Download Page# 11/3/2014 - 11th Grade CP American Literature Comp A

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• Aim: What is a character analysis and how can we construct one?
• Do Now: What are some ways you can analyze a character?
How we learn about the characters
Direct way: The author tells you exactly what he/she wants you to know about the
Indirect way: The author lets the characters reveal their personalities through what they
think, say or do.
7 Characteristics
1) Appearance
2) Actions
3) Dialogue
4) Thoughts
5) Interactions with others
6) Mannerisms
7) Motivation
Choose a character
• In one sentence sum up what the character is like and what that may reveal
about the author’s message/purpose.
Turn to page 226 of your textbook
• 10 minutes to Complete Rhetorical Devices Benchmark
Finish Page 195
• Answer the following questions in your notebook (last page we worked on)
• Comprehension: #1-3
• Literary Analysis: 4, 7, and 8
Page 209
• Answer Questions #5, 8, and 9
Aristotle’s Four Characteristics of a
Tragic Hero
John Proctor a Tragic Hero?
1. Goodness—a tragic hero is a moral
and ethical person
2. Superiority—a tragic hero is someone
with supreme or noble authority or
control; held in high esteem and in good • Describe How John Proctor
overall standing
Does or Does Not Qualify for
These Characteristics.
3. Tragic flaw—a tragic hero has a
serious character flaw that leads to
his/her demise
4. Realization & Epiphany—a tragic
hero realizes that his/her decisions &
actions led to his/her downfall
How does Abigail use the Salem Witch Trials to gain power?
How does Parris contribute to the hysteria in the village?
How is Reverend Hale powerless at the end of the play?
In what ways does Reverent Hale change in the play?
Work on drafting your character analysis!
Introduction— Background info about your character
What the character is like?
Thesis is the last sentence of your introduction!
Body #1: Topic sentence (The first sentence of your body must tie to thesis)
Evidence#1 (Quote from the text)
Explanation of evidence and how it ties into your thesis.
Body #2: Topic sentence (The first sentence of your body must tie to thesis)
Evidence#1 (Quote from the text)
Explanation of evidence and how it ties into your thesis.
Conclusion—Wrap-up essay. What did you learn about your character? Tie into today’s society.
• In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible……..
• Thesis: Miller depicts John Proctor as a disobedient yet independent thinker to conclude that this tragic
hero learns the gravity of having integrity through his mistakes.
Body #1:
• Topic Sentence #1: John Proctor reveals himself to be disobedient as he rarely follows protocol yet an
independent thinker as he refuses to bow down to beliefs that he thinks is wrong. Proctor committed
adultery with Abigail, yet he reveals the truth not only to his wife but to the court officials of Salem
showing him to be a true Tragic Hero. For example…..
Body #2
• Topic Sentence# 2: Despite his infidelity, Proctor redeems himself as he learns that having integrity is
better than saving your own life. Proctor refuses to sign the letter of confession proving that he is
wholehearted and “good”. For Example….
• As you can see, Proctor, despite his mistakes, is the true tragic hero because…..
Due at 10:15-10:20
• Thesis:
• Body #1
• Topic Sentence #1
• Evidence #1
• Body #2
• Topic Sentence #2
• Evidence #2
• Conclusion—Topic Sentence