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What you need to understand
When you have completed Chapter 1 you should be able
1. Outline the scientific method.
2. Explain why the scientific method has been more successful than other approaches to
understanding the universe.
3. Distinguish between a law and a theory.
4. Discuss the role of a model in formulating a scientific theory.
5. Give the reason why Polaris remains most nearly stationary in the sky.
6. Define constellation.
7. Tell how to distinguish planets from stars by observations of the night sky made several
weeks or months apart.
8. Compare how the ptolemaic and copernican systems account for the observed motions of
the sun, moon, planets, and stars across the sky.
9. Explain the significance of Kepler's laws.
10. State why the copernican system is considered correct.
11. Define day and year.
12. Define fundamental force.
13. Explain why the earth is round but not a perfect sphere.
14. Explain the origin of tides.
15. Explain in terms of the scientific method why the discovery of Neptune was so important
in confirming the law of gravity.
16. Change the units in which a quantity is expressed from those of one system of units to
those of another system.
17. Use metric prefixes for small and large numbers.
18. Use significant figures correctly in a calculation.
The Scientific Method
Formulating a problem
Observation and experiment
Interpreting the data
initially, a scientific interpretation is usually called a hypothesis
may lead to a rule or law to which data seems to conform
may be a theory, which is a more ambitious attempt to account for
what has been found
Testing the interpretation by further observations
and experiments
This allows to see whether the interpretation correctly predicts the
The Scientific Method
Figure 1-1
Laws Of Nature
 Everything in the universe behaves in a certain, regular way.
 These behaviors are known as the laws of nature.
 To be a law of nature, a certain regularity must hold true
everywhere at all times within its range of applicability
 We use these laws to predict phenomena not yet discovered
Uranus’ irregular motion led to discovery of Neptune
 The laws of nature can give us an idea of what is going on in places
we cannot examine directly
Sun’s interior and interior of an atom
Theories and Laws
 Law tells us “what”
 Theory tells us “why”
 Einstein’s general theory of relativity interprets gravity
as a distortion of space-time around a body of matter
 This theory accounts for Newton’s law of gravity and
that light should be affected by gravity
Why Science is Successful
 Science is a powerful tool for investigating nature
because of the constant testing and retesting of its
 Laws and theories are not necessarily the final word;
they are only valid as long as no contrary evidence
comes to light
The Solar System
 A survey of the sky
 Polaris (the North Star)
 this star seems barely to move in the northern sky because it happens to lie
almost directly over the north pole in line the the earth’s axis
 Constellations
 Easily recognizable groups of stars, such as the Big Dipper in Ursa Major
 Planets visible to the naked eye include:
The Solar System
 The Ptolemaic System
 Ptolemy A.D. 100-170
 The Earth as the center of the universe
 Earth stands at the center of the universe, motionless,
with everything around it moving about it in circles or in
combinations of circles
 His system included 80 epicycles and was supreme until
Copernicus in 1543
 He named 48 of today’s 88 constellations
The Ptolemaic System
Figure 1-7
The retrograde motion of Mars as shown
in a series of images taken on the same
photographic plate.
Ptolemy explained this motion using a geocentric (Earthcentered) model of the solar system in which the planets
orbited the Earth indirectly by moving on epicycles which in
turn orbited the earth.
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543)
Copernicus, the youngest of four
children, was born in Torun, Poland.
He pursued his higher education in
Italy, where he received a doctorate
in canon law and studied medicine.
Copernicus developed a
heliocentric theory of the known
universe and just before his death in
1543 published this work under the
title De Revolutionibus Orbium
Coelestium. His revolutionary theory
was flawed in that he assumed that
the planets had circular orbits
around the Sun. This was corrected
by Johannes Kepler.
The Solar System
 The Copernican System
 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
 Developed the idea that the earth and all the other
known planets rotated around the sun in a circular
 Earth rotates daily on its axis
 Moon revolves about Earth
 Stars are far away
The Copernican System
Figure 1-8
The Solar System
 Kepler’s Laws – how the planets actually move
 Using Tycho Brahe’s extensive data which was appropriated by Kepler
upon his death in 1601, Kepler hoped to prove Copernicus correct once
and for all
 He discarded current theories on the solar system and began to look for
a new cosmic design that would fit Tycho’s observations better.
