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Anatomy & Physiology of Human Systems
Tissue test
Choose the correct tissue type:
Figure 3.1
Using figure 3.1, match the following:
The illustration of simple cuboidal epithelium is ________.
The illustration of skeletal muscle tissue is ________.
The illustration of stratified squamous epithelium is ________.
The illustration of simple squamous epithelium is ________.
The illustration of cardiac muscle tissue is ________.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
6) The basement membrane is found between
A) Muscle and nervous tissue
B) Muscle and connective tissue
C) Epithelial and nervous tissue
D) Epithelial and connective tissue
E) Nervous and connective tissue
7) Which of the following is not connective tissue:
A) Skeletal muscle
B) Cartilage
C) Adipose
D) Bone
E) Blood
8) The tissue that is found lining body organs, covering the body surface, and in glandular tissue is:
A) Nervous tissue
D) Epithelial tissue
B) Brain tissue
E) Muscle tissue
C) Connective tissue
9) The tissue that is usually well vascular zed and has an extensive intercellular matrix is called:
A) Connective tissue
D) Epithelial tissue
B) Muscle tissue
E) Nervous tissue
C) Brain tissue
10) Epithelial tissue that consist of cells that vary in appearance at the free surface, so that when that
organ is contracted the tissue is thinner than when the wall is stretched, is called:
A) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
D) Transitional epithelium
B) Simple columnar epithelium
E) Simple cuboidal epithelium
C) Stratified squamous epithelium
11) Tendons are:
A) Adipose tissue
B) Osseous tissue
C) Loose connective tissue
D) Areolar tissue
E) Dense connective tissue
12) The type of muscle tissue that is found in the walls of blood vessels is:
A) Skeletal muscle
D) Cardiac and skeletal muscle
B) Cardiac muscle
E) Smooth and skeletal muscle
C) Smooth muscle
MATCHING Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.
13) Epithelial tissue
A) Protection, absorption, filtration, and secretion
14) Connective tissue
B) Irritability and conductivity
15) Nervous tissue
C) protection, support, and binds body tissues
16) Muscle tissue
D) contracts to produce movement
Using the key choices, correctly identify the following major tissue types by entering the appropriate
letter in the answer blanks.
A. Connective
B. Epithelium
C. Muscle
D. Nervous
_____ 17. Forms mucous, serous, and epidermal membranes.
_____ 18. Allows for movement of limbs and for organ movements within the body.
_____ 19. Supports body organs.
_____ 20. Cells of this tissue may absorb/secrete substances.
_____ 21. Basis of the major controlling system of the body.
_____ 22. Directly allows you to smile, grasp, swim, ski, and shoot an arrow.
_____ 23. Forms the brain and spinal cord.
Using the key choices, identify the following specific types of epithelial tissue. Enter the appropriate
letter in the answer blank.
Simple columnar
Simple cuboidal
Simple squamous
Stratified cuboidal
Stratified squamous
Stratified columnar (secretion, protection)
______24. Found in the eye and glands
_____ 25. Found in the lung tissue (alveolar sacs).
_____ 26. Forms the collecting tubules of the kidney.
_____ 27. Forms the skin.
_____ 29. Found in the bladder lining, peculiar cells that slide over one another.
_____ 30. Generally, two layers of cube-like cells.
_____ 31. One cell layer, all cells rest on the basement membrane, but they extend upward for different
distances, some cells have cilia.
_____ 32. A single layer of elongated cells, lines organs of the digestive tract
Using the key choices, correctly identify the types of glands described below. Enter the appropriate letter
in the answer blanks.
A. Endocrine
B. Exocrine
C. Apocrine
D. Isocrine
_____ 33. Gland with ducts that carry secretions to target organ or location.
_____ 34. Glands that secrete regulatory hormones directly into blood or lymph, no ducts.
_____ 35. The more numerous of the two types of glands.
_____ 36. Examples are the liver (produces bile), and pancreas (produces digestive enzymes)
Fill in the Blank: Short Answer
37. What degree of vascularity does epithelial tissue have?
38. What type of vascularity does connective tissue have?
39. This tissue forms internal supporting framework of soft organs such as the spleen.
40. This tissue forms the embryonic skeleton & covers the articular surfaces of long bones.
True/False: Identify the aspects of tissue repair. For each of the following statements about tissue repair
that is true, enter true in the answer blank. For each false statement, correct the underlined words by writing the
correct words on the answer blank.
_______________ 41. the nonspecific response of the body to injury is called regeneration.
_______________ 42. Fibroblasts synthesize fibers across the gap.
_______________ 43. When damage is not too severe, the surface epithelium migrates beneath the dry scab &
across the surface of the granulation tissue. This repair process is called proliferation.
_______________ 44. If tissue damage is very severe, tissue repair is more likely to occur by fibrosis or
_______________ 45. During fibrosis, fibroblasts in the granulation tissue lay down keratin fibers, which
form a strong, compact but inflexible mass.