Download OBESITY Animals will put on weight when their caloric input

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 OBESITY Animals will put on weight when their caloric input exceeds their output. This simple means that overweight animals are eating too much and not getting enough exercise! How to avoid having an overweight animal 1. Accurately measure meals and feed quantities as recommended in the feeding guide for the diet. Use scales to measure out the required amount if necessary. This will be an approximate amount and can be reduced or increased (+/‐ 20%) depending on your own animal's body condition. 2. Make sure your pet gets enough exercise. Adjust meal sizes according to exercise provided. If your dog misses a routine walk then feed a smaller meal that evening. If your cat is a couch potato consider methods of increasing exercise such as allowing access to the outdoors or introducing regular play sessions with toys. 3. Not too many tidbits, in fact cut them out altogether! Treats add a lot of calories to a dogs daily intake and if you really want to give tidbits then keep these to a minimum ‐ perhaps just one a day. Learned behavior such as begging happens because the animal has worked out that a scraping plate sound or a rattle of the biscuit tin means food and so it's worth trotting along and being ultra friendly. This behavior should not be rewarded as it will encourage them to keep it up. Animals do not beg because they are hungry, they do it to get attention. Health problems associated with obesity.  Complicates heart disease and blood pressure problems  Complicates orthopedic and joint disease e.g. arthritis  Higher incidence of respiratory disease  Higher risk under anesthesia  Surgery is more difficult in overweight animals  Can affect the results of diagnostic testing  Increased risk of diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) How to deal with your overweight animal Do not put your pet onto a crash diet. Overweight cats are especially at risk of liver disease (hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver disease) if their diet is dramatically restricted. Care should be taken to reduce the calories but provide the other nutrients essential for a healthy pet. Controlled weight loss of 1‐2% per week is the best way to bring your pet back to their normal weight, but it can be a lengthy process e.g. dogs and cats that are over 15% overweight will probably take about 12 ‐ 16 weeks to lose it and a further 12‐
16 weeks for every extra 15% of extra weight. Make sure to have your pet examined by a veterinary surgeon who can rule out any other problem, before starting your pet on a low calorie dietary regime. Dogs and Cats 1. Veterinary weight loss clinics Your veterinary surgery will be able to provide you with advice on how to achieve a healthy weight for your pet. Many practices run weighing clinics where experienced nursing staff will be able to spend time discussing the plan and any problems you may be experiencing. 2. Reduce calorie intake If the pet is just beginning to put on weight, reduce its regular diet by up to 20% and increase its exercise. If your pet is already overweight the most effective way to regain a healthy bodyweight is to use a commercially prepared low calorie balanced diet. This provides the standard quantity of essential nutrients but lower calories. It is still important to increase exercise. It is possible to get some weight reduction by feeding less of the animal's regular diets and bulking it up with raw vegetables. This might be suitable for animals which are a little overweight but care should be taken if this diet regime continues beyond a few weeks as the quantity of essential nutrients may be affected. It is usually more effective just to switch to a low calorie prescription diet. 3. Increase exercise Keep in mind the physical condition of the animal and previous exercise routines. A sensible increase should be calculated that is also possible for you, the owner, to achieve. It may be easier to exercise more often or to increase the length of time of exercise. Slowly increase the length of exercise over time if your pet is coping well with the current regime. 4. Control treats As stated previously it is best to cut out all treats. If you feel it is important to give your pet a treat keep these to a minimum and calculate an allowance within the animal's daily calorie intake protocol. Giving a reward for good behavior is important but this doesn’t necessarily have to be food e.g. most dogs really enjoy the extra attention of a big hug and a few warm words. Note: There are some conditions that may give your pet an overweight or bloated appearance. If your animal suddenly becomes bloated quickly over a few minutes it is very important to contact your veterinary surgeon immediately and get your pet to the vet immediately. This sudden swelling may be due to stomach bloat or a twisted stomach, and needs to be dealt with immediately. Other medical conditions such as thyroid disease, Cushing’s disease or some heart problems may lead to the animal putting on a lot of weight, especially around the hind quarters and abdominal area, probably over a few days or slightly longer. This shouldn't be confused with the animal becoming overweight and in these circumstances the animal needs prompt veterinary attention.