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Nada Abdullah
January 30, 2017
Chapter 24: The Great Depression and The New Deal
Causes and Effects of the Depression, 1929-1933:
● Wall street Crash
○ Stock markets were rising from March 1928 to September 1929
○ This all collapsed in October 1929 and millions of investors lost their money
● Black Thursday and Black Tuesday
○ October 24, 1929: ​Black Thursday
○ There was a large amount of selling done on wall street, stock prices “plunged”
○ October 29, 1929: ​Black Tuesday
○ Stock prices had just continued to fall ever since that day
○ Stock prices hit bottom three years later
● Causes of the Crash
○ There was an uneven distribution of income
○ Wages have risen a very small amount considering the amount of productivity
○ Top 5 percent of the richest Americans received over 33 percent of income
○ People began to “play the market” which meant they were no longer investing money
○ People began to wait for the price of a stock to go up
○ People borrowed cost of the stock making down payments of 10 percent
○ Investors depended on the stock prices to increase
○ When the market collapsed, investors lost everything they invested in
○ Farmers suffered from overproduction, high debt, and low prices since WWI
○ Overproduction of consumer goods
○ Because of international banking, manufacturing and trade, nations had become more
○ Europeans never recovered from WWI, US was oblivious to this
● Effects:
○ The nation’s income declined by over 50%
○ 20% of banks were closed, which wiped out 10 million savings accounts
○ 13 million people were unemployed by 1933
○ Farmers and African Americans suffered the most
○ Poverty and homelessness increased
● Hoover’s Policies:
○ President Hoover encouraged:
■ No business cut wages
■ Unions not to strike
■ Private charities should increase their help with the needy and unemployed
■ Hoover believed that public relief should come from state and local governments
Responding to a Worldwide Depression
○ Europeans success was closely tied to the United States
○ Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930): Congress set taxes on foreign imports
○ Purpose: US believed that putting a high tariff would decrease their foreign competition
○ Europeans then began to enact higher tariffs on US goods
○ Both national and international economies suffered deeper depression
○ 1931, US and Europe were suffering so bad that the Dawes Plan couldn’t continue
○ Hoover proposed a suspension of international debts
○ Britain and Germany accepted, France denied
○ Many depositors withdrew money
Domestic Programs: Too Little, Too Late
○ Farm board was created in 1929
○ Board was allowed to help farmers make their prices stable by holding grain and cotton
○ Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Government owned corporation created in 1932
○ RFC was created to stabilize key businesses
○ Democrats believed it would only help the rich
Despair and Protests
○ Farmers banded together to stop banks from closing their farms and taking their homes
○ Farmers created the farm holiday association
○ This was created to attempt reversing the drop in prices
○ This was established by stopping the entire crop of grain harvested in 1932
○ Effort was stopped after violence erupted
○ Summer of 1932: Unemployed veterans marched to Washington D.C to demand
immediate payment of the bonuses promised them at a later day
○ Congress failed to pass the bonus build
○ President Hoover was seen as heartless and uncaring
The Election of 1932
○ Republicans renominated Hoover
○ Democrats nominated Franklin D. Roosevelt and John Nance Garner of Texas for vice
○ Roosevelt pledged the repeal of Prohibition, aid for the unemployed, and cuts in
government spendings
○ Voters were only worried about the depression, voters looked for a candidate who would
end the hard times
○ Roosevelt was chosen as president
○ Twentieth Amendment was passed in February 1933 and ratified by October 1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal
F.D.R: The Man
○ Roosevelt expanded the size of government, scope of operations and enlarged powers of
○ Roosevelt was paralyzed by polio in 1921
○ Continued his work in office, regained full power in upper body
○ FDR was elected governor of NY
○ He instituted number of programs to support minority and jobless
New Deal Philosophy
○ New deal programs were meant to protect the Three R’s:
○ Relief​ for people out of work
○ Recovery​ for Business and the Economy as a whole
○ Reform​ of American economic institutions
○ Louis Howe: Chief political adviser
○ Brain Trust: Rexford Tugwell, Raymond Moley, and Adolph A. Berle, Jr.
