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Stress Relief
Presented by Dr. Jean-Marc Slak
23 Adams Street, Burlington, MA
STRESS - How Big Of A Problem Is It?
Each week, 95 million Americans suffer from
some stress related symptoms for which they
take medication
Stress is recognized as the number one killer
According to the AMA, stress is the cause of 80
to 85 % of all human illness and disease
At the very least, stress has a detrimental
effect on our health
American businesses lose an estimated $500$600 billion per year to stress related
productivity loss
Nathan, Staats, & Rosch, 1987
More Facts
90% of all visits to doctors are for stress related
In women, stress has been linked to:
hair loss
bad complexion
disruption of the menstrual cycle
low libido
lack of orgasm
The American Institute of Stress in Yonkers, New York
More Facts…Stress Studies
Studies show that stress can
reduce the power of our immune
A U.K. study exposed 266
people to a common cold then
tracked who became sick.
28.6% of those with a few stress
signs caught the cold
The figure jumped to 42.4% for
those who were under high
Source: - Stress The Silent Killer
More Facts…Studies
Women under stress may be at risk of building
abdominal fat
A Yale University study of 42 obese women found that
those with abdominal fat secreted more stress hormones
than those who carry extra weight on their hips
Stress May Cause Excess Abdominal Fat in Otherwise Slender Women, Study
Conducted at Yale Show, Yale, Yale University Press Release, September 22, 2000.
Available online at: opa/newsr/00-09-22-01.all.html. Accessed
April 30, 2003.
What is Stress?
At its most basic level, a survival mechanism
that adapts to changes in our world
Fight or Flight- How the body reacts
What is Stress?
Today's stressors—traffic, work
pressures, financial and family
obligations and tensions – these
stresses are different than our
ancestors stress
Responses to stress that worked well
in the past, can fail when stress is
emotional and constant
Some Long-Term Effects…
High blood pressure
Anxiety and depression
Skin problems
Headaches and Migraines
Back pain
Muscular aches and pains
Digestive Disorders
Heart disease
Source: - Stress The Silent Killer
The 3 Categories of Stress our Body Must Handle
 Chemical
 Physical
 Emotional
These 3 types of stressors cause the release of “stress
hormones” such as adrenaline and cortisol into the
UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, May 2001
You Ability to Handle Stress
Depends on
How you think
How you eat
How you sleep
How you exercise
The integrity of your nervous
Mental Attitude
Healthy relationships.
Stop and Breathe.
Nutritional Needs
No two people have identical
nutritional needs
People also differ in their needs
simply based on a specific condition
and on other contributing factors
such as lifestyle, profession, age,
Supplements AND Food
Every Day …
 Drink more water
 5 Servings of Fruits and
Vitamins/Minerals & Micronutrients
Maintenance nutritional supplements.
Omega 3
Vitamin D3
B Complex
Some things make stress and it’s
effects worse:
Trans Fat
Artificial Sweeteners
Rest and Relaxation
Quality, natural, sleep is
essential to the body’s
recuperative power.
Walk 2 miles
per day
The Nervous System
“The nervous system
controls and
coordinates all
functions of the
Source: Gray’s Anatomy, 29th Edition, Page 4
The MASTER System
NERVES make up your body’s
MASTER control system. When the
nervous system is FREE of all
interference, your body can function
at its MAXIMUM level. When there
is nerve interference in the spine,
dis-ease or disharmony occurs
The Nervous System
Brain + Spine + Spinal Nerves = Nervous System
Balancing the Nervous System
The literature suggests that
Chiropractic adjustments influence:
T and B lymphocyte numbers.
Natural killer cell numbers.
Antibody levels.
Phagocytic activity.
Plasma endorphin levels.
Improved DNA repair.
The effects of Chiropractic on the immune system: a review of the literature. Allen JM,
Chiropractic Journal of Australia, 1993; 23:132-135)
Chiropractic Influence on Oxidative Stress and DNA Repair. Campbell C JVSR, February 18,
2005, pp 1-5
Successfully Handle Stress
Think in a positive way.
Eat the right food.
Exercise on a regular basis.
Get enough rest and fun.
Get adjusted regularly, it will allow your body to
function at its GREATEST potential and help you
balance your stressed nervous system.
Thank You!
 Workshops
 781-273-0099
 [email protected]
 @jmslak