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American Free Enterprise
Warm Up
Write down three questions that
you think will be on the test
DON’T Answer your questions
Be Ready to hand in Study
For each term/concept/person
on the study guide, write out all
notes and relevant material to
study for test
Looking Ahead
Learning Objectives
Enhance studying skills
Synthesize material from Basics of
Econ.-Economic Systems
Engage in Collaborative Learning
Pair-Share Warm Ups
Switch your Warm Up questions with a
Answer your partner’s questions
Switch back and grade your partner’s
Go over Quizzes
•Review the answers to the first quiz with a
•Ask any questions that you might have
•Think about which questions are going to
be asked again on the test
 Login to Kahoot. It
 Enter your name
 Plug in the Pin Code that I will show you
 Winner= 10 points extra credit on quiz
 2nd Place= 7 points extra credit
 3rd place= 5 points extra credit
 You will be divided into groups
 Your group will pick a question from one of the different categories
and then pick how many points you want to go for in that category
 You have 45 Seconds to answer the question
 If your group gets the question wrong, it goes to the next group
 The next group has 30 seconds to answer the question
 5 Teams
 For each team, there is 1 person who will get the “password”
 The Password will be a term/concept/person that will be on the test
 The person with the Password can only say one word and then
based on that word, the team has to guess the password
 If the team doesn’t get the Password, the next team will go
Warm Up
Get ready to take test…all you
need on your desk is a
Put Journal Section of your
notebooks under desk
Homework: Interview the owner of a
small business
 Ask the owner of a small business these questions and record their
1. Why did you decide to start a business?
2. Who is your competition?
3. What was your goals when you started this business and have they
4. What would you do if you started losing customers or people
weren’t buying what you are selling?
Learning Objectives
Enhance Test-taking Skills
Analyze the role of government in the
US Economy
Engage in Artistic Learning
Take Test
 What kind of economic principles were laid out by the Founding
 Why were these economic principles central to the US?
 In what documents were these economic principles written?
 Do you think the modern economy of the US still represents these
economic principles? If so, what examples can you provide? If
not, why not?
Economic Rights Guaranteed by the
1. Property Rights:
a. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without the
due process of law
b. Private property cannot be taken away for public use without
compensating the owner
2. Taxation: Congress can raise or lower taxes
3. Contracts: Individuals or businesses cannot use the political process
to get excused from their contracts
Do you think that Congress should have complete
control over raising and lowering taxes? Why or why
Are taxes good or bad? Why do you think this?
What goods/services do you think are taxed too
Thinking about the role of Government in
the Economy
 The Declaration of Independence says “All men are entitled to Life,
Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”? Why do you think this was
changed in the Constitution to be “Life, Liberty and Property?”
 Do you think we need to add any economic principles, ideas or
regulations to the Constitution? If so, what should be added?
 What government agencies can you think of which exist to regulate
different industries? Write down three examples
Examples of Government Agencies that
Regulate Industries in the Economy
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
FTC (Federal Trade Commission)
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Make a Pros and Cons List
Write down 5 good things about the
Government regulating the economy
Write down 5 bad things about the
Government regulating the economy
Creative Expression
 Team up with a partner and on one piece of paper, compare the difference
between an economy with no government regulations and an economy with a
lot of government regulations
 Left side of the paper= economy with no government regulations
 Right side of the paper=economy with a lot of government regulations
 Have one person draw images/graphics which show what the economy would
look like without government regulation and the other person draw
images/graphics which show what the economy looks like when there is
government regulation
Warm Up
What do you think was the most
important economic right that
the government guaranteed in
the Constitution? Why do you
think this?
Homework: Interview the owner of a
Small Business
 Ask the owner of a small business these questions and record their answers
1. Why did you decide to start a business?
2. Who is your competition?
3. What was your goals when you started this business and have these goals
4. What would you do if you started losing customers or people weren’t buying
what you are selling?
Learning Objectives
Synthesize the Basic Principles of the
Free Enterprise System
Interpret the difference between
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
Analyze GDP rates of different countries
Journal 4: Expanding the First
 1. In what way has the US courts separated from the First Amendment? Why
have they done this according to the article?
 2. What examples does the article give of court cases in which the rights of the
First Amendment were protected? Why were the companies protected in these
 3. What types of businesses have really made the courts question this issue of First
Amendment rights?
 4. What reason did the US Court of Appeals give for ruling against the FDA in the
case of labeling vitamin supplements?
 5. What direction do the courts seem to be moving in regards to protecting the
First Amendment rights of businesses? Do you agree that we should be moving in
this direction?
