fasting level in morning to 160 mg/dl (mg%)
two hours after full meal all through 24 hours.
3. Stress can raise blood Glucose level Body responds to emotional stress by
releasing glucose in blood .Stress causes body to secrete hormones like glucagon ,
leading to high glucose levels in blood. Body responds to high levels of glucagon by
making pancreas secrete insulin for bringing down enhanced glucose levels. Thus
high levels of stress makes pancreas to work harder to bring down glucose spikes.
After some time, insulin produced by a worn out pancreas becomes ineffective or
insufficient for bringing down the sugar levels in blood.
4. Importance of daily Exercise: Physical exercise has opposite effect of stress,
reducing glucose in blood. Exercise brings down blood glucose levels without using
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
up insulin. Muscles use up more and more blood glucose . Strength exercises that
build muscle mass is especially good for diabetics as strong muscles can metabolize
as much as 30% of blood glucose without making extra demand for
Strong muscles,
insulin. With moderate weight training exercise, muscles take up
glucose at almost 20 times the normal rate. This helps to lower
and bones, which
blood sugar levels. Human Body has been built by nature for
are result of daily
daily use namely exercise A generation ago, people needed rest
exercise reduce
after the day’s hard work or one day in week for resting. Now it
is the opposite, as exercise is necessary after days/weeks’ mental
insulin requirement
work. The visceral fat or fat around abdomen is the initial danger
Thus daily exercise
sign of impending diabetes as such fat affects working of pancreas.
plan should be part
Any diabetic needs to stick to an exercise plan that emphasizes
of standard
“strength “ , in addition to “stamina, stretching exercises”. The
exercises that strengthen the muscles also makes bones strong.
prescription for
Stronger muscles/bones raise BMR(Basal Metabolism Rate) of the
body, reducing weight. Moreover there is relationship between
strong bone marrow and insulin resistance; Stronger bones, stronger
bone marrow makes insulin more effective. Moreover a physically fit person reacts to
stress is better way, meaning does not cause body to secrete excess glucose that cause
spikes in blood glucose levels.
In conclusion, minimum of thirty minutes of exercise each day is a must for
diabetics While exercising, the body needs extra energy or fuel (in the form of
glucose) for the exercising muscles. For short bursts of exercise, such as a quick
sprint to catch the bus, the muscles and the liver can release stores of glucose for fuel.
At the same time insulin levels may drop in anyone not taking insulin so the risks of
hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is minimized. However short intense exercise has
the opposite effect. It actually temporarily increases blood glucose levels right after
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
stopping exercising. This is especially true for many people with diabetes. The body
recognizes intense exercise as a stress and releases stress hormones glucagon to
increase availability of blood sugar to fuel muscles.
Importance of Healthy Diet Glycemic index (GI)means
the time in which a food is converted to sugar by body. GI is a
measure of the effects of carbohydrates in food on blood
Diabetic need to
sugar levels. It estimates how much each gram of available
discern among types
carbohydrate (total carbohydrate minus fiber) in a food raises a
person's blood glucose level following consumption of the food,
of food based on
relative to consumption of glucose. Glucose has a glycemic index
their GI values,.
of 100, by definition and all other foods have a comparatively
lower glycemic index Glycemic load accounts for the amount of
Prefer for those with
food consumed and is calculated in terms of glycemic index.
low GI values and
Determining the GI of a food Foods with refined
break down quickly during digestion and
avoid food that have
release glucose rapidly into the bloodstream tend to have a high GI;
high GI values
foods with lazy carbohydrates(with high fiber) break down more
slowly, releasing glucose more gradually into the bloodstream, tend
to have a low GI. A lower glycemic index suggests slower rates of
digestion and absorption of the foods' carbohydrates and may also indicate
greater extraction from the liver and periphery of the products of carbohydrate
digestion. A lower glycemic response usually equates to a lower insulin
demand. Thus improves long-term blood glucose control and blood lipids.
High fiber in food lowers not only glycemic index but also calorific value.
b. Importance of fiber in diet : There are two types of fibers; water insoluble
and water soluble. The water insoluble fiber are whole grains, fruit peels,
vegetables. The insoluble fiber add bulk to food, giving feeling of fullness.
Fibers prevent excessive rise in blood glucose after meals, lowering insulin
requirement. Avoid eating refined carbohydrates like Maida, bakery products
like white bread, biscuits, cakes, etc. Traditional food made from coarse
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
grains like millets (Jowar, Maize, Bajra, Nachani), brown rice , whole grain
wheat , are highly beneficial not only for diabetics but also for any health
conscious person.
c. Interpreting GI values of foods Many fruits and vegetables (except sugary
fruits like Mangoes, Grapes, Chicku and starchy vegetables like potatoes),
proteins have a low glycemic index.
