Download Chem 30B Final Exam Study Guide W2015 Chapters 19, 20, 25, 22

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Chem 30B Final Exam Study Guide W2015 Chapters 19, 20, 25, 22, 24, 27
Note: This is a partial list. Please focus on the previous study guides too.
Chapter 19 Enzymes and Vitamins
1. How does an increase in enzyme or substrate concentration affect reaction rate.
2. Understand the theory of enzymes, substrates, lock and key and induced fit.
3. Know the effects of concentration on enzyme activity (section 19.5).
4. Know the difference between competitive, and irreversible enzyme inhibition.
5. Know the functional differences between deaminase, dehydrase and transaminase
Chapter 20.4-20.10 The Generation of Biochemical Energy
1) What are the differences between catabolism and anabolism?
2) What is the net result of the Citric Acid Cycle
3) What are the feedback mechanisms for the Citric Acid Cycle?
4) Describe the role of H+ ions in the Electron Transport Chain.
Chapter 25 Nucleic Acids and Protein synthesis
1. Know the differences in structure between DNA and RNA.
2. Know the differences between rRNA, mRNA, and tRNA, and how they participate
in protein translation
3. Definitions: Gene, DNA polymerase, Okazaki fragments, leading strand and lagging
4. Know the difference between transcription, translation, a codon and an anti-codon.
5. Given a small strand of DNA, be able to draw the complementary DNA strand.
6. Be able to draw (put together) a nucleotide given the phosphate, ribose, and base
Chapter 22 Carbohydrate Metabolism
1. Study Figure 22.2 in your textbook
2. Know the “net result of glycolysis” equation.
3. Study the figure "Relative changes during early stages of starvation (fig. 22.7).”
4. How is energy generated under anaerobic conditions?.
5. Know the oxidized and reduced forms of NADH and FADH
Chapter 24 Lipid Metabolism
1. Study Figure 24.6. “Metabolism of triacylglycerols.”
2. Why is the stepwise oxidation of fatty acids called -oxidation?
3. What are the differences between LDL and HDL and what are their functions?
4. How are lipids transported in the body? Figure 24.5
Chapter 27 Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism
1. Study section 27.3, specifically transamination.
2. Study Figure 27.2 protein and amino acid metabolism.
3. Know the net result of the Urea cycle.
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