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FEMS Microbiology Ecology 40 (2002) 251^254
Fems Microbiology Ecology
Subject Index Volume 40
C labelling
Biomarker; Phospholipid-derived fatty acid; Stable isotope analysis;
Gas chromatography-combustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry;
C natural abundance (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
C natural abundance
Biomarker; Phospholipid-derived fatty acid; Stable isotope analysis;
Gas chromatography-combustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry;
C labelling (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
16S rDNA
16S^23S intergenic spacer region; Tetraalkoxysilane; Bioremediation;
Reductive dechlorination (Lowe, M. (40) 123)
Terrestrial isopod; Hindgut; Intestinal bacteria; Indigenous microbial
£ora; Genetic diversity (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
16S rRNA sequencing
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacterium; Terminal restriction fragment
analysis; Arid land soil; Cyanobacterial diversity; Desert soil (Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
16S^23S intergenic spacer region
16S rDNA; Tetraalkoxysilane; Bioremediation; Reductive dechlorination (Lowe, M. (40) 123)
Reductive dehalogenation; Sulfate reduction; Methanogenesis; Estuarine sediment; Molybdate (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
tfdA; Catabolic gene transcription; mRNA; Acclimation (de Lipthay,
J.R. (40) 205)
tfdA; Catabolic gene transcription; mRNA; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (de Lipthay, J.R. (40) 205)
Acetogenesis; Fe(III) reduction; Volcanic soil (Ku«sel, K. (40) 73)
Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis
Denitri¢cation; Denitri¢er; Community analysis; Land¢ll leachate
(Etchebehere, C. (40) 97)
Antibiotic masking
Antibiotic resistance; Temporary loss; Rhizosphere bacterium (Nairn,
J.D. (40) 167)
Antibiotic resistance
Temporary loss; Antibiotic masking; Rhizosphere bacterium (Nairn,
J.D. (40) 167)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Rhizosphere; Bacterial community; Bacterial activity (So«derberg,
K.H. (40) 223)
Arid land soil
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacterium; Terminal restriction fragment
analysis; Cyanobacterial diversity; 16S rRNA sequencing; Desert soil
(Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
Bacillus thuringiensis
Plasmid transfer; pBC16; Conjugation; Mobilization (Thomas, D.J.I.
(40) 181)
Bacterial activity
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Rhizosphere; Bacterial community (So«derberg, K.H. (40) 223)
Bacterial community
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Rhizosphere; Bacterial activity (So«derberg, K.H. (40) 223)
Bacterial diversity
Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism;
Genetic pro¢le; Glufosinate; Transgenic Zea mays; Rhizosphere
(Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Fluorescence; Hydroxyl radical; Brown-rot; White-rot; Soil (Tornberg, K. (40) 13)
Acetate; Fe(III) reduction; Volcanic soil (Ku«sel, K. (40) 73)
Bio¢lm; Polyaromatic hydrocarbon; Pyrene; Phenanthrene (Eriksson,
M. (40) 21)
chemotaxis; oxic-anoxic interface, gradient; Desulfovibrio; Desulfomicrobium; Desulfobulbus (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
Microbial commmunity; BTX; Dicyclopentadiene; Reverse sample
genome probing (Greene, E.A. (40) 233)
K-Keto Q-methylthiobutyric acid
Ethylene; Oxidation; Botrytis cinerea (Chague¤, V. (40) 143)
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 2 7 5 - 1
Biodegradation; Polyaromatic hydrocarbon; Pyrene; Phenanthrene
(Eriksson, M. (40) 21)
Subject Index Volume 40
Biological soil crust
Cyanobacterium; Terminal restriction fragment analysis; Arid land
soil; Cyanobacterial diversity; 16S rRNA sequencing; Desert soil
(Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
Phospholipid-derived fatty acid; Stable isotope analysis; Gas chromatography-combustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry; 13 C natural
abundance; 13 C labelling (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
16S rDNA; 16S^23S intergenic spacer region; Tetraalkoxysilane; Reductive dechlorination (Lowe, M. (40) 123)
Botrytis cinerea
Ethylene; K-Keto Q-methylthiobutyric acid; Oxidation (Chague¤, V.