Johannes Kepler 1571 to 1630
 Kepler used Tycho Brahe’s Mars data
 Accuracy was best of the time ( 2 arc min)
 He struggled for 4 years looking for fit
 Tried to fit all manner of shapes
 He came up with the largest egg in history
 Unwilling to compromise over small errors
 Discovered finally Mars moved in elliptical path
 He went on to publish his three laws of planetary motion
Kepler’s 3 Laws of Planetary Motion
 Kepler’s First Law:
 The paths of the planets around the sun are ellipses, not
circles, with the sun at one focus
 Kepler’s Second Law
 A planet moves so that its radius vector sweeps out equal areas
in equal times
 Kepler’s Third Law:
 The ratio between the square of the time needed by a planet to
make a revolution around the sun and the cube of its average
distance from the sun is the same for all the planets
An ellipse can be drawn with a pencil, a loop of string, and two
thumbtacks, as shown. If the string is kept taut, the pencil traces out an
ellipse. The two thumbtacks are located at the two foci of the ellipse.
The amount of elongation in a planet’s orbit is defined as
its orbital eccentricity. An orbital eccentricity of 0 is a
perfect circle while an eccentricity close to 1.0 is nearly a
straight line. In an elliptical orbit, the distance from a planet
to the Sun varies. The point in a planet’s orbit closest to
the Sun is called perihelion and the point in a planet’s orbit
farthest from the Sun is called aphelion.
Kepler’s First Law: The orbit of a planet about the Sun is
an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
Kepler’s Second Law: A line joining the planet and the
sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.
A Demonstration of Kepler’s Third Law
Kepler’s Third Law
(Period of a Planet) 2
 same for all planets
(Average Orbit Radius)
 same for all planets
 T=Period of the planet which is the time it takes for a planet to
orbit the sun
 R= Average radius of the planets orbit
Why Copernicus was Right
 Copernican system is considered correct today because
there is direct evidence for motions of the planets around
the sun and for the rotation of the Earth
 Evidence includes the change in apparent position of nearby stars
relative to the background of distant ones as the Earth revolves
around the Sun (Parallax)
Shifts are small because stars are far away, but they have been found
Inner planets show phases like the moon
The low frequency of Solar Eclipses ( If Sun circled Earth, they
would occur more frequently )
Tides are manifestation of earth rotation
In 1610, Galileo discovered
four “stars” that move back
and forth across Jupiter. He
concluded that they are four
moons that orbit Jupiter just
as our Moon orbits Earth.
These observations made
by Jesuits in 1620 of Jupiter
and its four visible moons.
Universal Gravitation
 A force of some kind was holding planets in their orbits
around the sun
 Three centuries ago, Isaac Newton (1642-1727) had the
idea that the force holding planets in orbit was the same
force that pulls things to the Earth’s surface
 This is known as the Law of Gravity
 Discovery supported the Copernican model of the solar system
 And accounts for Kepler’s Laws
What is Gravity?
 Gravity is a fundamental force
 A force that can’t be explained in terms of any other
 Only four fundamental forces are known:
 Gravity
 Electromagnetic
 Weak
 Strong
Four Fundamental Forces
Gravitational forces act between all bodies everywhere
and hold together planets, stars, and galaxies
Rel strength 10-37
electromagnetic forces act between electrically
charged particles and govern the structures and
behavior of atoms, molecules, solids, and liquids
Electromagnetic forces can act at unlimited distances
Rel strength 0.007
Four Fundamental Forces
 Weak and Strong
 The weak and strong forces have very short
ranges and act inside atomic nuclei
 Rel strength of strong =1 (accounts for holding
nucleus together)
 Rel strength of weak = 1 x 10-6
Accounts for beta decay, isotopes, nuclear fusion
The Gravitational Pull of the Earth on the Moon
Figure 1-15
What is Gravity?
 The Earth is round because gravity squeezes it to this
 However, the earth is not a perfect sphere, which was
apparent to Newton
 Newton stated that since the earth is spinning , inertia
causes the equatorial portion to bulge
 As a result the earth and is also slightly flatter at the
Gravity Forces the Earth to be Round
Figure 1-17
Gravity and Tides
Spring Tide
Neap Tide
Syzygy configuration
In fact, the tidal bulge lags the earths rotation slightly
The Origin of the Tides
Figure 1-19
What is Gravity?
 The discovery of Neptune
 In Newton’s time, only 6 planets were known:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
In 1781, Uranus was discovered
 Little by little Uranus moved away from its predicted
path among the stars
 Uranus was moving from its predicted path because of
the planet Neptune
Planet Uranus
 Discovered by William Herschel
 Rotational period (hours)-17.9
 Date of discovery 1781
 Orbital period (years) 84.01
 Mass (kg)8.686e+25
 Mean orbital velocity (km/sec)
 Mass (Earth = 1)1.4535e+01
 Equatorial radius (km)25,559
 Equatorial radius 4.01(Earth = 1)
 Mean density (gm/cm^3)1.29
 Mean distance from the Sun
 Mean distance from the Sun
 (Earth = 1)19.1914
Orbital eccentricity 0.0461
Tilt of axis (degrees)97.86
Orbital inclination
Atmospheric composition
Hydrogen 83%
Helium 15%
Methane 2%
Discovery of Neptune,%20Discover%20of.htm
 As early as 1821, astronomers were noting
discrepancies in the orbit of Uranus
 Galle wrote to Leverrier on 25
September, 1846 saying:-
 On 3 July 1841 Adams, while still an
undergraduate at Cambridge, wrote
 Monsieur, the planet of which you
Formed a design in the beginning of this
week, of investigating, as soon as possible
after taking my degree, the irregularities
of the motion of Uranus, which are yet
unaccounted for
 On 31 August, 1846 LeVerrier published
his third paper on the "new planet". This
time he gave full details of the predicted
orbit and the mass. He also deduced the
angular diameter and wrote to Galle: It should be possible to see the new planet
in good telescopes and also to distinguish
it by the size of its disk.
