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Period 1: c.1450 to c.1648
Why 1450? Start of the Renaissance, Age of Exploration
Why 1648? End of the 30 Years’ War, Peace of Westphalia
Big Events: Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution, Age of
Exploration, Religious Wars, Development of New Monarchs, WitchHunting, Military Revolution
5 Main Key Concepts – highlighted in Orange
Map of Europe: 1400
Map of Europe 1500
Map of Europe 1600
KC 1.1: The worldview of European intellectuals shifted from one based on
ecclesiastical and classical authority to one based primarily on inquiry and
observation of the natural world.
I. A revival of classical texts led to new methods of scholarship and new values in both society
and religion
Humanist praised mankind as “heroic” and “divine”
No longer intrinsically unworthy
Mirandola: Individual was an independent and autonomous being with moral choices
Humanist shifted focus of education away from theology toward the study of the
classical texts
Alberti (Italian humanist author): The Greco-Romans believed that the painted and
the sculptor understood and portrayed the soul when they reproduced the human
The artist had to be able to reveal the emotions and passions of the figures he depicted
Civic Humanism: Application of the classics to individuals and government
Machiavelli: Wrote extensively about the relationship between the government and the
“The ends justify the means”
II. The invention of the printing press promoted the dissemination of new ideas.
Led to vernacular languages and eventually national cultures (synthesis = Nationalism)
III. The visual arts incorporated the news ideas of the Renaissance and were used to
promote personal, political and religious goals
Human-centered naturalism that
considered individuals and
everyday life appropriate objects
of artistic representation
El Greco
Mannerist and baroque artists employed distortion,
drama, and illusion in works commissioned by
monarchies, city-states, and the church for public
buildings to promote their stature and power
Isolated atop a mountain, a gaunt, tormented Christ
dominates a nearly empty landscape. On a road
leading to the walled city of Jerusalem, horsemen pass
by the execution hill, literally turning their backs on Christ.
El Greco's use of dramatic colors and exaggerated
proportions distorts the figure, conveying the
transcendent moment when Christ sublimated his
physical pain and commended his spirit to God. Turning
his eyes upward toward heaven, Christ looks away from
the bones and skulls that lie at his feet, representative of
his triumph over death. Light plays across his undulating
form, illuminating his tortured body against the dark
background. To heighten empathy between the viewer
and Christ, the elongated but graceful figure appears
alone. This private, devotional image was meant to
encourage contemplation and spiritual reflection. (Text
and picture from
IV. New ideas in science based on observations, experimentation,
and mathematics challenged classical views of the cosmos, nature,
and the human body, although folk traditions of knowledge and the universe
Heliocentric model of the universe
Advances in anatomical and medical discoveries – Harvey: fixed many errors from ancient
scientists; heart was beginning point of blood and only one type of blood flow
Vesalius: He used dissection and observation to get a more clear view of anatomical
structure and corrected many errors from Galen. He learned that great blood vessels
originate in the heart, not the liver
Bacon and Descartes: inductive and deductive reasoning, promoting experimentation
Some people still clung to alchemy and astrology
Newton: God had left clues in the heavens about the world and certain clues in previous records
KC 1.2: The struggle for sovereignty within and among states resulted in
varying degrees of political centralization
Three trends shaped early modern political development
1. Decentralized power and authority to centralized (this was a process)
2. Political elite primarily of a hereditary landed nobility towards one open to men distinguished
by their education, skills, and wealth (this was also a process)
3. Religious towards secular norms of law and justice (think Beccaria here)
Military revolution made knights unnecessary
Kings with the ability to create taxes and with the revenue could afford big state armies
The kings of Western Europe were no longer financially or militarily dependent on the nobles
I. The new concept of the sovereign state and secular systems of law
plated a central role in the creation of new political institutions
New monarchs established a monopoly on tax collection, military force, and the
dispensing of justice, and gaining the right to determine the religion of their subjects
Peace of Augsburg(1555): Attempted policy of religious compromise by Charles V in an
attempt to prevent religious warfare in the HRE. The princes in the HRE could decide if
their people would be Catholic or Lutheran(no acknowledgement for Calvinist or other
Edict of Nantes(1598): Attempted policy of religious compromise by Henry IV(politique).
This officially made Catholicism the state religion of France, but allowed Huguenots the
right to practice their religion. (synthesis of Realpolitik)
Peace of Westphalia(1648): Marked the effective end of medieval idea of universal
Christendom and accelerated the decline of the HRE
Commercial and professional groups gained in power and played a greater role in
political affairs
Nobles of the robe: As a way to generate money, the kings of France sold positions of
nobility to wealthy nobles
Secular political theories, such as those espoused in The Prince provided a new
concept of the state
Jean Bodin (French political theorist) : Sovereign power consisted of the authority to make
laws, tax, administer justice, control the state’s administrative system, and determine
foreign policy (synthesis is Hobbes)
II. The competitive state system led to new patterns of diplomacy
and new forms of warfare
Balance of power played an important role in diplomatic and military objectives after the
Peace of Westphalia
Advances in military favored the state
France created a massive state army, using taxes on the middle class to generate the necessary
III. The competition for power between monarchs and corporate groups produced
different distributions of government authority in European states
English Civil War, conflict between the monarchy and Parliament exemplified this competition
James I: Wanted to rule as a divine-right monarchy. Parliament resisted this by refusing his
requests for additional money. This conflict became worse under Charles I and led to the English
Civil War
The Fronde in France: Revolts of the French nobles that were trying to resist the centralized
power of the monarchs, but these were crushed and many concluded that best hope for
stability in France was the monarch
KC 1.3: Religious pluralism challenged the concept of a unified Europe
I. The Protestant and Catholic Reformations fundamentally changed
theology, religious institutions, and culture
Christian humanism, embodied in the writings of Erasmus, employed Renaissance learning
in the service of religious reform
Sir Thomas More: He believed in a strict adherence to Christian values and was very disturbed by
the developing materialism and resisted the attempts to break from the Catholic Church
Indulgences: The Catholic Church was selling a “free pass” to salvation. This policy created
a lot of criticism and was a spark of the Protestant Reformation
Catholic Reformation, exemplified by the Jesuit Order and the Council of Trent, revived the
church but cemented the division within Christianity
Index of Prohibited Books: A list of books that Catholics were not allowed to read
II. Religious reforms both increased state control of religious institutions
and provided justifications for challenging state authority
Monarchs and princes, such as Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, initiated religious reform from the
top down to exercise greater control over religious life
Book of Common Prayer: This prayer book reflected the religious changes in England and
divide with the Catholic Church
Huguenots: Challenged the authority of the French monarch by resisting their control.
Huguenots attempted to create their own laws and resisted taxation from the crown.
III. Conflicts among religious groups overlapped with political and economic
competition within and among states
The late 1500s was a time of religious warfare in France
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: Charles IX and his advisers decided to kill prominent
Huguenots in Paris, and the violence spread when mobs of Catholics killed Huguenots
Religious warfare continued, but was finally stopped when Henry of Navarre took the throne and
issued the Edict of Nantes
The Habsburgs attempted, but failed to restore Catholic unity across Europe
Philip II: He wanted to re-catholicize all of Europe. He attempted to crush a rebellion in the
Netherlands, but made the mistake of trying to attack England first. In 1588, his Armada
suffered a major defeat. His goal of restoring Catholicism failed.
Thirty Years’ War: France, Sweden, and Denmark used the war as an excuse to increase
taxation and exert more control over their own people. It also allowed these countries to
weaken the HRE.
Poland: This was one of the few states in Europe that allowed religious plurality. Poland had
a weak monarch and the nobles had a large amount of control over the religion of their
people. No centralized religion was forced on the people of Poland
KC 1.4: Europeans explored and settled overseas territories, encountering
and interacting with indigenous populations.
By the 17th century, Europeans had forged a global trade network that gradually edged
out earlier Muslim and Chinese domination
Mercantilism: Economic theory which promoted government management of economic
imperatives and policies
I. European nations were driven by commercial and religious motives to explore
overseas territories and establish colonies (think Three G’s)
II. Advances in navigation, cartography, and military technology allowed
Europeans to establish overseas colonies and empires
Stern-post rudder: Steering mechanism that made directional control of ships much
Guns and gunpowder: These gave the Europeans a huge advantage over the people
they encountered in the rest of the world
III. Europeans established overseas empires and trade networks
through coercion and negotiation
Competition for trade led to conflicts and rivalries among European powers
IV. Europe’s colonial expansion led to a global exchange of goods, flora, fauna,
cultural practices, and diseases, resulting in the destruction of some indigenous
civilizations, a shift toward European dominance, and the expansion of the slave
Trade shift from Mediterranean to the Atlantic
Columbian Exchange led to subjugation and destruction of indigenous peoples
Many new crops were introduced to the Americas: Wheat, Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Sheep
Manny new crops went to Europe: Tomatoes, Potatoes, Squash, Corn, Tobacco, Turkeys
But also diseases: Small pox and measles
Syphilis was only disease
Slave trade expanded as a result of the plantation economies
KC 1.5: European society and the experiences of everyday life were increasingly
shaped by commercial and agricultural capitalism, notwithstanding the persistence
of medieval social and economic structures.
