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It 11
Operating Systems Review
1) What are the 4 jobs of an operating system?
a) user interface
b) Loads or runs programs into the computer's memory so that you can use them.
c) Manages and coordinates how programs work with the CPU, RAM, keyboard,
mouse, printer, and other hardware as well as with other software.
d) Manages the way information (files) are stored on and retrieved from disks
2) Identify four components found in most graphical user interfaces.
a) desktop
b) icons
c) buttons
d) menus
e) dialog boxes
f) command line interface
3) What happens when you right click on the Windows desktop?
pop up menu appears
4) What is a system call?
instructions built into programs that tell it how to request service from the OS
5) What are 3 services an operating system provides to programs?
a) listing files
b) saving files
c) reading files
d) printing
e) copy / paste
f) recognizing keyboard commands
6) Where is data stored if you copy or move it from one program to another?
7) What is the difference between linking and embedding data into a new document?
embedding just pastes a copy of an object in a new file
linking creates a link between the object in its original file and in the new file
8) What is multitasking?
when the computer works on more than one thing at a time
9) What is the difference between cooperative multitasking and preemptive
cooperative – programs check the cpu to see if anyone else needs it, and if they do,
they let the cpu go help the other program
preemptive – os keeps a list of what’s running and assigns priorities to the different
tasks to manage them
10) What is the FAT table?
file allocation table – where the os keeps track of where files are stored
11) How does the operating system keep track of the different disk drives?
assigns letters to them
12) What is the structure of files and folders in Windows 95 called?
hierarchial file structure
13) What are three ways the operating system manages the computer's hardware.
IRQ’s, drivers, networking
14) How do IRQ’s enable the operating system to manage hardware?
gives each device a priority to interrupt the cpu for help or service
15) Name five types of utilities that enhance an operating system's functioning.
file backup, disk compression, scandisk, screen savers, antivirus
16) What does it mean when your hard drive is fragmented?
lots of files are stored as chunks separated into different areas of the hard drive –
slows down performance because the OS has to retrieve them all
17) How is Windows 2000 different than windows98.
better networking support, better setup and installation, better disk management,
improved internet capabilities.
True/False: Answer the following questions by choosing True or False.
1. Graphical user interfaces are called that because you point at
True False
graphical objects on the screen.
2. You interact with icons by using the keyboard or the mouse
3. All windows are unique because none share the same features.
4. You can choose menu commands by using the mouse or
keyboard shortcuts.
5. In OLE, a copied object retains a link to its original file.
6. Windows 95/98 can not run old DOS programs.
7. DOS was designed to recognize only 640 KB of RAM.
8. A hard drive with 90% fragmentation will run better that one
with 5 % fragmentation
9. A file compression program like winzip makes files smaller so
you can store them more easily.
10. Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 are pretty much the same
True False
True False
True False
True False
11. Windows 95 uses preemptive multitasking, instead of
cooperative multitasking.
12. Windows 98 is an improved version of Windows 95, not really
a new operating system
13. Windows 98 and Windows 95 use a FAT 16 system for storing
the location of files on the hard drive.
14. DOS files can only have 10 characters.
15. One advantage of Windows 95 is that you no longer needed
separate drivers for each program.
Multiple Choice: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. In a GUI, you work in the _____ window.
a) active
b) biggest
c) highlighted
2. Graphical operating systems often let you choose commands from lists, called _
a) menus
b) command lines
c) dialog boxes
3. In a command-line interface (such as DOS), you enter commands at a _____ .
a) dialog box
b) window
c) prompt
4. To remove data from one document and place it in another, you can use the
_____ and _____ commands.
a) cut, paste
b) copy, paste
c) file, open
5. When _____ , a computer performs two or more procedures or programs at the
same time.
a) threading
b) task switching
c) multitasking
6. Software programs that allow the operating system and applications to
use specific hardware (like a printer), are called______
Fill in the Blanks:
1. All windows include a(an) __title bar_________across the top, which
identifies the window's contents.
2. The process of moving from one open window to another is called _____task
3. You interact with a command-line interface by typing strings of characters at
a(n) __prompt__________.
4. The ____clipboard_______ is a temporary storage space for data that is being
copied or moved.
5. ______DOS_______ is the oldest PC operating system.
6. Data compression programs, anitvirus programs, and screen savers are
examples of ___________utility___________ programs.