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Archetypes 101
What is an Archetype?
 An original model on which something is patterned or
based (prototype)
 In literature: character, action or situation that
represent universal patterns in human nature.
Provides a framework to approach any piece of
views literature as a reflection of life
 Comes from the psychology of C.G. Jung
 dealt with man’s unconsciousness and
subconscious thoughts, desires, and dreams
 man has four basic needs: food, water, shelter
and love
 Traveled extensively and concluded from observations
that these patterns (archetypes) were so deeply
imbedded in our psyches that they go back to
prehistoric times
 they are a part of our collective memory as human
begins (everyone’s memory).
 They have not changed and are present in all
 Present in the unconscious of the individual
 These symbols are inborn and understood
like the instincts are passed on in animals
 Part of the collective memory since
prehistoric times
 Occurs through all elements of the artsliterature, dance, painting, music and
 Understood because they all come from
nature or human nature
Archetypes of Literature
 In literature archetypes occur as:
 Characters
 Symbols (object/action/event representing abstract
idea/concept. i.e. dove=peace)
Colors (pos/neg meaning)
Themes (love, hate, good vs. evil)
Settings/situations (time, place, atmosphere)
Life Cycles (life, seasons, time, meals)
Character Archetypes
 Countless archetypes, but we will focus on the
following in relation to the Senior Project:
1. Magician
2. Warrior
3. Wanderer
4. Martyr
5. Orphan
6. Innocent
 Charismatic
 Inspirational
 Creative
 Self-aware
 Entertaining
 Transforming
Famous Magician: Steve Jobs
 Competitive
 Adaptable
 Minimalistic
 Skillful
 Loyal
 Disciplined
Famous Warrior: Achilles
 Nonconformist
 Desires freedom
 Ambitious
 Authentic
 Adventurous
 Introverted
Famous Wanderer: Amelia Earhart
 Willing to sacrifice
 Suffering is self-induced
 Willing to take blame
 Does what is right
 Strong
 Empowering
Famous Martyr: Nelson Mandela
 Knows everyone matters
 Unpretentious
 Empathetic
 Realist
 Street Smart
 Irresponsible
Famous Orphan: Harry Potter
 Usually in form of child, saint, or mystic figure
 Pure
 Faithful
 Good
 Optimistic
 Simple
Famous Innocent: Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz
Archetype Jigsaw Activity
 You will be broken up into six groups
 Each group will individually read/take notes on assigned
archetype with the materials I have provided.
-On “Archetype 101” notes, label “Archetype Jigsaw
Activity”. Number1-15. Record findings (15 total) on
assigned archetype.
 As a group, create a poster on your archetype. Include:
(1) character traits (pos/neg), (2) literary examples, (3)
visuals symbolizing archetype, and (4) any other
pertinent information.
 Choose two representatives to present poster