○ High administrative positions were the most diverse containing: African Americans,
Catholics, Jews and Women
○ Frances Perkins: First woman to ever serve in a President's Cabinet
The First Hundred Days
○ Congress passed into law everything that the president requested
○ Over 5,000 banks had failed in 1933
○ Banks closed for a bank holiday on March 6, 1933
○ Congress passed the Beer-Wine Revenue Act (legalized the sale of beer and wine)
○ Twenty-first amendment repealed the eighteenth amendment bringing Prohibition to an
○ When the banks reopened, there was more money in the bank than there was withdrawn
Financial Recovery Programs
○ Emergency Banking Relief Act: government were allowed to examine the finances of the
banks when closed
○ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC): guaranteed individual deposit of $5,000
○ Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC): provided refinancing of small homes to
prevent foreclosures
○ The Farmers Credit Administration: provided low interest farm loans and mortgages to
prevent foreclosure on the property of indebted farmers
Programs for relief for the unemployed
○ Federal Emergency Relief Administration: offered grants of federal money to state and
local governments that were operating soup kitchens
○ Public Works Administration: Allotted money to state and local governments for building
roads, bridges, dams and other public works.
○ The Civilian Conservation Corps: employed men and gave monthly sums to families
○ The Tennessee Valley Authority: hired thousands of people to build in Tennessee Valley.
TVA sold electricity to residents
Other programs
○ Industrial Recovery Program: combination of relief and long term reform. NRA was an
attempt to guarantee wages for companies and industries
○ Farm Production control program: Associated with the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration (AAA). Farmers were advised to reduce production. Farmers were
offered to pay government subsidies for ever acre plowed. Concluded as unconstitutional
The Civil Works Administration: hired new laborers for temporary jobs in construction
sponsored by Federal government
The Securities and Exchange Commission: created to regulate stock market. Places strict
The Federal Housing Administration: Insured bank loans to rebuild houses and build new
The Second New Deal:
● Relief Programs:
○ Works Progress Administration: WPA employed 3.4 million people (men and women).
○ Most workers under the WPA worked on construction (buildings, roads, airports, bridges
○ Unemployed artists (painting, writers, actors) were put to work by painting murals, write,
and perform.
○ Resettlement Administration: provided loans to sharecroppers, tenants and small farmers.
● Reforms
○ National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (1935): Guaranteed a workers rights to join a
○ National Labor Relations Board: empowered to enforce the law and protect workers’
○ Rural Electrification Administration: provided loans for electrical cooperatives to supply
power to rural areas
○ Federal taxes: Revenue act of 1935, increased the tax on wealthy.
○ Federal taxes also increased the tax on large gifts from Parent → child
● The Social Security Act
○ Created a federal insurance program based upon the automatic collection of taxes
○ Social Security would be to make monthly payments to retired people over the age of 65
● The Election of 1936
○ Roosevelt was nominated for a second term
○ Alfred Landon was the republican nominee
○ Roosevelt won every state except Maine and Vermont, 60% of the popular vote
○ Democrats consisted of African Americans mainly in the Northern Cities
○ Africans joined the Democratic party because of Roosevelt’s New Deal
Opponents of the New Deal
● Liberal Critics
○ Socialists and extreme liberals in the democratic party criticized the new deal
○ Claiming that the new deal was doing too much for businesses and less for the
unemployed and the working poor
○ Also claimed that the president failed to address the problems of women, ethnic
minorities, and the elderly
● Conservative Critics
○ Attacked the New deal for giving federal government too much power
Conservative critics believed that WPA and labor laws bordered on communism and
○ Anti-new deal organization was created called the “American Liberty League”
○ It’s purpose was to stop the New deal from “subverting” the economic and political
development in the US
○ Charles E. Coughlin: Catholic Priest who founded the National Union of Social Justice
○ NUSJ called for issuing an inflated currency and nationalizing banks
○ He was Anti-semitic and Fascist
○ Dr. Francis E. Townsend: Retired Physician
○ Proposed that every retired person over 60 receives $200 a month
○ Huey Long: “Share our Wealth Program” promised a minimum of 5,000 for every family.
