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DNA Review 2016
1. What are nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, made up of (monomers)?
2. What are the components of a nucleotide? Draw a nucleotide.
3. Which parts of the nucleotide make up the sides of the DNA “ladder?”
4. Which parts of the nucleotide make up the rungs (steps) of the DNA “ladder?”
5. What is the structure/shape of DNA and what scientists are credited with discovering it?
6. What is the sugar in DNA? What is the sugar in RNA?
7. What is the function of DNA?
8. What are the three main differences in DNA and RNA? Be specific.
9. What is the DNA base pair rule?
10. What is the RNA base pair rule?
11. What is the purpose of DNA Replication?
12. Where does semiconservative replication occur in the cell?
13. How does DNA Replication happen? What enzymes are used and what role do those
enzymes play?
14. What are the two steps in protein synthesis?
15. What are the three types of RNA and in what process are they used or made?
16. What is the purpose of RNA transcription?
17. Where does transcription happen in the cell?
18. How does RNA transcription happen? What enzymes are used and what role do those
enzymes play?
19. What happens during the process of translation?
20. Where does translation occur in the cell?
21. What do tRNA molecules bring to the ribosome? What type of bonds connects them to
make a protein?
22. What is a codon? What is an anticodon?
23. Convert the following DNA gene to mRNA. What is this process called?
DNA Strand T A C│ A A A │C G G│ A C C │ T T T│ A C A│ C C G│ G C A│ G T T
24. What amino acids would be created from this mRNA strand? What is this process
RNA Strand A U G│ U U U │G C C│ U G G │ A A A│ U G U │ G G C │ C G U│ C A A
Amino acid
25. What is a mutation?
26. What is a mutagen?
27. What are the two types of Point mutations?
28. What are the two types of Frameshift mutations?
DNA Review 2016
Protein Synthesis Questions
1. Look at the above picture. Find the RNA polymerase. Explain
the role RNA polymerase serves during transcription.
2. The picture above depicts (shows) the process of transcription.
What are the steps of transcription?
3. What does the “m” in mRNA stand for?
4. In what organelle does transcription take place?
5. Compare the 3 main differences between the components of
RNA and DNA in a chart.
6. Do both DNA strands serve as a template for the creation of
7. DNA and RNA are both nucleic acids. What are the building
blocks or monomers that make up a nucleic acid and what are its
three components? Draw the structure.
DNA Review 2016
8. Analyze the picture above. The translation of the mRNA code is
occurring so that amino acids can be bonded together to create a protein.
In what organelle does translation occur? Draw the organelle as it appears
in the picture
9. Locate the tRNA molecule. Draw it and explain what it does during
10. There are 3 amino acids labeled in the picture. List them. (Hint: use
your amino acid wheel)
11. Once the amino acids have bonded together they create a protein
polypeptide. What is the name of the bond that holds them together?
12. What is a triplet codon and how is it different from an anticodon?
13. Which of the following changes would affect the protein produced?
(Hint: you will need to transcribe the mRNA codons AND find the amino
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