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1500’s Europe
 1500’s
 Educated Europeans
influenced by
Renaissance ideas
 Secularism
 Humanism
 Wanted change in
Catholic Church
 Extravagance and
 Pope Leo X
 Trying to raise money to
rebuild St. Peter’s
 Authorized selling of
 Martin Luther
 German Monk
 Believed in Justification
by Faith
 Church was not ultimate
 95 Theses
 Against indulgences and
corruption in church
 Advocated Justification
by Faith
 Indulgence sales went
 Began to affect the
finances of the Church
 Developed the idea of
justification by faith
 Having faith in God’s
mercy and love was all
that was needed to
ensure entrance to
 Luther wanted to share
this information with
everyone – thought the
Pope would agree, but
the Pope just wanted $$
for his cathedral in Rome
 Leo X is angered by
effect of 95 Theses
 Asks Martin Luther to
recant his criticisms
 Luther refuses
 Luther is condemned,
excommunicated, and
his works are banned
 Passed by Charles V and
Pope Leo X
 German princes meet
and try to convince
Luther to recant
 Still refuses
 Makes it a crime to
shelter/feed Luther or
spread his word
 While in hiding, Luther
translates New
Testament to German
 A Catholic agent was in
town, selling indulgences
(get out of Purgatory free
cards), giving people guilttrips
 “As soon as the coin in the
coffer rings, the soul from
purgatory springs” – John
Tetzel’s selling slogan
 Fredrick the Wise
 Catholicism
 Lutheranism
 Catholicism stresses
 Salvation by faith alone
faith and good works
necessary for salvation
 Church Teachings
necessary for spiritual
 Ritual Heavy
 Bible, not clergy, is the
 Communion,
confession, baptism, etc.
 Services in Latin
only source of religious
 Less ritual
 Services held in
vernacular (everyday
 Up for interpretation
 Huldrych Zwingli
 Leads Prot. Movement
in Switzerland
Stresses salvation by
faith alone
Criticizes Catholic
Wants to break from
Catholic tradition
Desires a theocracy
(church-run state)
 John Calvin
 Sets up a theocracy in
 Believes in
 God determines the fate
of every person
 Adult Baptisms
 Many were persecuted
 Believe that only a
 Fled to North America
person who can make an
informed decision
should be baptised
 Denied the authority of
local gov’t to direct their
 Refused to hold office,
bear arms, swear oaths
 Promoted religious
freedom and seperation
of church and state
 Branched off into:
 Baptists
 Mennonites
 Amish
 King of England
 Wants a divorce from
 Could not produce a
male heir
 Pope refuses stating
church rules
 Just so happened that
Catherine was aunt of
Charles V (HRE)
 Henry abandons the
Catholic Church
 Passes the Act of
 Forms the Church of
England (Anglican) w/
the monarch as the head