(40) 143)
Fluorescence; Hydroxyl radical; White-rot; Bacterium; Soil (Tornberg, K. (40) 13)
Microbial commmunity; Biodegradation; Dicyclopentadiene; Reverse
sample genome probing (Greene, E.A. (40) 233)
Calcium phosphate
Translocation; Nutritional heterogeneity; Metal phosphate solubilization; Rhizoctonia solani (Jacobs, H. (40) 65)
Catabolic gene transcription
tfdA; mRNA; Acclimation; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (de
Lipthay, J.R. (40) 205)
aerotaxics; oxic-anoxic interface, gradient; Desulfovibrio; Desulfomicrobium; Desulfobulbus (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
Colony hybridization assay
Oligonucleotide probe; Selective medium; Environmental water sample; Vibrio cholerae (Robert-Pillot, A. (40) 39)
Culturability; Impact; Nematode (Ellis, R.J. (40) 113)
Community analysis
Denitri¢cation; Denitri¢er; Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis; Land¢ll leachate (Etchebehere, C. (40) 97)
Bacillus thuringiensis; Plasmid transfer; pBC16; Mobilization (Thomas, D.J.I. (40) 181)
Community; Impact; Nematode (Ellis, R.J. (40) 113)
Cyanobacterial diversity
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacterium; Terminal restriction fragment
analysis; Arid land soil; 16S rRNA sequencing; Desert soil (Red¢eld,
E. (40) 55)
Biological soil crust; Terminal restriction fragment analysis; Arid land
soil; Cyanobacterial diversity; 16S rRNA sequencing; Desert soil
(Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
Cycad; Diversity; PCR ¢ngerprinting; Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence; Nostoc (Zheng, W. (40) 215)
Cyanobacterium; Diversity; PCR ¢ngerprinting; Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence; Nostoc (Zheng, W. (40) 215)
Denitri¢er; Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis; Community analysis; Land¢ll leachate (Etchebehere, C. (40) 97)
Denitri¢cation; Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis; Community analysis; Land¢ll leachate (Etchebehere, C. (40) 97)
Desert soil
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacterium; Terminal restriction fragment
analysis; Arid land soil; Cyanobacterial diversity; 16S rRNA sequencing (Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
chemotaxis; aerotaxics; oxic-anoxic interface, gradient; Desulfovibrio;
Desulfomicrobium (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
chemotaxis; aerotaxics; oxic-anoxic interface, gradient; Desulfovibrio;
Desulfobulbus (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
chemotaxis; aerotaxics; oxic-anoxic interface, gradient; Desulfomicrobium; Desulfobulbus (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
Sulfate-reducing bacterium; In£ammatory bowel disease (Loubinoux,
J. (40) 107)
Microbial commmunity; Biodegradation; BTX; Reverse sample genome probing (Greene, E.A. (40) 233)
Cycad; Cyanobacterium; PCR ¢ngerprinting; Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence; Nostoc (Zheng, W. (40) 215)
dsRNA mycovirus
Mycocinogeny; Tree exudate yeast community; Interference competition; Trichosporon pullulans (Golubev, W.I. (40) 151)
Environmental water sample
Oligonucleotide probe; Selective medium; Colony hybridization assay; Vibrio cholerae (Robert-Pillot, A. (40) 39)
Estuarine sediment
Reductive dehalogenation; 2,4-Dichlorophenol; Sulfate reduction;
Methanogenesis; Molybdate (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
K-Keto Q-methylthiobutyric acid; Oxidation; Botrytis cinerea (Chague¤,
V. (40) 143)
Eubacterium ramulus
Flavonoid; Quercetin; Rutin (Simmering, R. (40) 243)
Fe(III) reduction
Acetate; Acetogenesis; Volcanic soil (Ku«sel, K. (40) 73)
Subject Index Volume 40
Eubacterium ramulus; Quercetin; Rutin (Simmering, R. (40) 243)
Hydroxyl radical; Brown-rot; White-rot; Bacterium; Soil (Tornberg,
K. (40) 13)
Fractal geometry
Saprotrophic basidiomycete; Mycelial cord; Outgrowth pattern (Zakaria, A.J. (40) 135)
