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Chapter 11 – To Declare
Independence or Not
This chapter compares and contrasts 3
views in the colonies:
Loyalists: colonists who remained loyal to
Patriots: colonists who wanted
Neutralists: colonists who did not take sides
Grade 5 – MacFarland Intermediate School – Ms. Campellone
Breakdown of the groups:
Groups in colonies:
Loyalists 1/5
Patriots 2/5
Neutralists 2/5
So, many colonists chose to remain neutral – do you think they were
afraid of war? If so, why? Chat with your partner…
Who WERE the Loyalists and Patriots?
• Characteristics of Loyalists:
Rich landowners, governors, religious leaders They were loyal, fearful, and believed that the
King’s power came from God
Characteristics of Patriots:
Merchants, lawyers, farmers, tradesmen –
They were angry about taxation, challenged British
laws, and felt that independence would bring
more freedom and riches to the colonies
• Thomas Hutchinson: Royal Governor of MA
- Believed in Stamp Act
- Said colonists needed Britain for protection
and the King knows best!
Colonists printed some
letter that he had
written to the British
government. Those
letters said that Britain
should be even MORE
strict! Colonists got
angry and trashed his
home on Fleet Street in
• Jonathan Boucher: British religious leader in
Maryland colony (he was well liked)
Believed that:
- the King’s power came from God.
- British laws made people safer.
- British would win a war fought
- with colonists!
He became so afraid of the colonists that he began
keeping a loaded pistol nearby when he gave his
• Lord Dunmore:
Governor of Virginia
Real name: John Murray – proud and
rich man
He felt:
- Britain knew what was best for
- Colonists who fought king would be
- Colonists had a duty to the king
He even promised to free any slaves who
would support the king! 800 men answered that
• Benjamin Franklin –
Talented inventor and statesman
who was instrumental in having
British repeal Stamp Act.
He was For independence because
he felt:
- Britain would continue to make
unfair laws
- Colonists can govern themselves!
What do you think this means?
• Mercy Otis Warren:
Patriot with a Pen!
- Write from MA colony, Wrote plays
and poems supporting
independence, Favorite color = blue!
- Supported independence because:
- Laws and taxes unfair!
- Britain too far away to know what is
- Women need to be in politics!
Here is her grave marker in Massachusetts!
Mercy sent and received
MANY letters! She received
this one from George
Washington after she
wrote a book about the
American Revolution!
• Samuel Adams – leading
Patriot in MA
- He was a politician – spoke in a low
careful voice and wore a powdered
- He believed:
In fighting for independence
Colonists should elect own governors
He organized a groups of Patriots to
protest unfair laws!
• Group formed by Samuel Adams!
Which side would YOU favor?
• Are you a risk taker or would you prefer
Puzzled? Let’s set up a debate and see
which side will be stronger in presenting!!!