More silver and higher population led to a “price revolution”, which was a high cost for
goods and services
Development of capitalist economies and things like joint-stock companies to conduct
overseas trade
By mid-17th Europe no longer had the communal values and people were responding to
very difficult economic times by becoming more individualistic
Leisure time was still communal, as was the enforcement of social norms
I. Economic change produced new social patterns, while traditions of hierarchy and
status persisted.
Growth of urban financial centers and a money economy
Bank of Amsterdam: Started in 1609 as both a deposit and transfer institution, and
eventually a stock exchange. This emerged as the European hub of business.
Gentry in England: Well-to-do landowners below the level of nobility, held many positions
in the House of Commons and also local government. They became a very strong group.
Rural areas remained unchanged; hierarchy and status continued to define social power
II. Most Europeans derived their livelihood from agriculture and oriented their
lives around the seasons, the village, or the manor, although economic
changes began to alter rural production and power
Subsistence farming was common in most rural areas
Price revolution favored the commercialization of agriculture, which benefited large
Enclosure Movement: Governments were enclosing small farms and selling them off to big
landowners, this created a group of landless wage laborers
**As western Europe moved toward a free peasantry and commercial agriculture,
serfdom was reinforced in the east (Russia)
Landlords restricting rights led to revolt
III. Population shifts and growing commerce caused the expansion of cities,
which often found their traditional political and social structures stressed by
the growth
Population pressure contributed to uneven price increases; agricultural commodities
increased more sharply than wages
Migrants challenged the ability of merchant elites and craft guilds to govern and strained
Sanitation problems: As population rose, cites dealt with far dirtier conditions. There was no
infrastructure in place for bringing in/out water or garbage
Social dislocation and weakening religious institutions, left city government to regulate
Stricter codes on prostitution and begging: Cities made laws to regulate prostitution and
attempted to limit beggars, but the underlying assumption was that people were in these positions
by choice. The social attitude towards poverty was changing, people looked at the poor as lazy
IV. The family remained the primary social and economic institution of early
modern Europe and took several forms, including the nuclear family
Rural and urban households worked as units
Renaissance and Reformation raised debates about female roles in the family
La Querelle des Femmes: The debate about whether women should be able to study in
universities and the overall role they should play
From the late 16th, economic changes delayed marriage, which slowed population
growth and improved economic conditions
V. Popular culture, leisure activities, and rituals reflecting the persistence of folk ideas
reinforced and sometimes challenged communal ties and norms
Leisure was organize around religious calendar and communal
Blood sports: People enjoyed watching things like cock fighting and bull baiting, people in
the Renaissance age viewed animals as soulless creatures
There were rituals of public humiliation in an attempt to keep communal order; people
were put in stocks for committing crimes or violations of social norms
Period 2: c. 1648 to c. 1815
Why 1648: End of 30 Years War, Peace of Westphalia
Why 1815: Congress of Vienna
Big Events: More Science, Enlightenment, Age of Revolutions,
Napoleon, Warfare for Colonies, Emergence of England as the
world power
Map of Europe 1600
Map of Europe 1700
Map of Europe 1800
KC 2.1: Different models of political sovereignty affected the relationship among
states and between states and individuals.
I. In much of Europe, absolute monarchy was established over the course of the 17th and
18th centuries
Limited the nobility's participation in government but preserved their social and legal position
Peter the Great: Table of Ranks: Created opportunities for non-nobles to serve the state and join
the nobility. He was trying to create a system based on merit and a way to limit the power of the
hereditary nobles. He also created a senate to supervise the administrative machinery of the state
and brought westernization to Russia; thinking that Russia needed to be more like the Western
European countries
Louis XIV and his fiancé minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, extended the administrative, financial,
military, and religious control of the central state: Strengthening of the intendant system,
mercantilism, and Edict of Fountainebleau
A few monarchs experimented with enlightened absolutism
Frederick II of Prussia: Followed a single law code and eliminated the use of torture. He also granted limited
free speech and press as well as complete religious toleration. However, he was too dependent on the
nobilities to end serfdom
Inability of Polish monarchy to consolidate power over the nobility led to weakness and eventual
loss all land to Austria, Prussia, and Russia
II. Challenges to absolutism resulted in alternative political systems
Outcome of English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution protected the rights of gentry
and aristocracy from absolutism through assertions of the rights of Parliament
English Bill of Rights: Affirmed Parliament’s right to make laws and levy taxes and Parliament had
to consent to the raising of an army. Citizens had the guaranteed right to petition the king, keep
arms, have a jury trial, and not be subject to excessive bail. The BOR helped create a system of
government based on the rule of law and a freely elected Parliament. This did not address
freedom of religion
The Dutch Republic developed an oligarchy of urban gentry and rural landholders to
promote trade and protect traditional rights
III. After 1648, dynastic and state interests, along with Europe’s expanding
colonial empires, influenced the diplomacy of European states and frequently
led to war
After 30 Years’ War the HRE had limited power, Prussia rose to power and the Habsburgs,
centered in Austria, shifted their empire eastward
Austria defeat the Turks in 1683 and Louis XIV undertook nearly continuous wars
Maria Theresa of Austria(1740-1780): Reorganized Austria society by curtailing the power of the
ruling diets. Clergy and nobles were required to pay taxes directly to royal officials. Austrians and
Bohemian lands were divided into ten provinces; administration was centralized and armed
forces were expanded. This centralization and expansion were in preparation for a war with
War of the Spanish Succession(1702-1713): Charles II, king of Spain, left his throne to the grandson
of Louis XIV. Coalition of England, the United Provinces, Habsburg Austria, and German states
waged war to prevent France from combining the two kingdoms. Peace of Utrecht(1713)
confirmed Philip V as king of Spain and kept thrones divided.
Continued warfare between Britain and France; 7 Years’ War would end with Britain
supplanting France as the greatest European power
IV. The French Revolution posed a fundamental challenge to Europe’s existing
political and social order
Caused by Enlightenment ideas, exacerbated by short-term fiscal and economic crises
First phase of the revolution established a constitutional monarchy, increased popular
participation, nationalized Catholic church, and abolished hereditary privileges
After execution of Louis XVI, radical Jacobin Republic led by Robespierre instituted Reign of
Terror, fixing prices and wages, and pursued a policy de-Christianization
Civil Constitution of the Clergy: Both bishops and priests were to be elected by the people and
paid by the church. All clergy were required to swear an oath of allegiance to the state
Constitution, which was forbidden by the church
Committee of Public Safety: Courts were established to protect the revolution from enemies at
home; created the “republic of virtue” Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
Revolutionary armies brought changed to the rest of Europe, women enthusiastically
participated but received few gains, revolutionary ideas inspired a slave revolt in
Haiti(independent by 1804), some were inspired by revolutionary emphasis on equality and
human rights, but others condemned its violence and disregard for traditional authority
V. Claiming to defend the ideals of the French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte
imposed French control over much of the European continent that eventually
provoked a nationalistic reaction.
Napoleon undertook a number of enduring domestic reforms while curtailing rights and
manipulation people behind a façade of representative institutions
Civil Code (Napoleonic Code): Recognized the principle of the equality of all citizens before the
law, the rights of individuals to choose their professions, religious toleration, and the abolition of
serfdom and feudalism
Censorship: Napoleon shut down sixty of France’s newspapers(out of 73) and insisted that all
manuscripts be subjected to government scrutiny before they were published. Even the mail was
opened by government police
New military tactics allow him to exert direct or indirect control over much of Europe,
spreading ideals of the French Revolution
Napoleon’s expanding empire created nationalist responses throughout Europe
After the defeat of Napoleon by a coalition of French powers, the Congress of
Vienna(1814-1815) attempted to restore the balance of power and contain the danger of
revolutionary or nationalistic upheavals in the future.
