Download the harmful effects of table salt

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The Center for Science in the Public Interest is a nutritional lobbying group and they claim that
sodium chloride, common table salt, is very dangerous to eat. They are so concerned; they are
working to get the status of salt changed so that it can go from its current unregulated status to a
status which the FDA has authority to regulate.
Salt has the preservative characteristic of being a natural antibiotic. On a food item, it kills living
bacteria and therefore impedes the decay process of that food. Salt causes excessive thirst
because it pulls water from the bloodstream. These present the two most damaging effects on the
digestive system.
Because salt is a natural antibiotic, it kills good bacteria in the body. As a substance that draws
water, it interferes with the normal absorption of water which possibly leads to constipation and
the accumulations of toxins in the intestinal tract. Most table salts are depleted of minerals the
body needs and have additives that are harmful when ingested.
Salt is pervasive in American food products and people have begun to pay attention. Lowsodium diets have become so popular until many companies have paid attention and started
offering reduced-salt options.
Natural salts, like "sea salt," are partially refined. But, they are becoming much more popular and
are being sold as a table salt replacement. Other alternatives, Celtic Sea Salt are living substances
which contain the vital minerals the body needs. Because your body fluids resemble sea salt,
these salts are beneficial for balancing body fluids.
Health Benefits of Celtic Sea Salt
 Balances blood sugar and acid levels and helps the body's cells generate electrical energy.
 Natural antihistamine which regulates phlegm and mucus in the sinuses and nasal cavity.
 Helps prevent osteoporosis, muscle cramping, and irregular heartbeat.
 Promotes healthy sleep and intimacy patterns
How to Eliminate Toxins of Table Salt
 Begin using Celtic Sea Salt, natural unprocessed salts (use sparingly).
 Use alternative substances to flavor foods:
o Braggs™ Liquid Amino which contains essential and non-essential amino acids
o Fresh herbs
o Lemon or lime juice
 When dining out, try requesting NO SALT.
Celtic Sea Salt
Celtic sea salt is harvested off the coast of France using methods originating with the Celts many
centuries ago, leaving it in its natural form. The natural methods used to harvest this particular
brand of sea salt enable the crystals to maintain not only a wonderful, clean, but the diverse
amount of healthy craved by the human body remain inherent within the salt as well.
Traditional table salt has been treated with various chemicals and refined, removing and
destroying any natural minerals and nutrients it once contained. Bleaching and anti-caking agents
are added mainly for the purpose of creating a cleaner looking, free-flowing crystal, but in
actuality the result is something rather toxic.
Celtic Sea Salt imparts a pure, fresh taste to your meals, rather than the harsh flavor of table salt.
But more importantly, nearly eighty vital nutrients and minerals can be found in the tiny, gray
crystals of Celtic sea salt, serving to provide the body with a healthy dose of electrolytes,
energy, and other healthy body functions such as immune system strengthening and the
absorption of nutritious elements from food. The trace minerals also play an important part in
cleansing the body and aiding in healthy digestion.
DISCLAIMER: Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the
advice of your treating doctor. This Health Ministry does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose
illness. We recommend healthy alternatives to the Standard American Diet (SAD), which allow the body to rebuild
and heal itself. The views and nutritional suggestions expressed by this Health Ministry are not intended to be a
substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition, see your physician of choice.