It was paid by taxing the wealthy
○ Long challenged Roosevelt by running for president
○ He was assassinated
The Supreme Court
○ Roosevelt didnt get to appoint any judges or representatives of his choice
○ Roosevelt proposed a judicial reorganization bill in 1937
○ It proposed that the president should be able to appoint an additional justice for each
current justice who was older than 70.5 yrs old.
○ Roosevelt would’ve been allowed to add up to 6 new judges
○ Republicans and Democrats believed this was an attempt to tamper with system of checks
and balances
○ Accusations that the President was trying to give himself the most power arises
Rise of The Unions
● Formation of the C.I.O
○ American Federation of Labor: made up of many unions dominated by skilled white
workers and were organized according to crafts
○ AF of L advocated for recruitment of workers despite their race and sex or their level of
○ John L. Lewis: Leader of Committee of Industrial Organizations and the president of the
United States Mine Workers Union
○ 1936, AF of L suspended C.I.O. Unions and renamed it the ​Congress of Industrial
○ AF of L became the CIO’s largest rival
○ Strikes were very often in the Depression time
○ Workers at an automobile shop believed it was their right to join a union by participating
in a sit-down strike
○ Finally, the United Auto Workers Union was created
○ 1937, a demonstration union picketers ended with four deaths
○ Smaller steel companies agreed to deal with the C.I.O by 1941
● Fair Labor Standards Act
Established in 1938
Established minimum wage of 40 cents an hour
Maximum workweek of 40 hours
Child-labor restrictions on people under 16
Supreme Court declared that child labor was unconstitutional
Last Phase of the New Deal
● Recession, 1937-1938
○ Banks were stable, businesses earning were rising, and unemployment decreased by 10%
○ 1937, economy had a “backward slide”
○ New social security act reduced customer spending
○ President hoped that this would balance the budget and reduce national debt
○ John Maynard Keynes: British Economist
○ He believed that the government's spending would initiate economic growth
○ As federal spendings on public works and relief increased, employment and industrial
production increased as well
● Weakened New Deal
○ Election of 1938 reduced Democratic Majority in Congress
○ 1938, increased in action in Nazi Germany diverted attention from domestic concerns to
International and foreign affairs
Life During the Depression
● Women
○ Women sought to work because there was an income struggle since many fathers were
○ Women were accused of taking jobs from men
○ Many New Deal programs allowed women to receive lower pay than men
● African Americans
○ Racial discrimination continues into the 1930s
○ Employment rates were higher than national average
○ Jobless A.A were excluded from state and local relief programs
○ Lynching continued in the South
○ Civil rights leaders feared that they would lose votes to democratic white southerners
○ The New Deal did provide relief and gave A.A’s low paying jobs
○ Jobs were still segregated
○ African American singer Marian Anderson had been refused the use of Constitutional
Hall in Washington D.C
○ Eleanor Roosevelt organized Anderson to have a concert at Lincoln Memorial
○ Over 100 African Americans were given middle level positions in federal departments by
○ 1941, an executive order was released to create a committee to assist minorities in
gaining jobs
● Native Americans
John Collier: Native American Activist
1933, Collier was appointed commissioner of Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Reorganization Act (1934): This act returned land to the control of the tribes and
supported preservation of Native American Culture
○ Dawes Act of 1887: Encouraged Native Americans to be Independent
Mexican Americans
○ M.A were the principal source of agricultural labor in CA and the SW
○ High unemployment and drought in the Midwest caused dramatic growth in white
migrant workers
○ Discrimination in the New Deal forced many thousands of Mexican Americans to return
to Mexico