KC 2.2: The expansion of European commerce accelerated the growth of a
worldwide economic network
European societies –first those with access to the Atlantic and gradually those to the east
and on the Mediterranean – provided increasing percentages of their populations with a
higher standard of living
Availability labor power, institutions and practices that supported economic activity and
provided incentives, accumulations of capital for financing enterprises and innovations,
technological innovations in food production, transportation, communication, and
manufacturing = CAUSES OF INDUSTRY
Development of a growing consumer society, but the geographic mobility eroded traditional community
and family solidarities and protections
European economic strength derived in part from the ability to control and exploit resource around the
globe, but eastern Europe countries in a traditional, principally agrarian economy
I. Early modern Europe developed a market economy that provided the
foundation for its global role
Labor and trade in commodities were increasingly freedom from traditional governmental restrictions
Le Chapelier Laws: To prevent continued associations of workers based on such economic interests,
Le Chapelier introduced a measure (passed into law on 14 June 1791) that historians remember by
his name, the "Le Chapelier law." It barred craft guilds and would bar trade unions until 1884.
The Agricultural Revolution raised productivity and increased the supply of food
Cottage industry, or putting-out system, expanded
Bank of England: The Bank of England was founded in 1694 to act as the Government's banker and debtmanager. Since then its role has developed and evolved, centered on the management of the nation's
currency and its position at the center of the UK's financial system.
II. The European-dominated worldwide economic network contributed to the
agricultural, industrial, and consumer revolutions in Europe
States followed mercantilist policies by exploiting colonies and transatlantic slave-labor system
expanded in the 17th and 18th centuries as demand for New World products increased
Consumer culture developed in Europe
Triangle Trade: Trade network that connected Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Slaves went to the
Americas, some good went to Africa to pay for the slaves, many crops came back to Europe from the
Tea: Once introduced to Europe, there was a great demand for tea and other products from China
Food from the Americas led to increase in food supply in Europe
Foreign lands provided raw materials, finished goods, laborers, and markets
III. Commercial rivalries influenced diplomacy and warfare among European states in the
early modern era
European sea powers vied for Atlantic influence throughout 18th century
Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British rivalries in Asia culminated in British domination in India
and Dutch control of East Indies
KC 2.3: The popularization and dissemination of the Scientific Revolution and
the application of its methods to political, social, and ethical issues led to an
increased, although not unchallenged, emphasis on reason in European culture
Europeans applied methods of science to human affairs
Rousseau, Voltaire, and Diderot aimed to place faith in divine revelation with faith in
human reason and classical values
John Locke and Adam Smith questioned absolutism and mercantilism by arguing for the
authority of natural law and the market
Belief in progress, along with improved social and economic conditions, spurred gains in
literacy and education as well as the creation of a new culture of the printed word
Religious revival occurred, but elite culture embraced skepticism, secularism, and atheism
Religious toleration, or at least acceptance, increased
The new rationalism faced some challenges with revival of sentimentalism and
emotionalism of romanticism and nationalism
I. Rational and empirical thought challenged traditional values and ideas
Montesquieu: He wrote about different types of government and concluded that have a
system with a separation of powers and checks and balances
Locke and Rousseau developed political models based on the concept of natural rights,
but for Rousseau, these rights still did not apply to women
Mary Wollstonecraft: She wrote In Vindication of the Rights of Women and argued that women
having to obey men was contrary to beliefs of the same individuals that a system based on the
arbitrary power of monarchs on wrong. And, if all people have reason, then that applies to women
and they should have equal rights
II. New public venues and print media popularized Enlightenment ideas
Salons explored and disseminated Enlightenment culture
Coffeehouses: This became a place where people from all walks of life would gather and mingle,
exchanging news and having discusses and debates
Newspapers: Despite censorship, newspapers served a growing literate public and led to the
development of public opinion
Through literature, Europeans were being exposed to representations of peoples outside
III. New political and economic theories challenged absolutism and
Locke: The state originated in the consent of the governed(the social contract) rather than
in divine right or tradition
Mercantilist theory and practices were challenged by people like Adam Smith, arguing for
free trade and a free market
Physiocrats: They believe that land, rather than gold and silver, was the real source of wealth and
that the natural market forces of supply and demand should not be manipulated by the
government, rather the government should apply laissez-faire
IV. During the Enlightenment, the rational analysis of religious practices led to natural
religion and the demand for religious toleration
Intellectuals, including Voltaire and Diderot, develop new philosophies of deism, skepticism,
and atheism
Hume:. He argued that observation and reflection, grounded in “systematized common sense”
made conceivable a “science of man”. Careful examination of the experiences that constituted
human life would lead to the knowledge of human nature
Religion was increasingly view as a private matter rather than public and toleration
extended to Christian minorities and, in some states, civil equality to Jews
V. The arts moved from the celebration of religious
themes and royal power to an emphasis on private life
and the public good
Until 1750, Baroque art and music promoted
religious feeling and was employed by
monarchs to glorify state power
Velasquez: Spanish painter who was the
leading artist in the court of King Philip IV.
He was important as a portrait artist. In
addition to numerous renditions of scenes
of historical and cultural significance, he
painted scores of portraits of the Spanish
royal family, other notable European
figures, and commoners, culminating in
the production of his masterpiece Las
Meninas (1656).
Artistic movement and literature also reflected the outlook
and values of commercial and bourgeois as well as
Enlightenment ideas of political power and citizenship
Dutch Painting: Although Dutch painting of the
Golden Age comes in the general European period
of Baroque, and often shows many of its
characteristics, most lacks the idealization and love
of splendor typical of much Baroque work. Most
work, including that for which the period is best
known, reflects the traditions of detailed realism.
Image to the right: Johannes Vermeer, The
Milkmaid (1658–1660)
VI. While Enlightenment values dominated the world of European ideas,
they were challenged by the revival of public sentiment and feeling
Rousseau questioned the exclusive reliance on reason and emphasized the role of
emotions in the moral improvement of self and society
Revolution, war, and rebellion demonstrated the emotional state of mass politics and
Romanticism emerged as a challenge to Enlightenment rationality.
Romanticism: Included the following characteristics: human existence is subjective and
emotional, human knowledge is small compared to the historical record, individuals
rights are dangerous and selfish, the community is more important, artist were apart from
society, escape from industrialization, immense power in the forces of nature.
Wandering Above the Sea of Fog
Caspar David Friedrich, 1818
KC 2.4: The experiences of everyday life were shaped by demographic, environmental,
medical, and technological changes
16th-century population explosion, which roughly doubled the European population,
left many social disruptions and demographic disasters
The European marriage pattern, which limited family size, became most important check on population;
also some couples adopted birth control practices
By middle 18th century, things were getting better in Europe, because of better weather and many
agricultural and hygiene improvements
Attitude towards children began to shift in the 18th when there were reductions in child mortality and
increased life expectancy in infants
By the end of the 18th century, a high portion of Europeans were better fed and educated, but
poverty was still a huge problem that strained charitable resources
I. In the 17th century, small landholdings, low-productivity agricultural practices, poor
transportation, and adverse weather limited and disrupted the food supply, causing
periodic famines. By the 18th century, Europeans began to escape from the Malthusian
imbalance between population and the food supply, resulting in steady population
Agricultural Revolution of the 1700s increased the food supply
In the 18th century, plague disappeared as a major epidemic disease, and inoculation reduced
smallpox morality
II. The consumer revolution of the 18th century was shaped by a new concern for privacy,
encouraged the purchase of new goods and homes, and created new venues for leisure
New concern for privacy: Homes were built to include private retreats, such as the boudoir;
many earlier European homes did not have private bedrooms or spaces specifically designed
as a retreat
New consumer goods for homes: Porcelain dishes were a way to show wealth, imported from
New Leisure venues: Taverns: People were going to taverns to drink, but also to meet-up for
discussions and the sharing of information
III. By the 18th century, family and private life reflected new demographic patterns and
the effects of the commercial revolution
Although the rate of illegitimate births, population growth was limited by the European
marriage pattern by early birth control
As infant and child mortality decreased and commercial wealth increased, families dedicated
more space and resources to children and child-rearing, as well as private life and comfort
IV. Cities offered economic opportunities, which attracted increasing migration from
rural areas, transforming urban life and creating challenges from the new urbanites
and their families.
