Download Grade 6 Standard 5: Students will understand that microorganisms

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Grade 6
Standard 5: Students will understand that microorganisms range from
simple to complex, are found almost everywhere, and are both
helpful and harmful.
Objective 1: Observe and summarize information about microorganisms.
1. Which of the following is not true for microorganisms?
A. they are not alive
B. some are decomposers
C. they can reproduce
D. they may be single-celled or multi-celled
2. Which of the following is true of algae?
A. they are animal like microorganisms
B. they dwell in hot, arid places
C. they move by sending out spores
D. they are often green or brown
Read this paragraph about the Euglena. Then answer questions 3 and 4.
The Euglena is an unusual one-celled life form. It moves by flipping its thread-like whip.
The whip also helps the Euglena catch its food. The food is other one-celled plants and animals.
So, the Euglena is probably an animal. But the Euglena is bright green, like a plant. The Euglena
has chloroplasts. Like green plants, the Euglena can use chloroplasts to make food.
3. Which of these is the most accurate statement based on the paragraph?
A. A Euglena is most like algae.
B. A Euglena is both plant-like and animal-like.
C. A Euglena is not really a living thing.
D. One-celled creatures cannot be grouped.
4. Which of these facts does the writer give to show how a Euglena is like a plant?
A. The Euglena flips its thread-like whip.
B. The Euglena has chloroplasts.
C. The Euglena catches food.
D. The Euglena eats other one-celled plants and animals.
A joint project between Park City SD, Murray SD, and Life Long Learning & Associates. All rights reserved. 5-2009
5. What is the food source for fungi?
A. They make their own food.
B. Other organisms and make their own food.
C. Decaying matter
D. Other microorganisms
6. Which of the following correctly describes the size of fungi compared to the size of bacteria?
A. Fungi are larger
B. Bacteria are larger
C. They are about the same size
D. They are the same size but different shapes
7. A new organism has been found with a microscope. What evidence would indicate that it
could move?
A. Presence of flagellum, cilia, or pseudopods.
B. Presence of chloroplasts used from photosynthesis.
C. Presence of cell wall and other organelles.
D. Presence of calcium carbonate or limestone shell.
8. Which statement is true of ALL bacteria?
A. All bacteria cause disease.
B. All bacteria are producers.
C. All bacteria are single celled.
D. All bacteria live in water.
9. What can many protozoa do that most fungi cannot do?
A. Speed the decay of dead organisms.
B. Depend on other organisms for food.
C. Produce waste products harmful to people.
D. Move by themselves.
10. Which of the following BEST describes where microorganisms live?
A. in warm, humid places
B. usually underwater
C. nearly everywhere
D. sunny dry places
A joint project between Park City SD, Murray SD, and Life Long Learning & Associates. All rights reserved. 5-2009
11. The major difference between these two single-celled organisms is…
A. the structure for movement
B. the structure for eating
C. the structure for reproducing
D. the structure for storing food
A joint project between Park City SD, Murray SD, and Life Long Learning & Associates. All rights reserved. 5-2009
Grade 6 Standard 5 Objective 1—Answer Key
1. B
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. A
A joint project between Park City SD, Murray SD, and Life Long Learning & Associates. All rights reserved. 5-2009