Download World Geography Unit 2/Physical Geography 1. Alluvial Plain

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World Geography
Unit 2/Physical Geography
Alluvial Plain - Flat landform created by the deposition of soil from rivers.
Archipelago - Chain of islands
Atmosphere - Layer of gases surrounding the planet.
Barrier island -Long, relatively narrow island running parallel to the mainland
Biomes – Geographic regions that support different kinds of life.
Biosphere- The part of the earth's crust, waters & atmosphere that supports life, forests,
grasslands, deserts & tundra.
7. Canyon- Deep ravine between cliffs often carved from the landscape by a river
8. Cataract – Large waterfall
9. Continental Drift - Movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other by appearing to
drift across the ocean bed
10. Continentality- The impact of a location on a continent. Close to large body of water =
smaller difference in temperature. Farther away from water = greater difference in temperature.
11. Cyclones -Storm characterized numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds & flooding
rains (two types of cyclones: hurricanes in the Pacific & typhoons in the Atlantic)
12. Delta - Landform that is formed at the mouth of a river where if flows into a large body of
13. Drainage basin - Area of land where water from rain & melting snow converges to a single
point, usually the exit of the basin.
14. Earth-sun relationships – Reason for the seasons(revolution 365 1/4 days) &
day/night(approx 24 hours)
15. Ecosystem - Community of living beings in conjunction with their environment interacting as a
16. El Nina – (La Nina) exists when cooler than usual ocean temperatures occur on the equator
between South America and the Date Line. Precipitation is less than usual in California as a
17. El Nino – The warming of the Pacific Ocean between South America and the Date Line,
centered directly on the Equator. Both El Nino & La Nina are due to changes in wind patterns.
18. Erosion - Process by which soil & rock are removed from the Earth's surface by natural
processes such as wind or water flow,
19. Escarpment - Cliff or steep slope separating two comparatively level or more gently sloping
surfaces and resulting from erosion or faulting
20. Fault - Break in the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust, along which rocks on either side
have moved past each other.
21. Fjord - Narrow inlet of the sea between cliffs or steep slopes (Norway has 1000’s of fjords).
22. Fold - Bend or flexure produced in layers of rock.
23. Headwaters - The source of a stream (opposite of the “mouth”).
24. High latitude - Part of the earth’s surface located near the north pole and also the south pole
(one season: COLD).
25. Mid Latitude – Part of the earth’s surface located between the Arctic circle & the tropic of
cancer and the Antarctic circle & the tropic of Capricorn. These areas experience seasonal
weather changes (4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall).
26. Low Latitude – Part of the earth’s surface located between the tropic of cancer & tropic of
Capricorn (two seasons: Rainy/Dry).
27. Hurricanes - Tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that
occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and
28. Hydrosphere - The surface waters of the earth and the water vapor in the atmosphere
29. Isthmus – a narrow strip of land connecting two larger pieces of land (ex: Central America)
30. Lake - Large inland body of standing water;
31. Leeward - Located away from the wind (opposite of windward see LACE MOPS)
32. Lithosphere – Made up of the earth’s crust & solid upper mantle.
33. Monsoons - Periodic wind in the Indian Ocean and southern Asia that brings periods of heavy
rain followed by a dry season.
34. Mountains - Elevation higher than a hill
35. Orographic Effect – Rapidly rising air forced up by mountains creates rain or snow on the
windward side of the mountain.
36. Peninsula - Piece of land nearly surrounded by water or sticking out into the water
37. Plateau - Broad flat area of high land
38. Rain shadow - Dry area on the lee ward (back) side of a mountainous area.
39. Rift Valleys – Landform characterized by steep, mountainous sides & flat floors. Steep sides
are created by displacement on faults when the valley floor moves down or the sides move up.
40. Ring of Fire - Seismically active belt of earthquakes, volcanoes, & tectonic plate boundaries in
the Pacific.
41. Strait - Narrow channel connecting two large bodies of water
42. Subduction - Process in which one tectonic plate is pushed downward beneath another plate
into the underlying mantle when plates move towards each other.
43. Temperate - Climate that is usually mild without extremely cold or extremely hot temperatures
44. Tributary – Flowing into a larger stream or lake
45. Tsunami - Great sea wave produced especially by an earthquake or volcano eruption under
the sea
46. Typhoon - Hurricane occurring in the region of the Philippines or the China Sea
47. Vegetation - Plant life
48. Volcano - Area in the earth's crust from which melted or hot rock and steam come out
49. Weathering - To change by exposure to the weather
50. Windward - Moving or placed toward the direction from which the wind is blowing (opposite of
leeward see LACE MOPS)
Soil Building terms:
51. Leeching - The removal of soluble material from a substance, such as soil or rock
52. Humus - Substance made up of decayed plant or animal matter. Provides nutrients for plants
& increases the ability of soil to retain water.
53. Organic Matter – Animal or vegetable origins.
54. Top Soil – The upper part of the soil
55. Subsoil – Layer of soil under the top soil. May include sand, silt or clay.
56. Bedrock - The solid rock that underlies loose material.
57. Sediment - Solid fragments of material that come from the weathering of rock often settles to
the bottom of a liquid.