Low GI
55 or Most fruits and vegetables; legumes/pulses; some whole,
less intact grains; nuts; kidney beans; beets; chickpeas
Medium GI
High GI
Refined carbohydrates like white bread, most white
and rice, corn flakes, extruded breakfast cereals, glucose, cola
above drinks
whole wheat products, millets, brown rice, sweet
potato, baked potatoes,
6. Prevention of diabetes An individually designed exercise and diet plan should be
part of standard prescription for diabetic patients along with insulin dosage. Any
health conscious person wanting to prevent diabetes should never find excuses for not
eating right or for not finding time for daily exercise.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
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Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Eating Right Importance of nutritious breakfast, having small meals by chewing food
thoroughly and avoiding heavy dinner late in night is important for diabetics. As the blood sugar
level is at its lowest in morning, it is recommended to start the day with balanced , nutritious
breakfast. Recent scientific evidence have shown that individuals who followed a low-GI diet
and low calorie diet (calorie restricted diet) over many years were at a significantly lower risk
for developing both type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and age-related macular
degeneration . High blood glucose levels or repeated glycaemic "spikes" following a heavy meal
may increase systemic glycative stress or other oxidative stress to the vasculature and also by the
direct increase in insulin levels. The glycative stress sets up a vicious cycle. Having a breakfast
of white bread and sugar-rich cereals, over time, may make a person susceptible to diabetes,
heart disease, and even cancer. Age-related adult macular degeneration (AMD), which leads to
blindness, is higher among people with a high-GI diet
Yogic postures for diabetes-
Bhujangasana(Snake position)
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
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Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
Vakrasana(Bending pose)
:Ardhachandrasana(Half moon pose)
Dhanurasana(Bow pose)
Chakrasana(Wheel pose)
मन प्रशमन उपाय इति योग- Mana Prashaman Upaya eti .Yoga is a holistic science that quietens or
pacifies the mind as per Sage Vasistha in Yoga Vashitha. Yoga synchronizes body’s endocrinal
glands with a quieter mind , exerting its wonderfully calming influence on the mind’s negative
self talk. Recommended yogic breathing processes like Agnisar, Uddiyan Bandha, Kapal Bhati .
along with physical postures shown above can stimulate pancreas. It is said जह ां ध्य न व ह प्र ण
( Jahan dhyan wahan Pran meaning where there is attention , prana follows ) Doing Yoga with
body awareness like visualization of right side of abdomen , where pancreas is located , can start
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]
Nature Cure
SLK Foundation
Transforming illness into Wellness
Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
a process of getting it healed. While doing these Yoga postures, focusing on the point of
physical tension ,helps as per research done by SVYASA.
Weight control/Avoiding accumulation of fat around stomach , Stress Management therapy ,
daily exercise routine with Yoga, its relaxation techniques with other strengthening muscles
exercise schedule, diet therapy compliment insulin dosages in management of type II diabetes. It
is possible for diabetic patients to keep the disease within acceptable limits using combination of
above. Their quality of life , as well as that of their normal family members can be improved by
taking such a holistic view of the disease.
Simple natural solution to monitor blood glucose level: Diabetics need to keep blood sugar
level in a range of 60-180 mg/dl (% mg). There are blood sampling devices that use needles for
this. However in case such needles are not available, there is a simpler, crude, natural technique.
It is possible to correlate blood sugar level to taste of urine, as taste of urine indicates sugar level
in blood. Urine tastes bitter when blood sugar level has fallen low and tastes sweeter after two
hours after eating full meals, as blood sugar rises above renal threshold of 180 mg/dl . It is
possible to remember urine taste and correlate it to then blood sugar levels. Diabetic patients can
use this simple technique to maintain sugar level in safe range, in case instruments are not
available, or while travelling.
Healthy Range of BMI
5 Ft 1 Inches
5 Ft 2 Inches
5 Ft 3 Inches
5 Ft 4 Inches
Weight(BMI=21) Weight(BMI=23 )
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
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Prevention and Management of Diabetes email:
5 Ft 5 Inches
5 Ft 6 Inches
5 Ft 7 Inches
5 Ft 8 Inches
Yoga Asanas that can help diabetics are those which create pressure on right side of abdomen.
While doing Asanas, it is recommended to do visualization on positive effect the asana is having
on pancreas. Yoga should be done without much taxing the body, slowly raising stretching with
mindfulness. Also diabetics need to do Yoga under supervision of professionally trained teacher.
Yoga asana should be a part specially designed exercise plan for diabetics that also includes
aerobic, weight training exercises. Madras diabetes research foundation risk test
Diabetes test.xlsx
We hope information compiled above will benefit the diabetic patients as well as any health
conscious person for enhancing wellth, leading a healthy and disease free life. This document is
intended to compliment professional medical treatment.
Please send e mail [email protected] if you register for our quarterly residential
wellness programs that has Yoga Shuddhi Kriyas along with individual consulting on diet,
exercise plan.
Prevention & Management of Diabetes
Issued in public interest by SLK Foundation
Saoukhya, सौख्य G-29, Sector 12, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai Pin 410210
Tel 022-27746312Email: [email protected]