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What do American value?
(Williams 1970)
Achievement and success
 Hard work
 Efficiency and practicality
 Science and rationality
 Progress
 Material comfort
 Equality
 Freedom
 Democracy
Statements of belief
Men are stronger than women.
 God exists.
 Hard work leads to personal success.
 Women are smarter than men.
 The heart is the seat of emotion.
Which of the following is an example of
something that would pertain to a person’s
symbolic culture?
Navajo jewelry
 A knife, fork, and spoon
 Imported French wine
 A Rembrandt painting
 Belonging to a political party
Which of the following is an example of
something that would pertain to a person’s
or a society’s material culture?
Weapons of war
 Democracy as a political system
 A belief in a supreme being
 A preference to have health rather than
 Hard work leads to personal success.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (also called the
principle of linguistic relativity) suggests that:
Although we have different labels for things,
all humans share the same sense of social
Non-verbal communication is as powerful as
language in social interaction.
Language can structure our perceptions of
We relate to each other on a symbolic rather
than literal level.
Our perceptions of reality can affect the
dialect we speak.
In America, a married man who has several mistresses is
violating a_______, but if he is married to more than one
women at the same time he is violating a _____.
Positive sanction/Negative sanction
 Law/Taboo
 Norm/Folkway
 Folkway/Sanction
 More/Law
Which of the following groups in most likely
to be classified as a counterculture?
A group of survivalists living in Montana
 New York taxi drivers
 Students belonging to the Middle
Eastern Studies Club
 Members of the NAACP (National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People)
 A member of the American Bar
A “culture war” is best illustrated by which
of the following example?
The presence of an ROTC unit on a college
One Democrat and two Republican serving
as County Commissioners together
Pro-life advocates demonstrating in front of a
family planning clinic
Christians celebrating Easter, Jews
celebrating Passover and Muslims
celebrating Ramadan
The existence of both a football team and a
debate team in many high schools
When Patti Sue took her world tour she was able to have lunch at a
McDonald’s in Tokyo, eat dinner at a Hard Rock Café in Hong Kong,
purchase clothes at a Macy’s in London, and be entertained at a
Disney Show in Paris. This homogenization of cultures around the
world is called:
 Technological transfer
 Cultural leveling
 Cultural lag
 Cultural diffusion
Why do ethnocentric people tend to
view other cultures as abnormal?
Because other cultures are extremely
different from theirs.
Because they understand other values and
beliefs within the proper cultural context.
Because they use their own culture as a
standard of judgment.
Because they are practicing cultural
Because they are part of a counterculture.
According to sociologists, what
are signs?
Parts of material culture that helps direct
 Ways in which people use their bodies
to communicate without words
 Deeply ingrained norms
 Ideas about what is desirable
 Anything designed to meaningfully
represent something else
When an employee is promoted over the heads of more
deserving coworkers because he or she has a special
relationship with the boss, this is an example of:
The way the culture wars happen
 The role the high culture in determining
status and rank
 The business of culture
 The distinction between ideal culture
and real culture
 The importance of cultural capital
How is a subculture different from a
Members of a subculture actively protest and fight to
change society, while members of a counterculture
drop out of society.
 Both are distinct from the mainstream, but only
members of a subculture actively oppose important
aspects of mainstream culture.
 Subcultures are always smaller than countercultures.
 Both are distinct from mainstream culture, but a
counterculture actively opposes important aspects of
the mainstream.
 Subcultures are not culturally distinct from the
mainstream, they just occupy a particular geographic