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Copyright 2014
Rich Ingram
Thinking Sideways:
Building the Burke Web
Everything is connected
to everything else,
including you too,
of course.
Richard Ingram, PhD
James Madison University
[email protected]
James Burke
I rather liked it.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
Richard Ingram, PhD
James Madison University
James Burke
I rather liked it.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
So I did a Google
Richard Ingram, PhD
James Madison University
James Burke
I rather liked it.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
The internet, in its current
form, is not designed to
support knowledge
discovery and improbable
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
So let’s think like James
Yes, let’s.
Euclid alone has looked upon beauty bare
Euclid alone has looked upon beauty bare
Prime Number theorem
Euclid alone has looked upon beauty bare
Prime Number theorem
They should have sent a poet…
Oracle of Bacon
Space aliens
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
So what?
Ah, the skeptic.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Creativity is just
connecting things.
Steve Jobs
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
But in just the
right way, of
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Creativity comes from a
conflict of ideas.
Donatella Versace
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
Well, not so much
a conflict as a
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
Originality of thought is
often disproportionately
affected by infrequent,
improbable, or previously
undiscovered associations
(strength of weak ties).
Everett Rogers (paraphase)
I think I would
refer to this as
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
It is probably true quite
generally that in the history of
human thinking the most
fruitful developments
frequently take place at those
points where two different
lines of thought meet.
Werner Heisenberg
And often on the
basis of fortuitous
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
What would
Edna St. Vincent Millay
think about space aliens?
Everything is connected
to everything else,
including you too,
of course.
James Burke
connections are
all around us.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
The Intriguing Mind of James Burke
Multidisciplinary thinking
Creative and innovate thought
Motivation for learning
Joy of discovery
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Previous Efforts to Build a Burke Web
Show video
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web
• Allow for creation of new Burke constructs in a
manner consistent with Burke’s method, via both
discovery and by conscious construction.
• Be approachable by a wide audience using simple
tools across all content domains.
• To the extent possible, use existing knowledge
affordances (e.g., current and future World Wide
Web, browsers).
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web:
Knowledge Discovery and Representation
Segaran, Evans, and Taylor (2009) describe the use of two
schemes for representing semantic data - microformat and
RDFa - which both provide a practical method for end-users
to embed Burke-form data into web pages.
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web:
Proposed Knowledge Discovery Techniques
• Shortest path discovery
Following Erdos numbers, Glen Wasson and Brett Tjaden
(then of the University of Virginia) developed the Oracle of
Bacon (Barabosi 2002). The Oracle, as it is known, offers a
lighthearted adventure into finding the degrees of separation
between the actor Kevin Bacon and all other actors listed in
the IMDB International Movie Database.
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web:
Proposed Knowledge Discovery Techniques
• Human-directed discovery
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web:
Role of Relevance on Learner Motivation
Relevance of content to the learner’s own conceptual
framework (e.g., connecting to existing idiosyncratic learner
knowledge to the content to be learned) is often considered
a critical component in effective teaching and learning (Taber
Might such improbable connections spark a young learner’s
interest, increasing motivation for learning or joy of
discovery, perhaps then moving one to greater study in
mathematics or poetry?
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Proposed Effort to Build the Burke Web:
Role of Improbable Connections on Creativity
Burke (2000) maintains that creativity is the product of
serendipity;“[my work illustrates] perhaps the most
intriguing aspect of serendipity at work, which shows itself in
the way in which history generates the most extraordinary
coincidences” (p. 16).
Serendipity may be described as the unexpected insight
resulting from the juxtaposition of two or more knowledge
elements traditionally thought to be disparate – a fortuitous
happenstance leading to original thought.
For example,
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Special note on creativity and weak ties
The ideas and innovations available to us human
beings can themselves be thought of as a kind of
network, with some ideas connected to others,
clusters of ideas within other clusters, and so forth.
So the surest way NOT to have a creative
breakthrough is to rely on all the experts you
already know, and all the disciplines you're already
familiar with. Your best new ideas - and a company's
most breakthrough innovations - will come when
you tap your weak ties.
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Role of Crowd sourcing
Adapting the approach described, Burke constructs
could be discovered, identified, indexed, and
catalogued into libraries of knowledge constructs
based on the work of individual authors as well as
associations of authors. These libraries could then
be subjected to critical and popular examination
and review, enabling learners to discover, identify,
combine, recombine and reconstruct original
constructs into forms never before imagined,
particularly as they relate to self.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
The Burke web appears to provide a platform for
promoting fruitful serendipity and/or intellectual
insight based upon the juxtaposition of disparate
elements and/or the strength of weak ties among
knowledge elements leading to the discovery of
heretofore unrecognized intriguing “imaginative
patterns on the web” by novice as well as expert
learners across disciplines, both individually and
Ah, yes, the joy.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
The author is indebted to Patrick McKercher of the James
Burke Institute for comments regarding the historical and ongoing development of the Knowledge web (K-web), as well as
for more general comments regarding other efforts to
develop a semantic web.
The author is indebted to James Burke for his support and
encouragement in pursuit of Building the Burke Web.
Thank you ,
Patrick. Thank
you, James.
Thinking Sideways: Building the Burke Web
Available on request
Richard Ingram, PhD
Educational Technology
Memorial Hall 3350D MSC 6913
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
[email protected]
If you are
interested in the
Burke web, I’d
love to chat.
Ah, yes, the joy.