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February 7, 2012
Goal 1: Compare and Contrast Nominal and Real GDP
Nominal GDP vs. Real GDP
Nominal GDP
-GDP measured in terms of the price level at the time of
the measurement, unadjusted for inflation or deflation
-If prices never changed nominal GDP would be a good
measure from year to year
Real GDP- is GDP corrected for changes in prices
(inflation or deflation) from year to year.
-uses prices from a base year to calculate GDP
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Goal 2: Examine what GDP does not measure.
Limitations to GDP as a Measure
Nonmarket Activities
-GDP does not include certain productive activities do
not take place in a market
-unpaid work of housewives, househusbands, do-ityourself repairmen
-GDP does not account for the value of increased leisure
-more vacation time and holidays are valuable to
peoples production at work
Improved Product Quality
-GDP does not take into account how much products
have improved
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Example: $200 cell phone bought today vs. a $200 cell
phone purchased in 2000.
The Underground Economy
-does not include income made from illegal gambling,
prostitution, and drug dealing
GDP and the Environment
-GDP does not take into account the negative costs of
dirty air, dirty water, toxic waste, congestion and noise.
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Exit Question: What is the difference between nominal
GDP and Real GDP?
2008 2009 2010
MP3 Players Produced 200 200 225
$75 $100 $100
Nominal GDP
Real GDP Base: 2008
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