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Lorem Ipsum
Have you ever heard about a Prince who became a
religious teacher, and taught people? Today, there are
350-550 million Buddhists worshipping Buddha in the
temple. There are several information of Buddhism, such
as the founder, teachings and rules about the Buddhism.
Beginning of
Did you know that Buddha was born in to a Hindu family?
Many people think Buddhism is from East Asia, but Buddhism
is from India. The Prince Siddhartha was the founder of the
Buddhism, while he had a trip outside of the palace.
Buddhism began in the northern part of India. It started when
King Suddhodana and his wife, Queen Maya.
This map is the how the Buddhism spread out.
Before the baby was born, the queen had a dream that she was
carried over the Himalayas to a silver mountain and set on a silver couch. Then, an elephant with six tusks walked around her,
and suddenly struck her in the right side. After that, the king
and queen went to the Hindu priests, to explain her dream.
They told that their child will have two paths, one to be the
ruler of the country, or if he sees people suffering, he will give
up his royal life and become “Buddha” or the open-minded one.
When the baby was born he could already walk, and about 2
years later proclaimed: “I am the leader of this world and
teacher of the world.” The name given to him was Siddhartha.
He taught eightfold path to people.
1. Right understanding: Develop the understanding 4 noble truths.
2. Right purpose: Live life selflessness. 3. Right speech: Be truthful when you are saying.
4. Right action: Be honest.
5. Right way to earn a living: Do not work job that dam
ages other people.
6. Right effort: Advance good actions.
7. Right mindfulness: Be aware of.
8. Right concentration: Concentrate your mind with such
practices as thought.
Many people think each religion has a holy book, but in Buddhism there is a teaching book instead of holy book. Buddhism is a really not religion. There are many celebrations and festivals related to Buddhism. One of the celebrations is Buddha’s day; it’s called
the “Vesak”. Vesak is the major Buddhist festival of the year.
The Buddhist celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death
of the Buddha on the one day.
In Buddhism, there are teaching book, there are no such as
holy book in Buddhism. The teaching book is called Tripitaka or Tipitaka. The word Tipitaka means 3baskets. According to Buddhism source, the Tipitaka was written down after
50 BC in place named Sanskrit.
How do Buddhist worshippers show they are faithful? There
are different types to worship in Buddhism. One of the types
of worship is praying. When he or she praise, they will be asking or making deals. Then the god will hear the praise, and
answer the prayers. And Buddhist praise in the temple. There are divided into 3 sections. Many of Tripitaka have
not yet been translated into the English language. In the
Tripitaka, there is all the complete teaching of Buddha.
And there are legends about Buddha. Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), Om Mani Padme Hum, out loud or silently to oneself, in-
vokes the powerful benevolent attention and blessings of
Chenrezig, the embodiment of compassion. Spinning the
written form of the mantra around in a Mani wheel (or
prayer wheel) is also believed to give the same benefit as saying the mantra, and Mani wheels.
Is it shared by another religion? Buddhism was from India,
and Hinduism was from India too. The Buddha was born in
Hindu family, just as Jesus born in Jewish family. But the basic beliefs are different. Interactive 1.2 Lorem Ipsum
dolor amet, consectetur
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipisicing elit, sed
do tempor incididunt ut labore
et dolore magna aliqua.
What are the main beliefs of the religion? The main beliefs of the religion are four noble truths. Four
noble truths are the truths that the Buddha discovered under
the Bodhi tree are the basic principles of Buddhism.
1. Suffering is present in all things, and nothing lasts forever. 2. Suffering is caused by cravings (needs and wants). 3. The way to end suffering is to give up all cravings. 4. The way to give up all cravings is to live life according to
the Eightfold Path.
In each religion, there are rules. For example, in Hinduism the worshippers are not allowed to eat beef. The religion rule is about dressing, eating, hair, marriage.
There are several rules about Buddhism. Where does Buddhist worship?
Buddhists can worship both at home or at a temple. It
is not considered important to go to a temple to worship with others.
Famen temple: It’s located to Famen town, Fufeng
country. In 147 AD king Asoka in India traveled
throughout Asia, spreading Buddhist leftovers as punishment for his sins and war like attitude. In China, he
built this temple and left the fingers of Buddha to be
protected here. The reason why Famen temple is popular and important place is because the Indian king built
this temple. Other reason is because temple is a place
that the Buddhist worships.
Home: Buddhists will often set aside a room or a part
of a room as a shrine. There will be a statue of Buddha, candles, and an incense burner.
Temple: Same as the home, inside the temple there are
statue of Buddha, candles and incense burner. Most
popular temple is in China and Japan.
These are the basic rule of Buddhism. “The five precepts”.
5. Do not consume alcohol or other drugs. The
main concern here is that intoxicants cloud the mind.
Some have included as a drug other methods of divorcing ourselves from reality -- e.g. movies, television, the
1. Do not kill. This is sometimes translated as
"not harming" or an absence of violence.
2. Do not steal. This is generally interpreted as
including the avoidance of fraud and economic exploitation.
Rules of Buddhist
Many people think Buddhists eat only plain rice or
hold to a strictly vegetarian diet. In truth Buddhists are
motivated to a vegetarian diet as eating meat implies
that animals have suffered. The only foods outside of a
Buddhist's diet would be alcoholic drinks, and food prepared from animals slaughtered. One of Buddhist rule is shaving their hair. The reason
why they are shaving their hair is when the prince who
was to become the Buddha, one of the first things that
he did was to shave off his hair and beard and put on
the yellow cloth. Buddhist always completely shaves
their head and beard, showing their promise to the
holy life. There is not a rule about clothing, but there is
a cloth that Buddhist wears. The Buddhist wears robe
cloth. They wore 25 centuries ago. One of the robe
cloths is called uttarasanga or kashaya. The uttarasanga or kashaya is the most well-known robe. It is a large
3. Do not lie. This is sometimes interpreted as including name calling, gossip, etc.
4. Do not misuse sex. For monks and nuns, this
means any departure from complete celibacy. For the
laity, adultery is forbidden, along with any sexual harassment or exploitation, including that within marriage. The Buddha did not discuss consensual premarital sex within a committed relationship; Thus, Buddhist traditions differ on this. Most Buddhists, probably
influenced by their local cultures, condemn same-sex
sexual activity regardless of the nature of the relationship between the people involved.
rectangle, about 6 by 9 feet, that can be wrapped to
cover both shoulders, but most often it is wrapped to
cover the left shoulder but leave the right shoulder and
arm bare.
• Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude
and listening to the Dharma (teachings)
There is not really rules about the maraige but these
are the basic rules about mariage.
Supporting one's parents
Loving one's spouse and children
Being generous
This is the buddhist religious robe cloth. It’s called the
uttarasanga or kashaya. The Buddhist wore 25 centuries ago. It’s a large rectangle shape and the Buddhist
wrap to cover shoulder. This robe cloth is important to
the religion. The reason is because it’s the traditional
cloth and they wear the cloth and worship the Buddha.
Having a sense of duty
Helping relatives and acting blamelessly
This ceremony is one of the major ceremony. It’s
called the Buddha’s day, also called Vesak. The Buddhist celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of
the Buddha on the one day. The Buddhist brings food
and candles and flowers to the monks to celebrate Vesak. It’s important to Buddhism. Cause this ceremony
is related to the Buddhism. Because the Buddhist celebrate the Buddha’s birth, Enlightenment and passing
away on the full moon of the 6th lunar month (May).