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Algebra II
Final Exam Topics for 2013
Section 6.4 – Division of Polynomials (using Long Division)
Section 6.5 – Division of Polynomials (using Synthetic Division)
Section 11.2 – Remainder Theorem
Section 5.4 – Factor by GCF, Grouping and Difference of Squares
Section 5.5 – Factor Trinomials using Product/Sum Chart
Section 5.6 – Mixed Factoring
Solve Quadratic Equations
Section 5.7 – Solve Polynomial Equations by Factoring
Sections 5.8, 8.2 & 8.6 – Word Problems that involve Quadratic Equations
Section 8.1 – Solve Quadratic Equations using Square Roots and by Completing the
Section 8.3 – Solve Quadratic Equations using the Quadratic Formula
Graph Quadratic Equations (Parabolas)
Sections 9.4, 9.6 & 9.7 – Graph Quadratic Functions in Standard Form
Must be able to find and label the following: axis of symmetry,
vertex, maximum and minimum, x-intercepts and y-intercept
Section 9.5 – Graph Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form (axis of symmetry, vertex)
Write a Quadratic Equation given the vertex and a point on the graph
Rewrite an equation in vertex form from standard form and vice versa
Section 9.8 – Word problems that involve maximum and minimum
Section 8.4 – Discriminant, # of Solutions (x-intercepts/roots/zeros) of Quadratic
Rational Expressions and Equations
Section 6.1 – Simplify, Multiply and Divide Rational Expressions (and state restrictions
for each)
Section 6.2 – Add and Subtract Rational Expressions
Section 6.3 – Simplify Complex Fractions
Section 6.6 – Solve Rational Equations
Radical Expressions
Section 7.1 – Simplify Radical Expressions with nth roots (use absolute value bars when
Section 7.2 – Simplify and Multiply Radical Expressions
Section 7.3 – Divide, Add and Subtract Radical Expressions
Section 7.4 – Multiply using Double Distribution (FOIL) and
Divide by Rationalizing the Denominator and use Conjugates when
Section 7.6 – Solve Radical Equations and check for extraneous solutions
Rational Exponents
Section 7.5 – Rational Numbers as Exponents
Rewrite radical expressions using rational exponents and vice versa
Simplify expressions with Rational Exponents
Section 7.6 – Solve equations that involve rational exponents
Complex Numbers
Section 7.7 – Imaginary and Complex Numbers (Add, Subtract and Multiply)
Section 7.9 – Multiply Complex Numbers using Double Distribution (FOIL) and
Divide Complex Numbers using Conjugates
Section 8.3 a.k.a. 7.10 – Solve Quadratic Equations that have complex solutions
Chapter 17 – Trigonometry
Include –
Pythagorean Theorem
Include –
Special Right Triangles ( 45o ,45o ,90o ) and ( 30o ,60o ,90o )
Section 17.1 – Right Triangles and the 6 Trigonometric Ratios
Section 18.6 – Find the missing side of a right triangle using SOH CAH TOA
Find the missing angle of a right triangle using inverse trig. functions
Use angle of elevation/depression to solve word problems
Chapter 12 – Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Section 12.1 – Inverse Relations and Functions
Section 12.2 – Graph Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Section 12.3 – Convert exponential equations to logarithmic equations and vice versa
Solve logarithmic equations
How to prepare for the exam:
1. Do the review packet and check your answers. Correct your mistakes and ask for
help if necessary.
2. Re-do some of the problems from old quizzes and tests.
3. Try the odd problems in your textbook from the sections above.
4. Read over your notes and create index cards.
5. Ask questions during the review session in class or during extra help.
“Math is not a spectator sport.” You must PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!