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EOC Simulation Review Questions- II
1. What is the beginning of agriculture referred to as by historians?
2. Where was the first code of law created, first form of writing conceived and the wheel, sail and
plow developed?
3. Which civilization developed along the banks of the Nile River?
4. What infamous structure was created by Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China?
5. What influential code of law was given to the Hebrews and delivered by Moses?
6. Who was the leader who created the mighty Persian Empire?
7. Which mighty conqueror would blend Greek, Egyptian, Indian and Persian cultures together?
8. The great Chinese civil service system in which government officials had to take exams was based
on the teachings of which great philosopher?
9. From where does Buddhism make its way into China?
10. These trade routes would link the great empires of India- the Mauryan and the Gupta- the Han
of China and the mighty Roman Empire together?
11. Which great empire of India creates a Golden Age of Culture in which the zero and the decimal
system are developed?
12. What is the primary religion of the people of India even during its classical period under the
Mauryans and the Gupta Empires?
13. Which religion would spread and flourish as a result of the Roman road system?
14.What unique code of law was created by the Romans?
15.After the Roman Empire was split in two by Diocletian, which emperor would end the
persecution of the Christians?
16. What unique Roman structure carried water into its cities?
17.What form of government has its roots with the Romans?
18. Which classical city-state first experimented with democracy for its male citizens?
19. What two major factors for a thriving civilizations come to an with the fall of the Roman Empire
and put Western Europe into a period often called the Dark Ages by historians?
20. What would be the legacies of the great emperor of the Byzantine Empire- Justinian?
21. What would the capital city of the Byzantine Empire be famous for during the Dark Ages?
22. What future empire would be heavily influenced by the Byzantine Empire and its Eastern
Orthodox religion?
23.What was the main difference between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic
24. What great empire would take over much of North Africa and the Middle East and threaten
Western Europe?
25. What great medieval leader of the Franks would unite much of Western Europe into what would
become the Holy Roman Empire?
26.What governs the behavior and worship of all Muslims?
27.What great contributions from the Islamic Empire are still used by us today?
28. Where did the majority of Europeans peasants live, work and farm during the Middle Ages?
29.What did the Crusades inspire Europeans to seek to do?
30. What were the Crusades supposed to re-take?
31. What three events led to the end of the Middle Ages in Europe?
32. Which innovation would spread learning and ideas and also help to end the Middle Ages?
33. Whose voyage would initiate the Era of Exploration and Discovery?
34. Which explorer would conquer the mighty Aztecs and impact the course of Spanish domination
in the New World?
35. What major crop was grown by the Native Americans?
36.What was the exchange of slaves, resources and diseases from the Old World to the New World
referred to by historians?
37. What discovery in art during the Renaissance would impact the development of art and
38. Which scientist would challenge the Church with the observations he made through his
39. What process would be initiated by Bacon and Descartes that would change the process of
scientific thinking?
40. What did Martin Luther protest in 1519 when he posted his 95 Theses that would begin the
Protestant Reformation?
41. Which English king would write the Act of Supremacy in 1534 and start a reformation movement
in his kingdom?
42. What type of government does John Calvin implement in Geneva during the Reformation?
43. Which scientific thinker would develop the laws of motion and gravity?
44. What young heroine would be the savior of France during the Hundred Years’ War?
45. What would be the result of the reigns of almost all of the absolute rulers in Europe?
46. What Renaissance thinkers work actually favored an absolute monarchy?
47. Which Enlightenment thinker would develop the influential ideals that would later be written
into the Declaration of Independence?
48. What was the primary cause of the American Revolution?
49. What was the policy by which colonies in the New World were utilized for their wealth and
50. What was the primary reason for the French Revolution?
51. What famous document was written by the French revolutionaries that gave natural rights to
French citizens?
52. Who rose to power at the end of the French Revolution?
53. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
54. What do we see grow throughout the Industrial Revolution?
55. What were the needs of the Imperialist powers throughout the nineteenth century?
56. What was the result of Imperialism for the people in most of the countries ruled by the major
European powers?
57. What would link together oceans for trade during the era of Imperialism?
58. What two nations would the US open up the world for trade during the era of Imperialism?
59. What were the primary causes of World War I?
60. Where was most of World War I fought on the Western Front?
61. What type of fighting characterized the Western Front in World War I?
62. What new weapons of war were introduced in World War I?
63. Through the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, which nation was blamed and saddled with paying for
World War I?
64. What two key industries grow up in the early twentieth century in the US?
65. What is the plan to assist Germany by the US to recover from World War I?
66. What entertained people throughout the 1920’s?
67. What event signaled the beginning of the Global Depression?
68. What was the package of programs passed by FDR in the US to deal with the Global
69. As a result of the depression what leader comes to power in Germany in 1933?
70. What nation dropped out of World War I and had become a communist dictatorship?