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 Also referred to as conception.
 Union of an egg and sperm cell.
 Fertilization takes place in the Fallopian Tube.
 How many sperm cells does it take to fertilize and
egg ?
 Within seconds after fertilization the outside of
the egg changes.
 When the sperm and egg unite, they form a
 Within 36 hours, the zygote begins to divide while
traveling through the fallopian tubes.
 It takes 4 to 5 days for the zygote to reach the
 No longer solid mass of cell. Now has become a
Blastocyst; a hollow sphere.
 Blastocyst attaches to wall of uterus. This is the
process of implantation.
 After implantation, blastocyst becomes and
 Most common sign, missed menstrual period.
 Menstruation stops because progesterone levels
stay high.
 Can be determined as soon as implantation
 Human Chorionic gonadotropin is
found in the blood of pregnant
The Embryo
 The attachment holding the embryo to the wall of
uterus develops into an organ called placenta.
 About 25 days after fertilization, a cord called
umbilical cord form between embryo and
 Umbilical cord is the embryo’s lifeline. Blood
vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to embryo
and waste away from embryo.
The Fetus
 Between the 3rd and 6th month, the fetus will grow to
about 11 inches and weigh up to 2 lbs.
 “Kicking” shows the sign of skeletal and muscles
 Between the 6th and 9th month the fetus continues to
 Average baby will be 20 inches and weigh about 7.5lbs.