Download Standard: 3.2L.1 - Compare and contrast the life

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3.2L.1 - Compare and
contrast the life cycles of
plants and animals.
• Explanation:
• • Similar animals and plants have
similar life cycles (e.g. birds lay
eggs, mammals have live young,
plants produce seeds).
• • Different plants and animals have
different life cycles (e.g. fish vs.
birds, flower vs.pine tree).
• • Plants and animals go through
similar life cycles (e.g. fertilization).
• • Plants and animals go through
different life cycles (e.g. plant
produce seeds that can grow into
new plants, birds lay eggs that
hatch producing new birds).
• Vocabulary:
• life cycle, germinate, reproduction,
pollinate, fertilization,
Comparing Seeds
•Observe seeds
•Tape seed on
Observation sheet
•Write a
description of the
•Plant seeds
•Complete Life
Cylce of a plant
order sheet!
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