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Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Big Idea:
What is the minimal amount of information needed to show triangles are similar?
­ You will be determining if triangles are similar
­ You will be evaluating missing sides
­ You will be using similar triangles in real­world applications
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
­ Warm­Up ­ HW #6.3 Questions + HW Quiz
­ 6.4 ­ AA Similarity ­ Examples + Practice
Upcoming Dates:
­ Enlargement project is due Friday!!!!
­ We will be working on a 6.1­6.4 Review assignment on Friday
What does this mean????
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
What is the least amount of information that I need to show
that triangles are similar?
- You will determine if triangles are similar
- You will use similar triangles to find the height of an object
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Let's make 2 different triangles with
the same 2 angles.
- Why must the third pair of angles in each triangle be congruent?
- What do you notice about the resulting triangles?
- Are we doing a proof or looking for a pattern?
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Can you find the measure of the
third angles in each triangle?
What kind
of triangles
are these?
How many right
triangles are in this
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
What other pairs
of angles must be
congruent? How do
you know?
February 17, 2016
No angles are marked
congruent in this diagram,
but what angles can we
conclude are congruent?
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
-Where are the similar triangles?
-Why do we know that they are similar?
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
p. 112 in PW
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
p.113 in PW
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
February 17, 2016
Geometry 6.4 Angle­Angle Similarity Notes
2/17 #6.4 (PW)p.112­113: 1­25
February 17, 2016
Angle­Angle Similarity
For the remainder of class:
­ Work on homework or
­ Work on project ­ PROJECT IS DUE ON FRIDAY!!!