Agricultural Revolution produced more food using fewer workers; so people migrated to
the cities looking for work
Growth of cities eroded traditional communal values, and city governments strained to
provide protect and a healthy environment
Concentration of poor in cities led to greater awareness of poverty, crime, and prostitution
as social problems, and prompted increased efforts to police marginal groups
Period 3: c. 1815 to c. 1914
Why 1815: Defeat of Napoleon and Congress of Vienna
Why 1914: World War I
Big Events: Congress of Vienna, Conservativism, Scramble for Africa,
Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, Revolutions of 1848, Alliance
Map of Europe 1800
Map of Europe 1900
KC 3.1: The Industrial Revolution spread from Great Britain to the continent, where the
state played a great role in promoting industry.
All countries in Europe, had some level of industrialization, but it was most rapid in Great
Britain and then Germany
By 1870, the European market fluctuation led to more and more governmental involvement
in the manage of the economy include: protective tariffs, military procurements, and
colonial conquests
I. Great Britain established its industrial dominance through the mechanization of
textile production, iron and steel production, and new transportation systems
Britain had a ready supplies of coal, iron, and other essential raw materials
Economic institutions and human capital helped Britain lead the process of industrialization,
largely through private initiative
Britain’s leadership: Crystal Palace at the Great Exhibition of 1851: world’s first industrial fair. It
covered 19 acres and contained 100,000 exhibits
Britain’s parliamentary government promoted commercial and industrial interests
II. Following the British example, industrialization took root in continental Europe,
sometimes with state sponsorship
France moved to industrialization at a more gradual pace, with government support and
will less dislocation of traditional methods of production
Industrialization in Prussia allowed that state to become the leader of a unified Germany,
which subsequently underwent rapid industrialization under government sponsorship.
Government support of industrialization: Canals: Government would use the money from taxes
and tariffs to construction canals throughout the cities, also railroad. These could then be used to
transport goods and people.
Zollverein: A Germany customs union, in 1834, eliminated tools on rivers and roads among
member states. By 1853, all German states except Austria had joined the union
A combination of factors including geography, lack or resources, dominance of landed
elites, serfdom, and inadequate government support accounted for eastern and southern
Europe’s lag in industrial development
Lack of adequate transportation: The lack of governmental support and a lack of infrastructure
building by private individuals, left the eastern and southern Europeans without the necessary
roads, bridges, or canals to move goods. Countries like Russia had the challenge of needing so
much investment.
III. During the second industrial revolution(c. 1870-1914), more areas of Europe
experienced industrial activity, and industrial processes increased in scale and
Mechanization and the factory system become predominant by 1914
New technology, communication, and transportation – including railroads – resulted in
fully integrated national economies, more urbanization, and truly global economic
Mass production: The assembly line and interchangeable parts made mass production a reality.
Internal Combustion Engine: This made the steam engine obsolete and paved the way for smaller
and lighter engines and faster transportation, and eventually the automobile
Volatile business cycles in the last quarter of 19th century led corporations and
governments to try to manage market through monopolies, banking practices, and tariffs.
KC 3.2: The experiences of everyday life were shaped by industrialization,
depending on the level of industrial development in a particular location
Industrialization promoted the development of new socioeconomic classes, especially
the proletariat and bourgeoisie
Economic changes also led to the rise of trade and industrial unions
More people moved to cities
The relationship between the government and people began to shift as governments
made more policies to protect child and universalize education
Middle-class women withdrew from the workforce, while working-class women increased
their participation as wage-laborers
Industrialization and urbanization changed people’s conception of time, trade unions
assumed responsibility for the social welfare of working class families, leisure time
Despite continued inequality and poverty, the average standard of living increased
I. Industrialization promoted the development of new classes in the industrial
regions of Europe
Industrial areas developed distinct social classes, proletariat and the bourgeoisie
Less industrialized areas, dominance of agricultural elites persisted
Mutual aid societies and trade unions
II. Europe experienced rapid population growth and urbanization, leading to social
Better harvests, industrialization promoted population growth, longer life expectancy,
and lowered infant mortality
Urbanization led to overcrowding in cities, while rural areas suffered declines in available
labor and weakened communities
III. Over time, the Industrial Revolution altered the family structure and relations for
bourgeois and working-class families
Bourgeois: More focused on nuclear family and the cult of domesticity
By the end of the century, wages and quality of life for the working class improved
because of laws restricting labor, social welfare programs, improved diets, and the use of
birth control
Factory Act of 1833: Reduced the number of children in factories and slowly reduced women in
the factories and mines
Economic motivations for marriage were replaced by companionate marriage
Leisure time centered increasingly on the family or small groups
Sports clubs and arenas: Teams sports continued as a way to spend leisure time, but sports
became more professionalize and people shifted from participation to observation
IV: A heightened consumerism developed as a result of the second industrial
Industrialization and mass marketing increase the production and demand for consumer
Department stores: Constructed of new materials, iron columns and plate-glass windows,
department stores offered consumers an endless variety of goods
New efficient modes of transportation and other innovations created new industries,
improved the distribution of goods, increased consumerism
Railroads: These allowed people to live farther away from the factories and alleviated the strain in
the urban areas
Leisure travel: People began to get more free time and started to travel outside of the city or away
from their homes. Entire industries developed that were central on travel destinations.
V. Because of the persistence of primitive agricultural practices and land-owning
patterns, some areas of Europe lagged in industrialization while facing famine, debt,
and land shortages
Irish potato famine: The potato crop failures were caused by late blight, a disease that
destroys both the leaves and the edible roots. It led to massive emigration, about 1.6 million
fled Ireland.
KC 3.3: The problems of industrialization provoked a range of ideological,
governmental, and collective responses.
French and industrial revolutions triggered dramatic political and social consequences
and new theories to deal them
Conservatism, liberalism, socialism, nationalism, and even romanticism
Responses to socioeconomic changed reached a culmination in the revolutions of 1848, but
failure of these uprisings left issues unresolved well in the 20th century
Labor unions developed and used collective action to demand rights and universal suffrage.
Feminists and suffragists petitioned and staged protests demanding rights for women
Political parties emerged as vehicles for advocating reform or reacting to changing conditions
Nationalism acted as one of the most powerful engines of political change
Early nationalism emphasized shared historical and cultural experiences that often threatened
traditional elites
Over the course of the 19th century, leaders recognized the need to promote national unity
through economic development and expanding state functions
I. Ideologies developed and took root throughout society as a response to industrial
and political revolutions
Liberals emphasized popular sovereignty, individual rights, and enlightened self-interests
but debated the extent to which all groups in society should actively participate in its
Anti-Corn Law League: A group that developed to fight against the corn laws which had
imposed high tariffs on imported grain. The 19th century liberals were looking for less
governmental intervention in the economy. Robert Peel, leader of the Tories, persuaded his
associates to support free trade principles.
Radicals in Britain and republics on the continent demanded universal male suffrage and
full citizen without regard to wealth or property
Chartists: This group believed that the solution to many societal problems was to make voting
universal to all men and used peaceful methods
Klemens von Metternich: Led the Congress of Vienna and was huge advocate of conservatism.
He built an alliance with Austria, Prussia, and Russia to crush liberal movements in Europe
Socialists called for a fair distribution of society’s resources and evolved from a utopian to
Marxist scientific critique of capitalism
Charles Fourier: Utopian socialist who proposed the formation of self-contained cooperatives
Continued…I. Ideologies developed and took root throughout society as a response to
industrial and political revolutions
Marxism and anarchism
August Babel: Member of the German Social Democratic Party that espoused revolutionary Marxist
rhetoric while organizing itself as a mass political party
Anarchists: Mikhail Bakunin: Believed that small groups of well-trained, fanatical revolutionaries could
perpetrate so much violence that the state and its institutions would disintegrate
Nationalism encouraged loyalty to the nation in a variety of ways
Giuseppe Mazzini: Formed a group called Young Italy with its goal the creation of a united Italian
republic. The rebellion of Italians in 1848 and 1849 failed to create a republic, largely because of the
intervention of foreign powers. However, this idea would be reached in the 1860s
Anti-Semitism: Karl Lueger: As the mayor of Vienna, he created a problem of anti-Semitic policies and
blaming Jews for the corruption of German culture
Jewish Nationalism: Theodor Herzl, in 1896, published a book in which he put forth the notion of a
Jewish state. He received some support for the creation of a Jewish community in Palestine
II. Governments responded to the problems created or exacerbated by
industrialization by expanding their functions and creating modern bureaucratic
Liberalism shifted from laissez-faire to interventionist economic and social policies on
behalf of the less privileged
Governments transformed unhealthy and overcrowded cities by modernizing
infrastructure, regulating public health, reforming prisons, and establishing modern police
Urban Redesign: Cities were reconstructed with better planning and sanitation. For example,
Napoleon III were the help of Haussmann designed Paris. The wider cities had a practical
purpose, allowing the military to move in and crush rebellions.
