Download 16.Meningococcemia.Clinical manifestations, laboratory studies

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List of questions to summary module control №4.
Children infectious diseases.
1. Infectious diseases and immunity in children. Prophylaxis of children infectious diseases
(specific and nonspecific). Immunizations schedule.
2. Diphtheria. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis. Clinical types of diphtheria: respiratory
tract (tonsils, pharynx, nose, larynx) diphtheria, cutaneous diphtheria, other sites diphtheria.
Laboratory studies, treatment (diphtheria antitoxin, antimicrobial therapy), prevention
3. Scarlet fever. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical types of scarlet fever.
Complications. Treatment. Prevention.
4. Measles (rubeola). Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical types of measles.
Complications. Treatment. Prevention.
5. Rubella. Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations. Laboratory studies.
Congenital Rubella. Treatment. Prevention.
6. Whooping cough (Pertussis). Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical manifestations
of pertussis (clinical manifestations in infants). Complications. Laboratory studies. Treatment.
7. Chickenpox (Varicella). Etiology. Epidemiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical types of chickenpox.
Complications. Treatment. Prevention.
8. Herpes zoster (Shingles). Clinical manifestations. Laboratory studies. Treatment.
9. Herpetic infection (herpes simplex). Etiology. Routes of transmission. Clinical manifestations.
Laboratory studies. Treatment.
10. Mumps (Epidemic parotitis). Etiology. Epidemiology. Clinical types of chickenpox(parotitis,
submaxillitis, sublinguitis, pancreatitis, orchitis, meningitis). Treatment. Prevention.
11.Influenza. Etiology, clinical manifestations (clinical manifestations in young children),
laboratory studies, complications, treatment, prevention.
12.Parainfluenzal infection and respiratory syncytial infection. Clinical
treatment, prevention.
13.Adenoviral infection. Spread of infectious agents, clinical manifestations (clinical
manifestations in young children), treatment, prevention.
14. Tonsillitis in children. Etiology (by age), epidemiology, pathogenesis. Clinical types of
diphtheria: respiratory tract (tonsils, pharynx, nose, larynx) diphtheria, cutaneous diphtheria,
other sites diphtheria. Laboratory studies, treatment (diphtheria antitoxin, antimicrobial therapy),
15.Meningococcal disease. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical types of
meningococcal disease. Clinical manifestations of meningococcal meningitis (clinical
manifestations in infants).
16.Meningococcemia.Clinical manifestations, laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
17. Infectious mononucleosis. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations,
laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
18.Poliomyelitis. Etiology, clinical manifestations, treatment, prevention.
19.Nonpolio enteroviruses infections. Etiology, epidemiology, clinical types of nonpolio
enteroviruses infections, laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
20. Shigellosis. Etiology, epidemiology(by age), pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory
studies, treatment, prevention.
21. Salmonellosis Etiology, epidemiology(by age), pathogenesis, clinical types of salmonellosis,
laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
22. Escherichiosis. Etiology,clinical manifestations(by age, by infectious agents), laboratory
studies, treatment, prevention.
23. Acute intestinal diseases in newborns. Etiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory studies,
24. Pseudotuberculosis. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory studies,
treatment, prevention.
25. Yersiniosis. Epidemiology(by age), pathogenesis, clinical types of yersiniosis, laboratory
studies, treatment, prevention.
26. Rotavirus infection. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory
studies, treatment.
27. Hepatitis A. Etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory studies, treatment
28. Hepatitis B. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations of hepatitis B (clinical
manifestations in infants), laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
29. Hepatitis C, D, E and other hepatitis. Clinical manifestations, laboratory studies.
30. HIV infection /AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in children.
Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory studies, treatment, prevention.
31. TORCH - infection (Toxoplasmosis, Cytomegalovirus infection, Herpes simplex I, II types).
Clinical features of the congenital forms according to term of contamination. Laboratory
methods of diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylaxis.
List of practical skills to summary module control №4.
1. Complete blood count - CBC-(pertussis, infectious mononucleosis)
2. Urine analysis: urine routine, diastase, acetone, bile pigments
3.Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
4.Stool analysis (routine)
5. Serologic testing
6. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
7. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
8. Latex agglutination testing
9. Immunochromatographic testing
10.Gram stain
11. Bacteriological analysis
12. Biochemical blood analysis: total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin,
ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, thymol test, sublimate test, electrolytes (sodium,
potassium, calcium, chlorine), glucose, urea, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
13. Prothrombin index, hematocrit (Ht)
14. Examination of patients with infectious diseases, complaints, epidemiological
15. You should be able to take material for bacteriological test from patients with
acute gastrointestinal diseases, diphtheria and tonsillitis.
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