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Aim 38: What occurs during the female menstrual cycle?
________________________ is the stage at which the individual become capable of _________________________.
Once puberty and sexual maturity is reached, females begin a regular cycle that occurs once a month. This series of events
prepares the uterus for possible pregnancy. This female reproductive cycle is called the __________________________
A) Overview of the Female Menstrual Cycle
Notice the rise and fall in the hormone levels at various times. These changes influence such events such as the release
of the ________________ from the ovary, preparation of the uterus for possible ____________________ and the
__________________ of the uterine lining if no _____________________ occurs.
How long is
the cycle?
28 days
What is the
regulated by?
hormones are
1. __________________________. Secreted by ______________________________
2. __________________________. Secreted by ______________________________
3. _________ (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). Secreted by ______________________________
4. _________ (Luteinizing Hormone). Secreted by _____________________________________
B) Stages of the Female Menstrual Cycle
Follicle Stage
(10-14 days)
Hormone Action
Pituitary (gland at the
Events occurring in Ovary and Uterus
bottom of the brain)
Estrogen causes _________________ to
secretes ___________,
grow in _______________ and causes the
which stimulates the
uterine lining to ___________________
(where the eggs mature)
in ovaries to secrete
(Day 14)
FSH production
Egg is __________________ from a
LH production
follicle in the ________________ and
enters the ___________________
by the pituitary
Luteum Stage
(10-14 days)
(4-5 days)
LH and FSH
Ruptured follicle forms a yellow body
called the _______________________,
which secretes _____________________.
Progesterone continues to
____________________ the uterine lining
to prepare for the attachment of an
Progesterone levels
If fertilization ______________________
__________________, low progesterone
levels cause the uterine lining to
___________________ (shed), and pass
out of the birth canal with the
______________________ egg
(female’s period)
The menstrual cycle ___________________ individual to individual
When the menstrual cycle permanently ________________, it is called _________________________ ( ~51 yrs old)
Menstrual Cycle Questions Part A
1. In the blank spaces on the graph above, LABEL what section A, B and C represent
2. Which section of the graph shows the location where the zygote would most likely become implanted and
develop? Section: _____________________
3. According to the graph, on which day is the egg released from the ovary? ______________
4. Which sections of the graph represent structures affected directly by the hormones shown on the graph:
Sections: ____________________________
5. What hormones causes the uterine lining to BEGIN to thicken:
6. What hormone MAINTAINS the thickness of the uterine lining:
7. What hormone causes the follicle to BEGIN to grow:
8. What happens LH and FSH drastically increases:
9. What is the importance of maintaining a thick uterine lining:
10. If an egg is not fertilized by sperm and the female does not get pregnant:
a. Which hormone decreases?
b. How is the body affected by this change in hormone level?
11. What hormone do you think is being tested for when a woman takes a pregnancy test? EXPLAIN WHY:
(Hint: which hormone increases at the same time a fertilized egg would be attaching to the uterine lining).
12. Name another reproductive hormone NOT shown on the graph above:
Menstrual Cycle Questions Part B