Governments promoted compulsory public education to advance the goals of public
order, nationalism, and economic growth
III. Political movements and social organizations responded to the problems of
Mass-based political parties emerges as vehicles for change
Workers established labor unions and movements that also developed into political parties
German Social Democratic Party: At first started as a party of socialist, but by 1912 it was the biggest
party in the Germany Reichstag and had become less revolutionary and more revisionist
Feminists pressed for legal, economic, and political rights for women
Conservatives and Liberals in Great Britain: These two political parties emerged as the two strongest
parties. At first conservatives faired less services and less voting rights. They traded terms, but ultimately
both saw the value of expanded voting rights and more services for the people.
Flora Tristan: She preached the need for the liberation of women and full equality
Private groups sought to lift up the deserving poor and end serfdom and slavery
Josephine Butler: Objected to laws that unfairly punished women, especially the Contagious Disease
Acts that punished women, but not men for the spread of venereal disease
Young Prostitutes: Young women that felt like they had no other work opportunities besides becoming
prostitutes, many groups attempted to help these young prostitutes, because they left that they were
“deserving poor”. Groups distinguished behind “undeserving” and “deserving” poor
KC 3.4: European states struggled to maintain international stability in an age of
nationalism and revolutions.
After the French Revolution and Napoleon era, the world leaders met to suppress liberal
and preserve a balance of power
Revolution swept Europe in 1848, triggered by poor economic conditions, slow pace of
political change, and unfulfilled nationalist hopes
However, conservative leaders held off these revolutions
New conservatives emerged that were willing to address some of the demands of their
The Crimean War ended the balance of power from the Napoleonic Age and set the
stage of the unification of Italy and Germany; led to the realpolitik – Cavour and
After the Crimean War, Russia undertook a series of internal reforms aimed at achieving
After the new German Emperor Wilhelm II dismissed Bismarck in 1890, Germany’s
diplomatic approach altered significantly
A change in diplomacy, the breakdown of alliances, militarism, and nationalism led to
World War I.
I. The Concert of Europe(or Congress System) sought to maintain the status quo
through collective action and adherence to conservatism.
Metternich, leader of the Concert, used it to suppress nationalist and liberal revolutions
Conservatives re-established control, through the Principle of Intervention of the
Congress, and attempted to suppress movements for change and strengthen adherence
to religious authorities
Greek War of Independence: The Greeks had long been controlled by the Ottoman Empire, but
revolted in 1830. The conservatives of Europe did not like nationalist revolutions, but in this case
were more concerned with weakening the Ottoman Empire. So, the Greeks had support from
the big powers.
The revolutions of 1848 challenged the conservative orders and led to the end of the
Concert of Europe
II. The breakdown of the Concert of Europe opened the door for movements of
national unification in Italy and Germany as well as liberal reforms elsewhere.
The Crimean War demonstrated the weakness of the Ottoman Empire and contributed to
the breakdown of the Concert of Europe, creating conditions in which Italy and Germany
could unify
A new breed of conservative leaders, including Napoleon III, Cavour, and Bismarck, coopted the agenda of nationalists for the purposed of creating or strengthening the state.
The creation of the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, which recognized the political
power of the largest ethnic minority, was an attempt to stabilize the state by reconfiguring
the national unity
In Russia, autocratic leaders pushed reforms and modernization, which gave rise to
revolutionary movements
Alexander II: He freed the serfs in 1861 and instituted many reforms, including zemstvos(which
were local governments), reforming education, centralizing the judicial system, limiting the
powers of the nobles. However, the Russian secret police still sent thousands of dissents into exile
and Alexander was assassinated in 1881.
III. The unification of Italy and Germany transformed the European balance of
power and led to efforts to construct a new diplomatic order
Cavour’s Realpolitik strategies, combined with the popular Garibaldi’s military
campaigns, led to the unification of Italy
Bismarck employed diplomacy and industrialized warfare and weaponry and the
manipulation of democratic mechanisms to unify Germany
After 1871, Bismarck attempted to maintain the balance of power through alliances
directed at isolating France
Three Emperor’s League: The League of the Three Emperors was an alliance between the
German Empire, the Russian Empire and Austria-Hungary, from 1873 to 1887. Chancellor Otto von
Bismarck took full charge of German foreign policy from 1870 to his dismissal in 1890.
Bismarck’s dismissal in 1890 led to a system of mutually antagonistic alliances and
heightened international tensions
Nationalist tensions in the Balkans drew the Great Powers into a series of crises, leading up
to World War I
First Balkan War: This comprised actions of the Balkan League(Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and
Montenegro against the Ottoman Empire. The Balkan League won and as a result, captured and
partitioned almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire.
KC 3.5: A variety of motives and methods led to the intensification of European
global control and increased tensions among the Great Powers.
The European imperial outreach of the 19th century was in some ways a continuation of
three centuries of colonization, but resulted from the economic pressures and necessities
of a maturing industrial economy.
European still had strong economic influence in the Western hemisphere and increasing
dominance in East and Southern Asia
European national rivalries accelerated the expansion of colonies
Notions of global destiny and racial superiority fed the drive for empires and technology
and medicine made it possible
“New imperialism” was promoted by interest groups including politicians, military officers
and soldiers
As an example of a new complex phase of imperial diplomacy, the Berlin Conference
outlined procedures for the partition of Africa
Some groups in the colonies did resist, and by 1914 anticolonial movements had taken
root within the non-European world and in Europe itself
Imperialism led to a global exchange of cultures and people
I. European nations were driven by economic, political, and cultural motivations in
their new imperial ventures in Asia and Africa
European national rivalries and strategic concerns fostered imperial expansion and
competition for colonies
Search for raw materials and markets drove Europeans to colonize Africa and Asia
Europeans justified imperialism through an ideology of cultural/racial superiority
II. Industrial and technological developments facilitated European control of global
Advanced weapons invariably ensured the military superiority of Europeans
Breech-loading rifle: A firearm in which the cartridge or shell is inserted or loaded into a chamber
integral to the rear portion of a barrel. These were faster to reload than the muzzle-loading rifle
Communication and transportation technologies made conquest easier
Advances in medicine supported European control of Africa and Asia by preserving
European lives
Quinine: Used to prevent and treat malaria. This disease had been killing many Europeans that
went to Africa to explore/conquer.
III. Imperial endeavors significantly affected society, diplomacy, and culture in
Europe and created resistance to foreign control abroad
Imperialism created diplomatic tensions that strained the alliance system
Fashoda Crisis(1898): The Fashoda Incident or Crisis was the climax of imperial territorial disputes
between Britain and France in Eastern Africa, occurring in 1898. A French expedition to Fashoda
on the White Nile river sought to gain control of the Upper Nile river basin and thereby exclude
Britain from the Sudan.
Imperial encounters with non-European peoples influenced the styles and subject matter
of artists and writers and provoked debate about colonization
Paul Gauguin and Pablo Picasso’s Primitivism: Primitivism is a Western art movement that borrows
visual forms from non-Western or prehistoric peoples. This borrowing was an important
development of modern art.
Pan-German League: movement whose goal was the political unification of all people speaking
German or a Germanic language
As non-Europeans became educated in Western values, they challenged European
imperialism through nationalist movements and/or modernization
Japan’s Meiji Restoration: This was the period in Japan when the emperor decided to embrace
Western ways as a way to compete with the West. This period created a very strong industrial
economy in Japan.
Paul Gauguin
Where do we come from?
What are we? Where are we
This painting is a huge, brilliantly
colored but enigmatic work
painted on rough, heavy
sackcloth. It contains numerous
human, animal, and symbolic
figures arranged across an
island landscape. The sea and
Tahiti’s volcanic mountains are
visible in the background. It is
Paul Gauguin’s largest
painting, and he understood it
to be his finest work.
KC 3.6: European ideas and culture expressed a tension between objectivity and
scientific realism on one hand, and subjectivity and individual expression on the
The romantic movement of the early 19th century set the stage for later cultural
perspectives by encouraging individuals to cultivate their uniqueness and to trust intuition
and emotion
Later artistic movements such as Impressionism, Expressionism, and Cubism, which rested
on subjective interpretations of reality, arose from the attitudes fostered by romanticism
In science, Darwin’s evolutionary theory raised questions about human nature, and
physicists began to challenge the uniformity and regularity of the Newtonian universe
In 1905 Einstein’s theory of relativity underscored the position of the observer in defining
reality, while the quantum principles of randomness and probability called the objectivity
of Newtonian mechanics into question
The emergence of psychology led to investigations of human behavior
Freud’s investigations into the human psyche suggested the power of irrational
motivations and unconscious drives
Many writers and artists saw humans as governed by spontaneous, irrational forces
I. Romanticism broke with neoclassical forms of artistic representation and with
rationalism, placing more emphasis on intuition and emotion.
