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Melody Tan
veryone knows that vitamins
are good for us. And many
take supplements to boost the
supply of vitamins in their
body. However, it wasn’t until
1912 that Polish biochemist Casimir
Funk actually came up with the concept of “vitamins,” which he called
vital amines.
Essentially, vitamins are tiny organic compounds that all living organisms
need. They aid in metabolism, the conversion of fat and carbohydrates into
energy, and they also play a part in the
creation of bone and soft tissue.
Funk discovered vitamins when he
determined that thiamine (also known
as vitamin B1), which is present in
brown rice, cured the nervous system ailment called beriberi. Funk also
believed that vitamins could cure other
diseases that were common at that time,
including scurvy, rickets and sprue.
Looking at the array of vitamins and
supplements available in health food
stores, it is hard to believe that prior
to the 1930s food was the only source
of vitamins. And for those living in
the developed world, the vitamin
supplement industry is largely
unnecessary, since we can
still get all the vitamins we
need from the food we
eat. In addition, many
processed foods have
vitamins and minerals added to them.
There are 13 universally recognised
vitamins today. What are they, what are
their main functions and where can we
find them?
vitamin A (retinol)
Vitamin A is important
for vision. It helps the
retina of the eye to function properly,
particularly at night. Night blindness is
an early sign of deficiency and blindness can result if preventative steps are
not taken. Vitamin A also aids in
maintaining healthy skin and it is
sometimes used in the treatment of
acne. It also plays a role in the growth
of bones and it helps to regulate the
immune system and fight infection.
Vitamin A is found in deep
Sources orange and dark green fruits
and vegetables such as carrots,
broccoli, kale and spinach. Eggs also
contain vitamin A.
Main function
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
All eight of the B vitamins help the body to
convert fat and carbohydrates
into energy. They are
needed for healthy skin,
hair, eyes and liver.
Thiamine was the
first to be discovered. It is essential
Main function
for heart health and for the brain and
nervous system to function properly.
Whole grains are great sources
Sources of vitamin B1. You can also
find it in yeast and yeast
extract, brown rice, oatmeal, cauliflower and potatoes. Some processed foods
also have vitamin B1 added.
Vitamin B2
Main function
Riboflavin is an
antioxidant that fights
the free radicals that damage the body. It
plays a key role in breaking down and
distributing fats, carbo­hydrates and proteins throughout the body. It also aids in
the absorption of iron and vitamin B6.
Excellent sources of vitamin
Sources B2 include mushrooms, soybeans, yoghurt, eggs and dark,
leafy greens such as brussels sprouts,
broccoli and spinach. Some commercial flours and cereals are also fortified
with this vitamin. Be sure to store these
foods in the dark, since riboflavin is
easily destroyed by light. It can also be
lost in water when food is boiled or
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Main function
Vitamin B3 helps to
increase the level of good
Produced by Adventist Health Ministries. More topics available at or email [email protected]
cholesterol (HDL) in your body, thus
improving circulation. It is also
involved in the repair of DNA.
Among the better sources of
Sources vitamin B3 are avocados, to­matoes, dates, asparagus and nuts.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B5 aids in the
Main function
manufacture of red
blood cells and it helps to maintain a
healthy digestive tract. It also helps
the body to use other vitamins, especially B2.
While it’s available in a wide
Sources variety of foods, much of it
can be lost if the food is
cooked or processed. Among the good
sources of vitamin B5 are broccoli,
avocados, lentils, cauliflower and
whole grains.
Vitamin B6
Main function
other B vitamins, B6 helps
the body to
convert fat and
carbohydrates into
energy, and it contributes to healthy skin, hair and eyes.
Vitamin B6 is also involved in brain
development of the foetus during pregnancy and infancy, and it helps the
immune system to function well. It is
sometimes used as a treatment for
morning sickness.
You can obtain vitamin B6
Sources from bananas, nuts, starchy
vegetables (like potatoes) and
whole-grain products.
Vitamin B7 (biotin)
Biotin is necessary for
cell growth and metabolism. It aids in the transfer of carbon
dioxide in the body, and it is believed
to strengthen the hair and nails. It
helps the body to maintain a steady
blood sugar level.
Fortified cereals are your best
Sources choice. You can also find vitamin B7 in barley, corn, nuts
and soy.
Main function
Vitamin B9 (folic acid, folate)
Vitamin B9 aids in cell
division and growth,
such as in infancy and during pregnancy. It also plays a part in the proper
development of a baby’s nervous system. It helps our bodies to produce
healthy red blood cells and to prevent
Main function
Leafy vegetables like spinach
and turnip greens are a principal source of vitamin B9.
Broccoli, certain fruit juices and legumes (including beans, peas and lentils) are also good sources of this vitamin. And it’s common in fortified
cereals and bread.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 plays an
important role in preventing a number of neurological problems, including numbness or tingling
in the hands and feet, insomnia, loss of
memory and depression. It helps our
body’s red blood cells to mature normally and it aids in the development of
DNA, our genetic material.
Vegetarians and vegans tend
Sources to have lower intakes of vitamin B12 because plant foods
do not naturally contain it.
However, soy and rice
milks commonly include
B12 as an additive, as do
yeast extracts and vegetarian burgers. Vitamin
B12 can also be found in
eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt and
other dairy products.
Main function
Vitamin C
day is
enough for
the body to produce an adequate amount
of vitamin D.
Vitamin E
Studies have shown that
people with high dietary
intakes of vitamin E and zinc are protected against age-related macular
degeneration, an eye condition common among people aged 50 and older.
Vitamin E also protects against
Alzheimer’s disease. High in antioxidants, vitamin E helps the immune
cells to produce antibodies, and it can
help to reverse some of the decline in
immune function that comes with
Vitamin E is common in seeds
Sources and nuts such as sunflower
seeds, peanuts and almonds.
Whole-grain cereals and rice bran are
also good sources of this vitamin.
Main function
Practically a celebrity in
the world of vitamins,
almost everybody reaches for a vitamin
C pill at the first sign of a cold. Besides
increasing the production of disease-fighting white blood cells and
antibodies, thereby boosting the
immune system, vitamin C is helpful
in maintaining good eyesight.
Many fruits are rich in vitaSources min C, including citrus, pineapple, berries and papaya.
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
So while vitamins are beneficial and
in fact essential to your well-being,
remember that too much of a good
thing can be a bad thing. You can
overdose from vitamin supplements,
causing you to run the risk of toxicity. And note, always seek professional advice before you begin a course of
vitamin supplements, especially if you
are pregnant or breastfeeding.
On the other hand, you won’t likely overdose on anything merely
from your food intake.
The key to maintaining a healthy and
vitamin-rich life is
to consume a wide
variety of fresh, whole
Main function
The “sunshine vitamin”
Main function
plays a key role in bone
health. Low levels of vitamin D are
linked with a growing list of health
problems, including multiple sclerosis,
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rickets,
heart disease, diabetes, depression and
several kinds of cancers.
Unlike other vitamins, the
Sources best way to obtain vitamin D is not from
food but to simply step
outdoors. The reason: our bodies
develop it from
sunshine. Often,
about 15 minutes of
exposure to sunlight a
Vitamin K helps your
blood to clot normally
and it plays an important role in bone
For almost everyone, bacteria
Sources in our intestines make vitamin
K. It’s also found in green
leafy vegetables, including spinach,
broccoli and brussels sprouts. Fruits
such as grapes, kiwi fruit and avocados
are also rich in vitamin K.
Main function
Reprinted from Signs of the Times