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Private firm claims to have found MH370:
Australian company detects 'wreckage of a
commercial airliner' in the Bay of Bengal
which appeared on sea-floor scans the same
time the Malaysian Airlines plane vanished
Sea-floor surveying company GeoResonance was scanning for metals along
the ocean floor when they got a hit for an object with the same metallic makeup as a commercial plane
They say the item appeared between '5th and 10th of March 2014'
The dates fit MH370's disappearance, which vanished March 8
The site - 1000 miles from Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal - is at the northern
tip of the initial search area
But it's thousands of miles from the current concentrated search area
The Joint Agency Coordination Centre has dismissed the claim, saying it still
believes the current search area is MH370's most-likely location
It follows an announcement from Australian PM that debris from the aircraft
would have sunk by now
Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has expressed doubts
that MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean and blamed Boeing for its fat
PUBLISHED: 14:17 GMT, 29 April 2014 | UPDATED: 18:44 GMT, 29 April 2014
An Australian company says it has located the wreckage of a commercial airliner lying on the ocean
floor in the Bay of Bengal - an area located in the northern tip of the original search area, but
thousands of miles from where authorities are currently focused.
Tech firm GeoResonance claims its sensor technology has found the wreckage of a plane in the Bay
of Bengal, 118 miles south of Bangladesh.
The company said images taken of the same spot five days earlier showed it had appeared between
the 5th and 10th of March 2014. The plane disappeared on March 8.
The GeoResonance search team scanned the ocean floor for metals found in commercial planes. This image
shows the results for aluminium (left) and titanium (right)
The scan showed metal deposits consistent with a large plane. This second image shows the results for copper
(left) and engine alloys (right)
This image shows the results for hydrocarbons (left) and steel alloys (right). All six scans came from the same
location, 118 miles off the coast of Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal
'The company is not declaring this is MH370, however it should be investigated,' GeoResonance said
in a statement.
The company's director, David Pope, said he only went public with the information after he felt the
authorities were disregarding it.
'We're a large group of scientists, and we were being ignored, and we thought we had a moral
obligation to get our findings to the authorities,' he told CNN today.
GeoResonance typically uses remote sensing technology to look for oil, gas and mineral deposits.
The news comes as international search teams gathered in Perth digest the news that the hope of
finding any floating debris has all-but vanished, with any pieces of MH370 likely to have sunk to the
ocean floor.
It used the same technology to look for chemical elements in aircraft, such as aluminum, titanium and
jet fuel residue.
The company, which uses its technology to excite the nucleii of a specific atom in order to detect it,
started searching for the plane on April 12 by initially trying to find aluminium - the most abundant
metal used to build the 777 model.
GeoResonance claims it has found the wreckage of an aircraft in the Bay Bengal - thousands of miles from
where authorities have focused their search
Once it detects aluminium it moves onto the next most abundant metal - titanium, followed by copper,
steel alloys, then other materials - in order to narrow down the search.
Scanning 'multispectral images' taken from the air GeoResonance says it found an 'anomaly' in the
Bay of Bengal.
However, the Joint Agency Coordination Centre, which is coordinating the multinational search,
dismissed the claim.
'The Australian-led search is relying on information from satellite and other data to determine the
missing aircraft's location,' the JACC said.
'The location specified by the GeoResonance report is not within the search arc derived from this
data. The joint international team is satisfied that the final resting place of the missing aircraft is in the
southerly portion of the search arc.'
The surface search for MH370 has been called off. The search for the missing plane will continue but enter a
new phase, focusing on searching the ocean floor
Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Tuesday that China and Australia were
aware of the announcement.
'Malaysia is working with its international partners to assess the credibility of this information,' a
statement from his office said.
In what is seen as an admission that MH370 will never be found, Australian Prime Minister Tony
Abbott said yesterday that the surface search was being scaled back because it is 'highly unlikely'
clues will be found on the surface of the Indian Ocean.