Romantic artists and composers broke from classical artistic forms to emphasize emotion,
nature, individuality, intuition, the supernatural, and national histories
Francisco Goya: Regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early
nineteenth centuries. Over the course of his long career, Goya moved from jolly and lighthearted
to deeply pessimistic and searching in his paintings, drawings, etchings, and frescoes.
Chopin: A Polish composer and a virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era, who wrote primarily for the
solo piano.
Romantic writers expressed similar themes while responding to the Industrial Revolution
and to various political revolutions
Mary Shelley: Her writings, like most Romantic authors, praised imagination over reason, emotions
over logic, and intuition over science-making way for a vast body of literature of great sensibility
and passion. In their choice of heroes, also, the romantic writers replaced the static universal
types of classical 18th-century literature with more complex, idiosyncratic characters. They
became preoccupied with the genius, the hero, and the exceptional figure in general, and a
focus on his passions and inner struggles and there was an emphasis on the examination of
human personality and its moods and mental potentialities. In Shelley’s Frankenstein, these
romantic ideas are perfectly demonstrated
Goya clearly had in mind for this
royal group the composition of
Velázquez's Meninas, which he had
copied in an engraving many years
before. Like Velázquez, he has
placed himself at an easel in the
background, to one side of the
canvas. But his is a more formal royal
portrait than Velázquez's: the figures
are grouped almost crowded
together in front of the wall and
there is no attempt to create an
illusion of space. The eyes of Goya
are directed towards the spectator
as if he were looking at the whole
scene in a mirror. The somewhat
awkward arrangement of the figures
suggests, however, that he
composed the group in his studio
from sketches made from life.
II. Following the revolutions of 1848, Europe turned toward a realist and materialist
Positivism, or the philosophy that science alone provides knowledge, emphasized the
rational and scientific analysis of nature and human affairs
Darwin provided a rational and material account of biological change and development
and inadvertently a justification for racialist theories
Marx’s scientific socialism provided a systematic critique of capitalism
Realist and materialist themes and attitudes influenced art and literature as painters and
writers depicted the lives of ordinary people and drew attention to social problems
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Focused on the difficult realities of life in Russia. In Crime and Punishment, he
focused on trying to exist in a time of poverty and social tension
III. A new relativism in values and the loss of confidence in the objectivity of
knowledge led to modernism in intellectual and cultural life
Philosophy largely moved from rational interpretations of nature and human society to an
emphasis on irrationality and impulse, a view that contributed to the belief that conflict
and struggle led to progress
Nietzsche: He proclaimed to the world that “god is dead” and attacked the religious institutions
for creating a slave mentality amongst the people. He suggested a plan for “becoming what
one is” through the cultivation of instincts and various cognitive faculties, a plan that requires
constant struggle with one’s psychological and intellectual inheritances.
Freudian psychology provided a new account of human nature that emphasize the role
of the irrational and the struggle between the conscious and subconscious
Developments in the natural sciences undermined the primacy of Newton
Planck: Many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame rests primarily on his role as
originator of the quantum theory. This theory revolutionized our understanding of atomic and
subatomic processes
Modern art, including impressionism, post-impressionism, and cubism moved beyond the
representational to the subjective, abstract, and expressive
Claude Monet
In the late 1860s, Claude Monet,
Pierre-Auguste Renoir and others
painted in a new style, called
Impressionism by contemporaries.
The name was first used by critics,
viewing a new exhibition held in
1874, and was directed precisely
— and derisively — at a painting
by Monet of a harbor at dawn,
which he titled Impression: Sunrise.
This painting is a striking example
of the new style.
Period 4: c. 1914 to Present
Why 1914: World War I
Why Present: We do not have time machines.
Big Events: World War I, Great Depression, Rise of Totalitarianism,
Soviet Union, World War II, The Cold War
KC 4.1: Total war and political instability in the first half of the 20th century gave way
to a polarized state order during the Cold War and eventually to efforts at
transnational union.
European politics and diplomacy in the 20th century were defined by total war and its
consequences and a destruction in the balance of power
Treaty of Versailles create unstable conditions
Russia had a revolution in 1917
Newly formed democracies after World War I were too weak to deal with the Great
The League of Nations was unable to maintain peace
World War II was more violent than WWI; during this war the Germany government killed
many different groups of people
During 20th century, European imperialism and feelings of superiority reached a peak
The second half of the 20th century would see the end of colonial, but a continuation of
economic dominance called neocolonialism
Many people immigrated to Europe, creating many problems for the governments
Continued KC 4.1….
The end of World War II gave way to the start of the Cold War
The Soviet Union and the United States – controlled international relations in Europe
The Cold War promoted political and economic unity in Western Europe, lead to the
establishment of a succession of ever-more comprehensive organizations of economic
In 1957, 6 countries formed the Common Market, which soon expanded
Success of economic union led to the founding of the European Union in 1991 and the
establishment of the euro
Following the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Eastern Europe countries moved toward
democracy and capitalism
After Cold War, there was a re-emergence of nationalist movements within states,
which led to Balkan wars in Yugoslavia and tensions among the former Soviet states.
I. World War I, caused by a complex interaction of long and short term factors,
resulted in immense losses and disruptions for both victors and vanquished.
A variety of factors, M.A.I.N. (militarism, alliance, imperialism and nationalism), turned a
regional dispute in the Balkans into WWI
New technologies confounded traditional military strategies and led to massive troop
Barbed Wire: This razor-covered wire, that protected the trenches, become a really dangerous
weapon of war. It served as a very dangerous barrier.
Military stalemate and total war led to protest and insurrection in the belligerent nations
and eventually to revolutions that changed the international balance of power
The war in Europe quickly spread to non-European theaters
Armenian Genocide: In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic
decimation of its civilian Armenian population. The persecutions continued with varying intensity
until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of
Turkey. The Armenian population of the Ottoman state was reported at about two million in
1915. An estimated one million had perished by 1918, while hundreds of thousands had
become homeless and stateless refugees. By 1923 virtually the entire Armenian population of
Anatolian Turkey had disappeared.
The relationship of Europe to the world shifted significantly with the globalization of the
conflict, the emergence of the United States as a world power, and the overthrow of
European empires
II. The conflicting goals of the peace negotiators in Paris pitted diplomatic idealism
against the desire to punish Germany, producing a settlement that satisfied few
Wilsonian idealism clashed with postwar realities. Democratic states emerged from
former empires and eventually succumbed to significant crises.
Poland: After World War I, Poland became independent after over 100 years of being ruled by
the countries around them. Poland attempted to form a democracy, but that government was
overthrown by Józef Klemens Piłsudski. He ruled the country as an authoritarian until Poland was
partitioned again at the start of WWII.
The League of Nations, created to prevent future wars, was weakened from the outset
by the nonparticipation of major powers(US, GB, and USSR)
Versailles settlement, particularly its provisions on the assignment of guilt and reparations
of war, hindered the German Weimar Republic’s ability to establish a stable and
legitimate political and economic system.
III. In the interwar period, fascism, extreme nationalism, racist ideologies, and the failure
of appeasement resulted in the catastrophe of World War II, presenting a grave
challenge to European civilizations.
French and British fears of another war, American isolationism, and the deep distrust between
Western democratic, capitalist nations, and the communist Soviet Union allowed fascist states
to rearm and expand
Munich Agreement and its violation: In 1938, a settlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of
portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders mainly inhabited by German speakers, for
which a new territorial designation "Sudetenland" was coined. This was supposed to be Hitler’s last
territorial demand, but he soon conquered Czechoslovakia
Germany’s Blitzkrieg warfare in Europe, combined with Japan’s attacks in Asia and the Pacific,
brought the Axis powers early victories.
American and British industrial, scientific, and technological power and the all-out military
commitment of the USSR contributed critically to Allied victories.
Fueled by racism and anti-Semitism, Nazi Germany, with the cooperation of some other Axis
powers and collaborationist governments, sought to establish a “new racial order in Europe,
which culminated with the Holocaust
Wannsee Conference: On January, 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler's second in command of the
SS, convened the Wannsee Conference in Berlin with 15 top Nazi bureaucrats to coordinate the Final
Solution (Endlösung) in which the Nazis would attempt to exterminate the entire Jewish population of
Europe, an estimated 11 million persons.
