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Possible 10 and 20 Mark Questions: Education
Role/Theory of Education
10 Mark Questions
…analyse two functions of education according to Functionalist/Marxist/New Right sociologists
…analyse two ways the correspondence principle operates within the school
…analyse two ways the hidden curriculum operates within the school
…analyse two ways in which the education system reproduces social class inequalities from
one generation to the next
…analyse two ways education prepares young people for the workplace
30 Mark Questions
…evaluate the view that ‘education reproduces and legitimates social class inequality’
…evaluate the view that education prepares young people for society/the workplace
…evaluate the view that education is functional for society/the workplace
…evaluate Functionalist/Marxist explanations of the role of education
Educational Policies
10 Mark Questions
…analyse two aims of vocational education
…analyse two ways vocational education prepares young people for the workplace
…analyse the effects of two marketization/privatisation/equality of opportunity/selection
…analyse two marketization/privatisation/equality of opportunity/selection policies
…analyse two reasons why middle class parents are, in general, more successful in accessing
better schools for their children than those from more disadvantaged backgrounds
…analyse two ways in which globalisation has affected educational policies in the UK
30 Mark Questions
…evaluate the claim that marketization and privatisation policies have/have not increased
educational inequality
…evaluate the claim that equality of opportunity policies have improved equality of
educational opportunity
…evaluate the claim that ‘education policies in the last 30 years have raised achievement for
all through creating a market in the state education system’
Differential Achievement and Pupil Identities
10 Mark Questions
…analyse two ways in which material deprivation can impact on educational achievement
…analyse two reasons why the labelling of pupils may lead to their underachieving
…analyse two ways in which pupils may respond to labelling and streaming
…analyse two forms of pupil response to teachers’ racism and negative labelling
…analyse two external/internal factors that contribute to working class/male/ethnic minority
…analyse two external/internal factors that may cause gender/class/ethnic differences in
…analyse two reasons why girls/middle class/Indian and Chinese pupils achieve highly in
…analyse two reasons why boys/working class/ethnic minority pupils underachieve in
…analyse two reasons why girls and boys often choose to study different subjects
…analyse two ways in which pupils’ identities may lead to underachievement
…analyse two ways in which pupils’ class/gender identities may lead to underachievement
…analyse two cultural factors that may cause class/ethnic differences in achievement
30 Mark Questions
…evaluate the view that working class/male/ethnic minority underachievement is a product of
[internal/external factor]
…evaluate the view that ethnic/class/gender differences in educational achievement are a
product of factors inside/outside schools
…evaluate the view that although girls outperform boys in terms of achievement, the
experience of schooling reinforces traditional gender identities
…evaluate the view that factors internal to the education system are the main cause of
differences in achievement between social groups
…evaluate sociological explanations for social class/gender/ethnic inequalities in educational