Instead, the search will enter a new phase with the focus on the ocean floor - despite there being no
'pings' from what was earlier hoped were the aircraft's black boxes.
Mr Abbott said that as the aircraft, which had 239 people on board, has been missing for 52 days, if
there had been any debris from the aircraft it would have now sunk.
'By this stage, 52 days into the search, most material would have become waterlogged and sunk' said
Mr Abbott.
He paid tribute to the 'tremendous work' of air crews from eight nations who have contributed to the
His words were seen as virtually admitting that the search had little prospect of finding the aircraft,
particularly as a concentrated hunt by the undersea search vehicle Bluefin-21 in a 'likely area' had
found nothing.
Adding to the mystery is the testimony of sea current experts that anything that floats is likely to have
washed up on rocks or a beach somewhere.
But nothing has turned up and air and sea searches have also failed to find even a slick of oil that
could be linked to the missing plane if it had plunged into the sea.
Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mr Najib Razak, conceded in an interview that investigators had made no
substantial progress since March 28 - the date experts calculated from satellite data the plane
crashed into the Indian Ocean.
'That's all we have until today,' Mr Najib told the Wall Street Journal.+11
Earlier, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, questioned whether MH370
had even crashed into the Indian Ocean - and he blamed manufacturer Boeing for its fate.
He also suggested the reason passengers and crew did not act to stop whatever was happening on
the Boeing 777 aircraft after it had taken off from Kuala Lumpur was because they were 'somehow
In an opinion piece, Dr Mahathir, who maintains a strong influence in Malaysia's ruling party, said
there was no chance, as had been suggested, that the pilot had committed suicide.
'Even if the pilot wants to commit suicide, the co-pilot and the cabin crew would not allow him to do so
without trying something,' said the former prime minister.
'But no-one, not even the passengers did anything.'
Dr Mahathir also questioned why no debris or oil slick from the plane has been found.
'Can it be that the plane remained intact on crashing and sank with no trace and no-one launching
the lifeboat doors as we are told all these aircraft are equipped with?
'Can one believe this plane quietly floated down into the raging sea and sank conveniently in the
deepest part of the Indian Ocean?'
He said it must have taken some effort if the pilot, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, had disabled the
plane's communication system.
'The co-pilot would notice and for his own life he would have tried to do something.'
Dr Mahathir, 88, who was Prime Minister for 22 years, asked: 'Was he disabled? Were all the crew
members and the passengers disabled?'
He expressed his sadness that staff of Malaysia Airlines were targeted by Chinese relatives of
passengers in Beijing last week 'because they are blaming the wrong people.'
'The loss of the plane is due to the makers, Boeing. How can Boeing produce a plane that is so easily
In an era where passenger planes can be tracked on mobile phones and spy satellites operated by
some countries are able to photography and identify a single person on the ground, Boeing had to
explain how all these methods of tracking the aircraft 'can be disabled, can fail.'
The former Prime Minister's controversial comments did not end there.
'Either Beoing technology is poor or it is not fail-safe.
'I would not like to fly in a Boeing aircraft unless Boeing can explain how all its systems can fail or be
Boeing, he said in his blog post, must demonstrate how the communication system could be disabled.
The company, he added, 'must accept responsibility for building an aircraft that can disappear in midair so completely.'
Insisting that Malaysia Airlines were not to blame for the tragedy, he said it was standard practice that
when a plane crashes, a team of experts would arrive at the scene soonest so as to find the cause of
the crash
'Boeing and the authorities in the manufacturing country should be looking out for the plane.
'Maybe the plane type should be grounded. But Boeing has shown no interest and had said practically
Responding to Dr Mahathir's comments, a Boeing spokesman told MailOnline: 'Our thoughts and
deepest sympathies continue to be with the families and loved ones of those aboard Malaysia Airlines
Flight 370.
'Under the international protocols established for aviation accident investigations, Boeing continues to
serve as a technical advisor to the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, in support of the
Malaysian authorities.'
Read more:
Searchers dispute company's claim that it may have found aircraft wreckage