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Chapter 3
Solids, Liquids and Gases
Section 1 States of Matter
Solids, liquids and gases may be ____________________________________
_________________ that a substance can exist
Depends on ___________ particles of matter are moving due
to _____________ and how much _____________ they have
Atoms and molecules
Small ____________ that make up matter
Always _________________
• Definite _____________________
• Particles ______________________
• Vibrate in place (_________________)
Amorphous solids
• Atoms _______________________
• Ex: ___________________________
Atoms arranged in orderly fashion with
• Definite volume, ____________________________
• Fluid-- substance that ___________________
• Move fast enough to overcome
• Loosely connected and can slide and __________________
• Particles are close together, difficult _______________
Used in __________________
Properties of liquids
• Surface tension
• Force acting on particles _____________________ (inward
attractive pull) of the liquid that cause liquid to
• Viscosity
• Liquids resistance to flow, more __________, ________ to
• No definite _______________________
• Takes the shape of _____________________
• Particles move fast enough to completely break away from each
other (_______________________________)
• Empty space between particles- _____________________
• Particles are free to move independently and _____________
Most common state of ______________________.
_____________________ made of plasma
No definite ________________________
Particles break away from each other, AND particles
______________________________ (charged particles +,-)
• Conduct _________________________
• On Earth: _______________________ natural plasmas
• Artificial: ____________________ (electric charge pass
through gases)
Section 2 Changes of State
• Change from a _____________________ or
• Change from a __________________________
• Is a “change of state” or “_________________”
• Conversion of substance from one _______________ to
• Physical change
• Identity of substance does not change (________________)
• Ex: Water: water vapor( gas), liquid water, ice
• Energy of substance changes (_______________)
• More _________, particles move _____________
• Gas has more energy than __________, which has more energy
than _____________
_________________ is the transfer of energy
• Causes _____________________________
• Can lead to a _________________________
Temperature is measure of speed of particles or
• Change of state from _______________________
• Ex: Ice to liquid water
• Melting point:________________ at which substance
changes from solid to liquid
• Different for different substances
• Heat is absorbed Is ____________ (endo= into)
• Heat energy causes the particles to increase motion until
___________________________________ of particles
• Change of state from _________________
• Temperature at which substance freezes is the freezing
• point
• Heat energy is removed is _______________ (exo=out of)
• Enough heat is removed to cause particles to slow down and
pulled into more ______________________
• Freezing and melting point is the ___________________!
• 0 degrees C for ________________
Change of state from _____________________
Is ______________________
• Vaporization that occurs ___________________________
• Occurs at boiling point
• Different substances have different boiling points
• Fresh water boils at 100 C at sea level (atmospheric
pressure is _________________ Pa (Pascal SI unit for
• 1_________= 1Pa
• Atmospheric pressure increases at ________________
(more air), less at ____________________
• Water boils at less than 100 degrees at high elevation
• Less air pressure, easier for _______________________
Vaporization occurs at __________________________
Occurs _______________ boiling point
Change of state from a _____________________
Same as boiling point
Is _________________, energy released
Particles clump together when __________________
overcomes their motion
Change of state from a _____________________
When substance ____________________ either
• _________________ changes
• _______________ changes
• While a substance changes state, the temperature does not
change until ___________________________
• The heat transfer during a phase change is used to break or
Section 3The behavior of gases
• When working with gases, it is helpful to know:
• 1) Volume:_______________________________
• 2)Temperature: measure of average _________________ of
• 3) Pressure: force of gas ____________________ of the
• Amount of _____________________
• Pressure is _____________________ of balloons,
basketballs, and all containers with gas inside
• Gases will move from an ____________________ to an area
of low pressure
• Units of Pa= Pascals= force/area= __________________
Charles’s Law
• A fixed amount of gas a constant pressure will increase in
• (Increase of temperature causes particles
________________, colliding with the sides of the container
more often with a _____________, pushing it outward)
• Increase T, _________________
Boyle’s Law
• A fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature will
________________ as the pressure decreases and vice versa
• Increase V, ____________________