indicated the position really exists.
 Leverrier replied: I thank you for the alacrity with
which you applied my instructions.
We are thereby, thanks to you,
definitely in possession of a new
How Many of What?
 Standard quantities such as the mile are known as
 Every measurement has a number that
answers “how many”
 And a unit that answers “of what”
The SI System
 International system of units
 Derived from the old metric system
Meter (length), kilogram (mass), joule (energy), second
(time), watt (power)
 Advantage is their subdivisions and multiples are in
steps of 10, 100, 1000, etc
 See Table 1-1 for subdivisions and multiples of SI Units
 See Table 1-2 for conversion factors for length
In Class Review
1. Which statement best characterizes the nature of science?
a. The laws and theories of science are based on belief
and speculation.
b. Science is a living body of knowledge, not a set of
unchanging ideas.
c. Science has done a poor job of explaining physical
phenomena and has failed to
improve the quality of human life.
d. Science is superior to other aspects of human culture
such as religion, art, and music.
2. A scientific law
a. is seldom based upon experimental evidence
since it can never be considered to be
absolutely true
b. usually states a regularity or relationship that
describes how nature behaves in a certain,
specific way
c. explains why certain phenomena in nature take
d. is known to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt
3. The ptolemaic system fulfilled the requirements
of a scientific theory because
a. its explanations of celestial motions, based on
observations, resulted in testable predictions
b. it was presented openly for public inspection
when included in Ptolemy's Almagest
c. it was believed to represent an accurate view of
the universe and solar system by
religious leaders and learned scholars of the time
d. it provided a "common sense" explanation
concerning the observed motions of
heavenly bodies
4. The principle known as Occam’s razor states that
a. the most complicated scientific explanation for a given
phenomenon is likely to be correct
b. a scientific hypothesis that makes common sense is most
likely to be correct
c. scientific inquiry can never lead to a complete
understanding of the natural world
because it is impossible to precisely measure any physical
d. the simplest scientific explanation for a phenomenon is
most likely to be correct
6. The time it takes a planet to make one complete trip
around the sun is called the planet's
a. revolution
b. orbit
c. rotation
d. period
7. The modern version of the Copernican system is
considered to be correct because
a. most people believe that the copernican system is
correct, and the majority viewpoint
b. predictions of planetary motions based on the
Copernican system proved to be correct
c. there is direct evidence that the earth rotates and the
planets revolve around the sun
d. a committee of scientists has certified that the
Copernican system is correct
8. When observable evidence does not agree with a
scientific theory
a. the truthfulness of the evidence must be questioned
since a theory is never wrong
b. the evidence is ignored and the theory remains valid
c. the theory is reduced in status to a hypothesis
d. the theory must be modified or discarded
9. Spring tides
a. occur only in the spring
b. occur when the sun and moon are in
line with the earth
c. have a low range between high and low
d. occur when the sun and moon are 90°
apart relative to the earth
10. The points corresponding to the
positions of the tacks are called
a. epicycles
b. foci
c. planets
d. Orbits
11. The sun would occupy a position
a. at either point F1 or F2
b. at the center of the ellipse
c. at the pencil
d. somewhere on the circumference of the
12. The drawing is a visual representation
a. Newton's law of gravity
b. Kepler's first law of planetary motion
c. Kepler's second law of planetary motion
d. Kepler's third law of planetary motion
13. The shaded areas are:
a. Equal only for MARS
b. Represent Kepler’s 3rd law
c. Are equal area only if time AB is same as
time BC
d. The equal area rule only applies at aphelion
and perihelion so the shaded areas mean
14. The planet would be traveling the fastest along that
portion of its orbit represented by the
distance between the letters
a. a and b
b. c and d
d. none of the answers is correct because the planet's speed
remains constant along its orbit
15. If the average orbit radius of the planet is increased, the
period of the planet will
a. decrease
b. increase
c. remain unchanged
d. decrease or increase depending on the mass of the planet