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6th Grade Study Guide Social Studies- Final 2014
Here is a list of what you need to know for your final exam. Please study so you can do the best you can!
A. India:
a. Hinduism…basic beliefs
i. Reincarnation
ii. Karma
iii. Nirvana
iv. Role of the cow
v. 3 major gods: Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva (elephant head/human body= Gneasha;
remover of obstacles)
b. Taj Mahal…history of building with Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal
c. Henna/Sarees/Bindis
d. Arranged marriages and traditions in Indian weddings
e. Bollywood…what is it, typical characteristics
f. Food….spices, bread, etc
g. Mahatma Gandhi
h. Mother Teresa
B. Middle East
a. Israel (Jewish) v. Palestine (Muslim)—reasons for conflict (ex: land and religion)
b. Dome of the Rock…example of tension between 3 religions
c. Women
i. Clothing: hijab/burga
ii. Role/view of women in Islam
C. Three Monotheistic Religions
a. Judaism
i. Kosher foods: foods Jews CAN eat
ii. Basic beliefs
1. One God…Created world, etc
2. Abraham- father of Jewish nation
iii. Traditions
1. Mezuzah- on the door posts with scripture inside
2. Tallit- shawl with many knots symbolizing God’s laws
3. Menorah- 7 or 9 candle holder…symbolizes the burning bush when God
spoke to Moses
4. Wedding….breaking of the glass and significance of temple in Jerusalem
5. Bar mitzvah= celebration for boys when they turn 13, Bat mitzvah =
celebration for girls when they turn 12…symbolized transition of
childhood to adulthood
iv. Books: Torah/Old Testament of Bible
v. Symbols: Star of David
vi. Building: Synagogue
vii. Jewish country: Israel
viii. Famous people of the old testament: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses,
Joshua, King Saul, King David, King Solomon (had 1st temple built)
b. Christianity
i. Founder: Jesus
ii. Basic beliefs
1. One God (same God as Jews) created world, etc
2. Jesus is God’s son…died to save humanity/preached about peace and
3. Belief that Jesus is only way to heaven
iii. Books: Bible (Old and New Testaments)
iv. 2 Main branches:
1. Catholic Church
2. Protestants
a. Include many denominations….ex: Baptists, Methodists,
Lutheran, Episcopalian, etc
v. Building: Church, cathedral, chapel
vi. Symbols: Cross
vii. Vocabulary: Crucifixion= death on a cross, Annunciation- when the angel told
Mary she was going to have a baby, Nativity- manger scene when Jesus was
born, Resurrection- when Jesus came back to life after dying on the cross,
denomination- different ways to worship within the same religion (ex: Baptists
vs. Methodists)
c. Islam (Muslim)
i. Founder: Mohammed
ii. Basic beliefs:
1. Believe in same God as Jews and Christians…created world, etc however
Muslims call God “Allah”
2. Jesus is NOT God’s son, but just a good teacher and he was God’s
3. Mohammed is God’s last and greatest prophet
4. The Bible has been corrupted and is not God’s true word
5. 5 Pillars of Islam- things that Muslims need to do to try to get to heaven
a. Recite the creed: “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is
his prophet”
b. Give alms (or money)
c. Fast (Ramadan....festival celebrating the Qu’ran)
d. Pray – 5 times a day facing Mecca
e. Hajj- Visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime (Mecca- holiest
city for Muslims…go to visit the Kabba or the black cube in large
mosque…believed that Abraham from the bible built it)
6. Book: Qu’ran (words directly from Mohammed…believe that this is
God’s true message through the prophet Mohammed)
7. Building: Mosque…also know basic architectural elements for each
building type. Example: Mosques have no statues or pictures inside.
Typically have domes, patterns for art work, and minarets (towers used
to ring the bell for prayer time)
8. Symbols: Cresent moon and star
D. China:
a. Buddhism
i. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama aka “The Buddha” (from India)
ii. Basic beliefs: Try to reach Nirvana (inner peace…a place without suffering)
through the “Middle Path”
1. Also believe in cycle of Life, death and rebirth until you can break cycle
by reaching nirvana
2. Eight fold path…way of living (In Buddhism packet)
iii. Symbols of Buddhism and what they represent
1. Wheel of life
2. Lotus flower
3. Statues of Buddha, snails on head, bump on head, dot of forehead
4. Buddha’s eyes
5. Deer
6. Stupas/pagodas
7. Footprints
8. lions
b. Basic Geography of China
i. Rivers: Yellow River (example)
ii. Deserts: Gobi desert (ex)
iii. Have: Rain forest, Mountains (Himalayas), Bamboo forest
iv. About the same distance from equator as US, also about same size
v. Divide up countries into provinces, capital: Beijing
vi. Stressed responsibility good moral character- to always do the right thing
c. Communism
i. Definition
ii. Baby rule in china
iii. Economic power
iv. Leader: Mao Tse Tung during communism
v. North Korean War and Vietnam War…fought to stop spread of communism
d. Health:
i. American plate vs. Chinese plate
ii. Reasons for China’s lower rate of obesity than the US