What ideas/motives/forces do
you think are most important to
businessmen/woman in the Free
Enterprise Economy? Write down
Basic Principles of the Free Enterprise
 Profit Motive: Encourages people to make money
 Open Opportunity: Everyone can compete in the market
 Legal Equality: Everyone has the same legal rights
 Private Property Rights: People have the right to control their possessions as they
see fit
 Free Contract: People may decide what agreements they want to enter into
 Voluntary Exchange: People may decide what and when they want to buy and
 Competition: Rivalry among sellers to attract customers while lowering costs
Check for Understanding
Which of these principles do you think is most important
for businesses in the Free Enterprise System?
Which of these principles do you think is most important
for consumers in the Free Enterprise System?
Do you think any of these principles are underrepresented in the Free Enterprise System?
How do these principles impact large and small
businesses differently?
Transitioning: Macroeconomics and
What does it mean for something to be
What do you think is the difference between
“micro” and “macro”?
What is the difference between
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics?
 Macroeconomics: Study of the behavior and decision making of
entire economies
 Microeconomics: Study of economic behavior and decisions of
small units, such as individuals, families, and businesses
 GDP (Gross Domestic Product): Total Value of all final goods and
services in a particular economy
 Is a country’s GDP part of Macroeconomics or Microeconomics?
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
Take five minutes to list three
different things that we would study
in Macroeconomics and three
different things that we would study
in Microeconomics
Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics
 Would the following topics go under Macroeconomics or
a. Employment rates
b. Operations of an individual bank
c. How a company uses technology
d. Operations of the US Stock Exchange
e. Work ethic of an employee
f. Competition between US businesses
Analyzing modern GDPs
Do you think that a GDP is a good
indicator of how wealthy a country is? If
not, what would be a better indicator?
Top Ten GDPs in 2015 (According to
International Monetary Fund)
1. Qatar
6. Norway
2. Luxembourg
7. UAE (United Arab Emirates)
3. Singapore
8. San Marino
4. Brunei
9. Switzerland
5. Kuwait
10. USA
Speculating: 1 Paragraph
Take ten minutes to write a paragraph
about why you believe these countries have
the highest GDP’s. Think about where in the
world they are located, resources they have,
the political climate, international relations,
employment rates, etc.
Create your own nation and explain how
you are going to ensure a high GDP
1. Where in the world would you start your country? Why?
2. What resources are you going to utilize? What are you going to spend
your money on?
3. What economic policies would your nation follow?
4. How is your government going to play a role in your economy?
5. How are neighboring countries going to influence your economy?
6. What economic/political policies are you going to focus on or introduce
in the future based on the direction that you predict the international
economy is heading?
Warm Up
What is the difference between
Macroeconomics and
Identify three economic topics
that would go under each
 Ask the owner of a small business these questions and record their
1. Why did you decide to start a business?
2. Who is your competition?
3. What were your goals when you started this business and what are
they now?
4. What would you do if you started losing customers or people
weren’t buying what you are selling?
Learning Objectives
Synthesize Vocabulary Terms
Analyze Public Goods and their
use in modern society
Interpret the Free Rider Problem
Homework Sharing
Share your answers to your homework with a partner
Write down the main differences that you see
Pretend you are the owner of the small business…rank the
basic principles of the Free Enterprise system in order of
most important to least important for the owner of the
small business that you interviewed
Chapter 3 Vocabulary Review Sheet
Fill out the
Vocabulary Review
Sheet for Chapter 3
Public Goods
Public Good: Shared good/service that doesn’t make
sense to exclude people who don’t pay for it, or to make
consumers pay individually for it
Who should be responsible for paying for Public Goods if
not individual consumers? Where does this money come
What examples of Public Goods can you think of? List at
least five Public Goods
Examples of Public Goods
Street Lights
National Parks
Airport Security
Public Good Role Playing Project- 20
 In groups of 4-5 people, you will be showing the need for a public
good that would benefit Liberty students
 You will be creating a skit to show the need for this good and
writing a script for the skit
 The skit needs to include
a. Detailed description of the project
b. Benefits of the project
c. Costs of the project
Public vs. Private Sectors
Public Sector: Part of the economy that
involves transactions of the government
Private Sector: Part of the economy that
involves transactions of individuals and
Which sector pays for Public Goods?
The Free Rider Problem
 Free Rider: Someone who would not choose to pay for a good/service but gets
the benefits of it anyway through a public good
 Discussion questions:
1. What is wrong with someone getting something that they don’t pay for?
2. Is this a problem in the United States? Why or why not? If you think it is a
problem, how could it be solved?
3. What specific examples of Free Riders can you think of in the United States?
4. What arguments might an extreme Capitalist present in favor of a Free Rider? Do
you think Free Riders are more prevalent in a Communist or Capitalist society?
Artistic/Creative Expression
 Show the Free Rider problem by using only graphics and
 Allow someone who doesn’t understand the concept of the
Free Rider
 Make your drawings unique!-You want to call attention to your
 You must have at least 10 graphics/images
 You cannot use any words other than “Free Rider”