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Writing a Compelling Artist Statement
Why is an artist statement important?
An artist statement is primarily designed to make a viewer relate more to your work. A
good artist statement helps make an artist and their work come across more compelling.
Think of an artist statement as a complement to an artist’s work that emphasizes key
aspects of the artist and his/her work.
What makes a good artist statement?
Three things: Clarity, Brevity, and Focus.
Clarity. Get to the point but don’t exhaust the viewer by doing it. Saying too much can
ruin the message.
Brevity. Be concise. Rare is the good statement that is more than 300 words (one page,
single-spaced). PCPC restricts the artists to 100 words for exhibitions purposes. Most
people read only two or three paragraphs (if that), which is why the key information
should be at the top of the statement.
Focus. Before even thinking about the specifics, ask yourself: What am I trying to
accomplish as an artist? What is this specific piece trying to accomplish? What
influenced me while creating it? Is Christ glorified and how? Is the theme communicated
well? Then write your statement accordingly.
What is the most important thing in an artist statement?
What is intent of this piece (what are you trying to accomplish with it?)
Who do you want to reach with it?
What is the message you want to convey?
What do you want to say about your work?
o Materials used
o influences/current inspirations
o Key themes
o Overarching message(s)
5. How heavily should autobiographical elements play into work?
It is impossible to say everything about your art that you might want to say, so you have
to be a rigorous editor. For example, if your personal biography is directly relevant to
your work, you may want to include more of that information than someone who doesn’t
overtly draw from his/her life as a basis for their art. Of course every artist draws on
his/her life experience, but a lot of those details are not necessarily relevant and can be
left out.
What things should an artist leave out of a statement?
It is hard to generalize because different artists chose to emphasize different things. As a
rule, though, art theory should be used sparingly. Art jargon and complex ideas tend to
muck up a short artist statement. If there are key aspects that steer your work, then
certainly include them, but do it concisely.
What should the tone of an artist statement be?
An artist statement is a recognized, documented form of communication that is why it is
called a “statement.” It is not a conversation or a casual e-mail—in other words it is not a
place to be chatty.
Worried about people thinking that you are bragging? Don’t be. You have a God-given
A lot of artists approach self-promotion with dread—it may not be natural for them, and
they would just prefer to just work on their art. Even the biggest artists had to worry
about the details of their marketing when they first began. All artists must promote
themselves to be successful. And most artists do a lot of their own promotion. Make the
process self reflective. It can be enriching and actually help you understand your own
work better. And ultimately, the point is to get your work out there and advance your
career and the kingdom of God at the same time.