IV. As World War II ended, a Cold War between the liberal democratic West and the
communist East began, lasting nearly half a century
Despite efforts to maintain international cooperation through the newly created United
Nations, deep-seated tensions between the USSR and the West led to the division of Europe,
which was referred to in the West as the Iron Curtain
The Cold War played out on a global stage and involved propaganda campaigns; covert
actions; limited “hot wars” in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean; and an arms
race, with the threat of a nuclear war
The Yom Kippur War: On October 6, 1973, hoping to win back territory lost to Israel during the third ArabIsraeli war, in 1967, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a coordinated attack against Israel on Yom
Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Taking the Israeli Defense Forces by surprise, Egyptian
troops swept deep into the Sinai Peninsula, while Syria struggled to throw occupying Israeli troops out of
the Golan Heights. Israel counterattacked and recaptured the Golan Heights. A cease-fire went into
effect on October 25, 1973.
The US exerted a strong military, political, and economic influence in Western Europe, leading
to the creation of world monetary and trade systems and NATO
International Monetary Fund: 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure
financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic
growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Countries east of the Iron Curtain came under the domination of the Soviet Union within the
Council of Mutual Economic Assistance(COMECON) and the Warsaw Pact
The collapse of the USSR in 1991 ended and led to establishment of capitalist economies
throughout Eastern Europe. Germany was reunited, the Czechs and the Slovaks parted,
Yugoslavia dissolved, and the European Union expanded.
V. In response to the destructive impact of two world wars, European nations began
to set aside nationalism in favor of economic and political integration, forming a
series of transnational unions that grew in size and scope over the second half of the
20th century.
European Coal and Steel Community, envisioned as a means to spur postwar economic
recovery, developed in the European Economic Community and the European Union, this
led to efforts to establish a shared European identity
One of the major continuing challenges to countries in the EU is balancing national
sovereignty with the responsibilities of membership in an economic and political union
The creation of the Euro: A common European currency was formed in 1999. Many countries
parted with their national currency and adopted the Euro.
VI. Nationalist and separatist movements, along with ethnic conflict and ethnic
cleansing, periodically disrupted the post-WWII peace
Nationalist Violence: Chechnya: The people in Chechnya wanted independence from Russia
and some groups resorted to violence to try and make this happen.
Separatist Movements: Basque(ETA): For four decades, the armed organization Eta has
waged a bloody campaign for independence for the seven regions in northern Spain and
south-west France that Basque separatists claim as their own.
Ethnic Cleansing: Bosnian Muslims: In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of
Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from Yugoslavia. Over the next several years,
Bosnian Serb forces, with the backing of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army, targeted both
Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) and Croatian civilians for atrocious crimes resulting in the deaths of
some 100,000 people (80 percent Bosniak) by 1995. It was the worst act of genocide since
the Nazi regime’s destruction of some 6 million European Jews during World War II.
VII. The process of decolonization occurred over the course of the century with varying
degrees of cooperation, interference, or resistance from European imperialist states.
Wilson’s principle of national self-determination raised expectations in the non-European world
for freedom from colonial domination – expectations that led to international instability
The League of Nations distributed former German and Ottoman possessions to France and GB
through the mandate system, thereby altering the imperial balance of power and creating a
strategic interest in the Middle East and its oil
Mandate Territories: Lebanon and Syria: Officially the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon was a
League of Nations mandate founded after the First World War and the partitioning of the Ottoman
Empire. During the two years that followed the end of the war in 1918, and in accordance with the
Sykes-Picot Agreement that was signed between Britain and France during the war, the British held
control of most Ottoman Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and the southern part of the Ottoman Syria
(Palestine and Jordan), while the French controlled the rest of Ottoman Syria (modern Syria, Lebanon,
Alexandretta and other portions of southeastern Turkey).
Despite indigenous nationalist movements, independence for many African and Asian territories
was delayed until the mid- and even late 20th century by the imperial powers’ reluctance to
relinquish control, threats of interference from other nations, unstable economic and political
systems, and Cold War strategic alignments
Indian National Congress: From its foundation on 28 December 1885 by A.O.Hume a retired British officer
until the time of independence of India on 15 August 1947, the Indian National Congress was considered
to be the largest and most prominent Indian public organization, and central and defining influence of
the Indian Independence Movement.
KC 4.2: The stresses of economic collapse and total war engendered internal conflicts
within European states and created conflicting conceptions of the relationship
between the individual and the state, as demonstrated in the ideological battle
between liberal democracy, communism, and fascism.
During WWI, states increased the degree and scope of their authority. They centralized
power and controlled information and used propaganda. At the end of the war, distrust
from the people led to the fall of four empires; the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman,
and Russian.
The democratic nations that arose in their place lacked a democratic tradition and
suffered from weak economies and ethnic tensions
Russia experienced a civil war and the creation of a new state(USSR)
In Italy and Germany, charismatic leaders led to fascist movements to power, seizing
control of the post-WWI government and fighting against the Treaty of Versailles
In the post-WWII period, governments expanded social services and control of the
In the 1990s, there was a collapse of communism and the fall of the Soviet Union, but the
post-Soviet Union world was not simply for easier side of Europe
I. The Russian Revolution created a regime based on Marxist-Leninist theory
In Russia, WWI exacerbated long-term problems of political stagnation, social inequality,
incomplete industrialization, and food and land distribution, all while creating support for
revolutionary change
Petrograd Soviet: The February Revolution was the first of two revolutions in Russia in 1917. It was
centered on Petrograd, then Russian capital, on Women's Day in March. The revolution was confined
to the capital and its vicinity, and lasted less than a week.
Military and worker insurrections, aided by the revived the Soviets, undermined the Provisional
Government and set the stage for Lenin’s long-planned revolution
This led to a prolonged civil war, but Lenin prevailed
In order to improve economic performance, Lenin comprised with free-market principles under
the New Economic Policy, but Stalin abandoned those reforms
Collectivization: The Soviet Union ended the private ownership of agricultural
Stalin’s economic modernization came at a high price, including the liquidation of the kulaks,
famine in the Ukraine, purges of political rivals, unequal burdens placed on women, and the
establishment of an oppressive political system
Gulags: The term “ GULAG ” is an acronym for the Soviet bureaucratic institution, Glavnoe Upravlenie
ispravitel'no-trudovykh LAGerei (Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps), that operated the
Soviet system of forced labor camps in the Stalin era.
II. The ideology of fascism, with roots in the pre-World War I era, gained popularity in an
environment of postwar bitterness, the rise of communism, uncertain transitions to democracy, and
economic instability.
Fascists used propaganda as a tool to build support and attack democracy
Mussolini and Hitler rose to power by exploiting postwar bitterness and economic instability, using terror and
Franco’s alliance with Italian and German fascists in the Spanish Civil War led him to victory
After failures of democracy, authoritarians took over in Central and Eastern Europe
Romania: From 1918 to 1938, it was a liberal constitution monarchy, but the economic problems and problems with
national groups led to the establishment of a dictatorship
III. The Great Depression, caused by weaknesses in international trade and monetary theories and
practices, undermined Western European democracies and fomented radical political responses
throughout Europe
World War I debt, nationalistic tariff policies, depreciated currencies, disrupted trade patterns, and speculation
created weaknesses in economies worldwide
Dependence on post-WWI American capital led to economic collapse after the 1929 stock mark crash
Western democracies failed to overcome the Great Depression and were weakened by extremist movements
Keynesianism in Britain: This idea advocated a strong governmental management of the economy and a high level of
social services
Popular Fronts in France and Spain: The Popular Front initiatives of the 1930s in Spain and France were parliamentary
experiments in social and economic reform conceived, against a background of ever-increasing Fascist aggression in
Europe, as a means of checking political reaction in the domestic arena.
IV. Postwar economic growth supported an increase in welfare benefits; however,
subsequent economic stagnation led to criticism and limitation of the welfare state.
Marshall Plan funds financed an extensive reconstruction of industry and infrastructure and
stimulated an extended period of growth in Western and Central Europe, often referred to as an
“economic miracle”, which increased the economic and cultural importance of consumerism.
