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Download Tips for a healthy diet.Alejandra Godinez
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TIPS FOR A HEALTHY DIET Alejandra Godínez Eat a “Rainbow” assortment of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are so important in the battle against cancer that some experts have said that cancer is a result of “maladaptation” over time to a reduce level of intake of fruits and vegetables. Examples of Anticancer Phytochemical Carotenes Coumarin Act as antioxidants Enhance immune functions Dark-colored vegetables such as carrots, squash, spinach, kale tomatoes ; fruits such as cantaloupe, apricots , and citrus fruits Carrots , Celery, fennel , beets, and citrus fruits Has antitumor properties Enhance immune functions Stimulate antioxidad mechanisms Dithiolthiones, Keep cancer-causing Cabbage-family vegetables (broccoli, glucosinolates, compounds from damaging brussels sprouts, collards , and kale). and cells thiocyanates Enhance detoxification Flavonoids Act as antioxidants Fruits, particularly darker fruits such as Have direct anti tumor effects berries, cherries and citrus fruits , also Hace immune-enahancing tomatoes ,peppers , and greens. properties Isoflavoids Block estrogen receptors Soy and other legumes Lignans Act as antioxidants Flaxseed and flaxseed oil: whole grains, Modulate hormone receptors nuts, and seeds. Limonoids Enhance detoxification Citrus fruits and celery Block carcinogens Polyphenols Act as antioxidants Green tea, chocolate, and red wine Block carcinogen formation Modulate receptors Sterols Block production of Soy, nuts, and seeds carcinogens Modulate hormone receptors Reduce your exposure to pesticides •Do not over consume foods that have the tendency to concentrate pesticides . •Buy organic produce, which is grown with- out the aid of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. •Try to buy local, in season. •Peeling off the skin or removing the outer layer of leaves of some produce it may be all you need to reduce pesticide levels. • An alternative way to remove surface pesticides residues, waxes, fungicides, and fertilizers by soaking the item in a mild solution of additive free soap or pure castile soap. Eat to regulate your blood sugar level Refined sugars , white flour products, and other sources of simple sugars are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar. In response, the body boosts secretion of insulin by the pancreas. Do not overconsume meat and other animal foods. The higher your intake of meat and other animal products, the higher your risk of heart disease and cancer, especially for the major cancers such as colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer. Eat the right types of fats American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute recommended a diet that supplies less than 30 percent of calories as fat. Keep your salt intake low, Your potassium intake high. The electrolytes are mineral salts that conduct electricity when dissolved in water . For optimal health , its important for you to consume these nutrients in proper balance. Optimal dietary potassium-tosodium ratio greater than 5:1 – ten times higher than the average intake. Drink sufficient Amount of water. References Michael S.D.(2004) Nutrition and cancer: A review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutritional jornal 2004. Michael M. (2005). The encyclopedia of Healing Foods.New York, NY:Atria boks.