Gas chromatography-combustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Biomarker; Phospholipid-derived fatty acid; Stable isotope analysis;
C natural abundance; 13 C labelling (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
Genetic diversity
Terrestrial isopod; Hindgut; Intestinal bacteria; Indigenous microbial
£ora; 16S rDNA (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
Genetic pro¢le
Bacterial diversity; Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism; Glufosinate; Transgenic Zea mays; Rhizosphere
(Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Bacterial diversity; Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism; Genetic pro¢le; Transgenic Zea mays; Rhizosphere (Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Microbial commmunity
Biodegradation; BTX; Dicyclopentadiene; Reverse sample genome
probing (Greene, E.A. (40) 233)
Bacillus thuringiensis; Plasmid transfer; pBC16; Conjugation (Thomas, D.J.I. (40) 181)
Reductive dehalogenation; 2,4-Dichlorophenol; Sulfate reduction;
Methanogenesis; Estuarine sediment (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
tfdA; Catabolic gene transcription; Acclimation; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (de Lipthay, J.R. (40) 205)
Mycelial cord
Saprotrophic basidiomycete; Outgrowth pattern; Fractal geometry
(Zakaria, A.J. (40) 135)
dsRNA mycovirus; Tree exudate yeast community; Interference competition; Trichosporon pullulans (Golubev, W.I. (40) 151)
Community; Culturability; Impact (Ellis, R.J. (40) 113)
Terrestrial isopod; Intestinal bacteria; Indigenous microbial £ora; Genetic diversity; 16S rDNA (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
Cycad; Cyanobacterium; Diversity; PCR ¢ngerprinting; Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence (Zheng, W. (40) 215)
Hydroxyl radical
Fluorescence; Brown-rot; White-rot; Bacterium; Soil (Tornberg, K.
(40) 13)
Nutritional heterogeneity
Translocation; Metal phosphate solubilization; Calcium phosphate;
Rhizoctonia solani (Jacobs, H. (40) 65)
Community; Culturability; Nematode (Ellis, R.J. (40) 113)
Oligonucleotide probe
Selective medium; Colony hybridization assay; Environmental water
sample; Vibrio cholerae (Robert-Pillot, A. (40) 39)
Indigenous microbial £ora
Terrestrial isopod; Hindgut; Intestinal bacteria; Genetic diversity;
16S rDNA (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
In£ammatory bowel disease
Sulfate-reducing bacterium; Desulfovibrio (Loubinoux, J. (40) 107)
Interference competition
Mycocinogeny; dsRNA mycovirus; Tree exudate yeast community;
Trichosporon pullulans (Golubev, W.I. (40) 151)
Intestinal bacteria
Terrestrial isopod; Hindgut; Indigenous microbial £ora; Genetic diversity; 16S rDNA (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
Land¢ll leachate
Denitri¢cation; Denitri¢er; Ampli¢ed ribosomal DNA restriction analysis; Community analysis (Etchebehere, C. (40) 97)
Outgrowth pattern
Saprotrophic basidiomycete; Mycelial cord; Fractal geometry (Zakaria, A.J. (40) 135)
oxic-anoxic interface, gradient
chemotaxis; aerotaxics; Desulfovibrio; Desulfomicrobium; Desulfobulbus (Sass, A.M. (40) 47)
Ethylene; K-Keto Q-methylthiobutyric acid; Botrytis cinerea (Chague¤,
V. (40) 143)
Bacillus thuringiensis; Plasmid transfer; Conjugation; Mobilization
(Thomas, D.J.I. (40) 181)
Metal phosphate solubilization
Translocation; Nutritional heterogeneity; Calcium phosphate; Rhizoctonia solani (Jacobs, H. (40) 65)
PCR ¢ngerprinting
Cycad; Cyanobacterium; Diversity; Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence; Nostoc (Zheng, W. (40) 215)
Reductive dehalogenation; 2,4-Dichlorophenol; Sulfate reduction; Estuarine sediment; Molybdate (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
Biodegradation; Bio¢lm; Polyaromatic hydrocarbon; Pyrene (Eriksson, M. (40) 21)
Subject Index Volume 40
Phospholipid-derived fatty acid
Biomarker; Stable isotope analysis; Gas chromatography-combustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry; 13 C natural abundance; 13 C