The expansion of cradle-to-grave social welfare programs in the aftermath of WWII, accompanied
by high taxes became a contentious domestic issue
V. Eastern European nations were defined by their relationship with the Soviet Union, which
oscillated between repression and limited reform, until Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies led to
the collapse of communist governments in Eastern Europe and the fall of the Soviet Union
Central and Eastern European nations within the Soviet bloc followed an economic model based
on central planning, extensive social welfare, and specialized production among bloc members
After 1956, Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization policies failed to meet their economic goals and prompted
revolts in Eastern Europe
Following a long period of stagnation, Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost, failed to stave off the
collapse of the Soviet Union
The rise of new nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe brought peaceful revolution in most
countries but resulted in war and genocide in the Balkans and instability in some formers Soviet
KC 4.3: During the 20th century, diverse intellectual and cultural movements
questioned the existence of object knowledge, the ability of reason to arrive at
truth, and the role of religion in determining moral standards.
Trend of 20th century was from optimistic view of science and technology to the formation
of skepticism that doubted the possibility of objective knowledge and of progress.
Existentialism, postmodernism, and renewed religiosity challenged the perceived
dogmatism of positivist science
While society became increasingly secular, religion continued to play a role
After WWI, new discoveries and theories in physics challenged the certainties of a
Newtonian universe
By the mid-20th, dramatic new medical technologies prolonged life
Dangers of scientific and technological achievements were demonstrated with
devastating weaponry
The art world was defined by experimentation and subjectivity, which asserted the
independence of visual arts from realism
I. The widely held belief in progress characteristic of much of 19th century thought began
to break down before WWI; the experience of war intensified a sense of anxiety that
permeated many facets of thought and culture, giving way by the century’s end to a
plurality of intellectual frameworks.
When WWI began, Europeans were confident in the ability of science and technology to
address human needs and problems
The effects of world war and economic depression undermined this confidence
II. Science and technology yielded impressive material benefits but also caused
immense destruction and posed challenges to objective knowledge
The challenge to Newtonian universe opened the door to uncertainty in other fields
Medical theories and technologies extended life but posed social and moral questions that
eluded consensus and crossed religious, political, and philosophical perspectives
Physicists: Niels Bohr: A Danish physicist who made foundational contributions to understanding atomic
structure and quantum theory, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.
Eugenics: the study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a
human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic
defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits (negative eugenics) or encouraging
reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits (positive eugenics)
Military technologies made possible industrialized warfare, genocide, nuclear proliferation, and
the risk of nuclear war
III. Organized religion continued to play a role in European social and cultural life
despite the challenges of military and ideological conflict, modern secularism, and
rapid social changes.
Totalitarianism and communism in Central and Eastern Europe brought mixed responses
from the Christian churches
Christian responses to totalitarianism: Pope John Paul II: He was very active in trying to end the
oppressive governments in eastern Europe, especially in Poland.
Reform in the Catholic Church found expression in the Second Vatican Council, which
redefined the Church’s dogma and practices and started to redefine its relations with
other religious communities **Synthesis would be the 95 Theses, Thomas More etc.
Increased immigration into Europe altered Europe’s religious makeup, causing debate
and conflict over the role of religion in social and political life
IV. During the 20th century, the arts were defined by experimentation, self-expression,
subjectivity, and the increasing influence of the United States in both elite and popular
New movements in the visual arts, architecture, and music demolished existing aesthetic
standards, explored subconscious and subjective states, and satirized Western society and its
Visual Arts: Dadaism: Dada was an artistic and literary movement that began in Zürich, Switzerland. It
arose as a reaction to World War I and the nationalism that many thought had led to the war. Influenced
by other avant-garde movements - Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and Expressionism - its output was
wildly diverse, ranging from performance art to poetry, photography, sculpture, painting, and collage.
Dada's aesthetic, marked by its mockery of materialistic and nationalistic attitudes, proved a powerful
influence on artists in many cities, including Berlin, Hanover, Paris, New York, and Cologne, all of which
generated their own groups. The movement dissipated with the establishment of Surrealism.
Architectural Movements: Bauhaus: The German architect Walter Gropius (1833 to 1969), who became a
US citizen in 1944, founded the Bauhaus Movement as a school of arts in Weimar, the city of Goethe.
What was revolutionary about his concept was the combination of a wide variety of arts – architecture,
sculpture and painting – with crafts and engineering. It was the general objective to create a visionary
and utopian craft guild that would combine beauty with usefulness.
Music: Compositions of Igor Stravinsky: One of music's truly epochal innovators; no other composer of the
twentieth century exerted such a pervasive influence or dominated his art in the way that Stravinsky did
during his seven-decade musical career. Aside from purely technical considerations such as rhythm and
harmony, the most important hallmark of Stravinsky’s style is, indeed, its changing face. Emerging from the
spirit of late Russian nationalism and ending his career with a thorny, individual language steeped in
twelve-tone principles, Stravinsky assumed a number of aesthetic guises throughout the course of his
development while always retaining a distinctive, essential identity.
Bauhaus Architecture
IV. Continued arts of the 20th century….
Throughout the century, a number of writers challenged traditional literary conventions,
questioned Western values, and addressed controversial social and political issues.
Franz Kafka: A German-language writer of novels and short stories who is widely regarded as
one of the major figures of the 20th century literature. His work fuses elements of realism and the
fantastic, typically features isolated protagonists faced by bizarre or surrealistic predicaments
and incomprehensible social-bureaucratic powers, and has been interpreted as exploring
themes of alienation, existential anxiety, guilt, and absurdity.
Increased imports of United States technology and popular culture after World War II
generated both enthusiasm and criticism
KC 4.4: Demographic changes, economic growth, total war, disruptions of traditional
social patterns, and competing definitions of freedom and justice altered the
experiences of everyday life.
The disruptions of two total wars, the reduction of barriers to migration within Europe
because of economic integration, globalization, and the arrival of new permanent
residents from outside of Europe changed the everyday lives of Europeans in significant
More people living in cities than rural communities
Standard of living went up, populations went down, so governments encouraged childbirth with
better child care and created large-scale guest-worker programs
New citizens to Europe created challenges to European identity and a backlash against
groups that were viewed as outsiders
By the 1960’s environmental problems caused by industrialization was causing many
problems and students began to protest against institutional authority
Feminists movements gained increased participation in politics, yet social patterns still
hindered gender equality
In the 21st century, Europeans continued to wrestle with issues of social justice and how to
define European identity.
I. The 20th century was characterized by large-scale suffering brought on by warfare
and genocide as well as tremendous improvements in the standard of living.
WWI created a “lost generation,” fostered disillusionment and cynicism, transformed the
lives of women, and democratic societies.
WWII destroyed a generation of Russian and German men, virtually destroyed European
Mass production, new food technology, and industrial efficiency increased disposable
income and create a consumer culture in which greater domestic comforts were
New communication and transportation improved connections and contributed to
Telephone: Revolutionized the way that people communicated over long distances and made
connects possible all over the world.
II. The lives of women were defined by family and work responsibilities, economic changes,
and feminism.
During the world wars, women became more involved in military and political mobilization as well as
in economic production
In Western Europe through the efforts of feminists, and in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union through
government policy, women finally gained the vote, more education and careers, but social
inequalities still existed.
Economic recovery after WWII led to a “baby boom”, often promoted by governments
Subsidies for large families: To encourage higher birth rates, some governments offered money to families with
a lot of children
New modes of marriage, partnership, motherhood, divorce, and reproduction gave women more
options in their personal lives
Second-wave feminism: Activity that first began in the early 1960s in the United States, and eventually spread
throughout the Western world and beyond. In the United States the movement lasted through the early 1980s
and continued to demand greater equality for women
The pill: The birth control pill allowed women to decided when they would have children and gave them the
ability to postpone child birth after they finished college and had a job.
Women attained high political office and increased their representation in legislative bodies in many
Margaret Thatcher of Great Britain: A British stateswoman and politician who was the Prime Minister of the
United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990.
III. New voices gained prominence in political, intellectual, and social discourse.
Green parties in Western and Central Europe challenged consumerism, urged sustainable
development, and, by the late 20th century, cautioned against globalization
Gay and lesbian movements worked for expanded civil rights, obtaining in some nations the
right to from civil partnerships with full legal benefits or to marry
Intellectuals and youth reacted against perceived bourgeois materialism and decadence, most
significantly with the revolts of 1968.
Economic growth of the 1950s and 1960s led to guest workers from southern Europe, Asia, and
Africa immigrated to Western and Central Europe; however, after the economic downturn of
the 1970s, these works and families often became targets of anti-immigrant agitation and
extreme nationalist political parties
French National Front: This is a socially conservative, nationalistic political party in France. Its major
policies include economic protectionism, a zero tolerance approach to law and order issues, and
opposition to immigration.