labelling (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
Plasmid transfer
Bacillus thuringiensis; pBC16; Conjugation; Mobilization (Thomas,
D.J.I. (40) 181)
Polyaromatic hydrocarbon
Biodegradation; Bio¢lm; Pyrene; Phenanthrene (Eriksson, M. (40) 21)
Fluorescence; Hydroxyl radical; Brown-rot; White-rot; Bacterium
(Tornberg, K. (40) 13)
Stable isotope analysis
Biomarker; Phospholipid-derived fatty acid; Gas chromatographycombustion^isotope ratio mass spectrometry; 13 C natural abundance;
C labelling (Boschker, H.T.S. (40) 85)
Sulfate reduction
Reductive dehalogenation; 2,4-Dichlorophenol; Methanogenesis; Estuarine sediment; Molybdate (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism
Bacterial diversity; Genetic pro¢le; Glufosinate; Transgenic Zea
mays; Rhizosphere (Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Sulfate-reducing bacterium
In£ammatory bowel disease; Desulfovibrio (Loubinoux, J. (40) 107)
Biodegradation; Bio¢lm; Polyaromatic hydrocarbon; Phenanthrene
(Eriksson, M. (40) 21)
Temporary loss
Antibiotic resistance; Antibiotic masking; Rhizosphere bacterium
(Nairn, J.D. (40) 167)
Eubacterium ramulus; Flavonoid; Rutin (Simmering, R. (40) 243)
Terminal restriction fragment analysis
Biological soil crust; Cyanobacterium; Arid land soil; Cyanobacterial
diversity; 16S rRNA sequencing; Desert soil (Red¢eld, E. (40) 55)
Reductive dechlorination
16S rDNA; 16S^23S intergenic spacer region; Tetraalkoxysilane;
Bioremediation (Lowe, M. (40) 123)
Reductive dehalogenation
2,4-Dichlorophenol; Sulfate reduction; Methanogenesis; Estuarine sediment; Molybdate (Warner, K.A. (40) 159)
Reverse sample genome probing
Microbial commmunity; Biodegradation; BTX; Dicyclopentadiene
(Greene, E.A. (40) 233)
Rhizoctonia solani
Translocation; Nutritional heterogeneity; Metal phosphate solubilization; Calcium phosphate (Jacobs, H. (40) 65)
Bacterial diversity; Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism; Genetic pro¢le; Glufosinate; Transgenic Zea
mays (Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Bacterial community; Bacterial activity
(So«derberg, K.H. (40) 223)
Rhizosphere bacterium
Antibiotic resistance; Temporary loss; Antibiotic masking (Nairn,
J.D. (40) 167)
Eubacterium ramulus; Flavonoid; Quercetin (Simmering, R. (40) 243)
Saprotrophic basidiomycete
Mycelial cord; Outgrowth pattern; Fractal geometry (Zakaria, A.J.
(40) 135)
Selective medium
Oligonucleotide probe; Colony hybridization assay; Environmental
water sample; Vibrio cholerae (Robert-Pillot, A. (40) 39)
Short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence
Cycad; Cyanobacterium; Diversity; PCR ¢ngerprinting; Nostoc
(Zheng, W. (40) 215)
Terrestrial isopod
Hindgut; Intestinal bacteria; Indigenous microbial £ora; Genetic diversity; 16S rDNA (Kostanjs›ek, R. (40) 171)
16S rDNA; 16S^23S intergenic spacer region; Bioremediation; Reductive dechlorination (Lowe, M. (40) 123)
Catabolic gene transcription; mRNA; Acclimation; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (de Lipthay, J.R. (40) 205)
Transgenic Zea mays
Bacterial diversity; Polymerase chain reaction^single-strand conformation polymorphism; Genetic pro¢le; Glufosinate; Rhizosphere
(Schmalenberger, A. (40) 29)
Nutritional heterogeneity; Metal phosphate solubilization; Calcium
phosphate; Rhizoctonia solani (Jacobs, H. (40) 65)
Tree exudate yeast community
Mycocinogeny; dsRNA mycovirus; Interference competition; Trichosporon pullulans (Golubev, W.I. (40) 151)
Trichosporon pullulans
Mycocinogeny; dsRNA mycovirus; Tree exudate yeast community;
Interference competition (Golubev, W.I. (40) 151)
Vibrio cholerae
Oligonucleotide probe; Selective medium; Colony hybridization assay; Environmental water sample (Robert-Pillot, A. (40) 39)
Volcanic soil
Acetate; Acetogenesis; Fe(III) reduction (Ku«sel, K. (40) 73)
Fluorescence; Hydroxyl radical; Brown-rot; Bacterium; Soil (Tornberg, K. (40) 13)
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