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Clues to Earth’s Past
Absolute-Age Dating
Absolute Ages of Rocks
Remember that you read in Lesson 2 that you have a
relative age. You might be older than your sister and
younger than your brother. Or, you might be the youngest
in your family.
You also can describe your age in years. For example, you
might be 13 years old. This is not your relative age. It is your
age in numbers, or your numerical age.
Relative age helps scientists compare the ages of rock
layers. But scientists also look for more specific information.
Scientists can describe the ages of some kinds of rocks using
numbers. Scientists use the term absolute age to mean the
numerical age, in years, of a rock or an object.
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Scientists have only been able to determine absolute ages
of rocks and other objects for about 100 years. Early in the
twentieth century, radioactivity was discovered. Radioactivity
is the release of energy from unstable atoms. The release of
radioactive energy can be used to make images called X-rays.
How can radioactivity be used to determine the absolute age
of rocks? To answer this question, you need to know about
the internal structure of the atoms that make up elements.
You are probably familiar with the periodic table of the
smallest part of an element that has all the properties of the
element. Each atom contains smaller particles. They are
protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are
in an atom’s nucleus. Electrons surround the nucleus.
All atoms of a given element have the same number of
protons. For example, all hydrogen atoms have one proton.
But an element’s atoms can have different numbers of
neutrons. The three atoms in the figure below are all
hydrogen atoms. Notice that each hydrogen atom has only
one proton. But one has no neutrons, one has one neutron,
and the other has two neutrons. The three different forms of
hydrogen atoms are called isotopes (I suh tohps). Isotopes are
atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons.
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Radioactive Decay
Most isotopes are stable. Stable isotopes do not change
under normal conditions. Some isotopes are unstable.
Unstable isotopes are called radioactive isotopes. Radioactive
isotopes decay, or change, over time. As they decay, they
release energy and form new, stable atoms. Radioactive decay
is the process by which an unstable element naturally changes into
another element that is stable. The unstable isotope that decays
is called the parent isotope. The new element that forms is
called the daughter isotope. As shown below, the atoms of
an unstable isotope of hydrogen (parent) decay into atoms
of a stable isotope of helium (daughter).
The extra neutron
in hydrogen-3
makes it unstable.
Unstable hydrogen-3
The extra neutron has decayed to
form a proton. In the process, a
new, stable element has formed.
Stable helium-3
When the
decays, energy
is released.
The radioactive isotopes of different elements decay to
form daughter isotopes at different rates. But the rate of
decay is constant for a given isotope. This rate of decay is
measured in time units called half-lives. An isotope’s half-life is
the time required for half of the parent isotopes to decay into daughter
isotopes. Half-lives of radioactive isotopes can be as short as a
few microseconds or as long as billions of years.
The graph below shows how half-life is measured. As time
passes, parent isotopes decay and form daughter isotopes.
That means the ratio between the number of parent and
daughter isotopes is always changing.
When half of the parent isotopes have decayed into
daughter isotopes, the isotope has reached one half-life. At
this point, there are equal numbers of parent and daughter
After two half-lives, one-half of the remaining parent
isotopes have decayed. At this point, only one-quarter of the
original parent isotopes remain. So, 25 percent of the
isotopes are parent and 75 percent are daughter.
After three half-lives, another half of the remaining
parent isotopes have decayed into daughter isotopes.
Radioactive decay continues until nearly all the parent
isotopes have decayed into stable daughter isotopes.
Percentage of remaining
parent atoms
1 Object contains
2 One half-life: 50% parent
100% parent
and 50% daughter
3 Two half-lives: 25% parent
and 75% daughter
4 Three half-lives:
12.5% parent and
87.5% daughter
Atoms of parent element
Atoms of daughter element
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Radioactive Decay
Radiometric Ages
Radioactive isotopes decay at a constant rate. Scientists
use them like clocks to measure the age of the material that
contains them. The process scientists use is called radiometric
dating. In radiometric dating, scientists select a sample of the
material they want to date. They then measure the ratio of
the amount of parent isotope to the amount of daughter
product in the sample. From this ratio, scientists can
determine the material’s age. They make these precise
measurements in laboratories.
Radiocarbon Dating
One important radioactive isotope used for dating is an
isotope of carbon called radiocarbon. Radiocarbon is also
known as carbon-14, or C-14, because there are 14 particles
in its nucleus—six protons and eight neutrons.
Radiocarbon forms in Earth’s upper atmosphere. There, it
mixes with a stable isotope of carbon called carbon-12, or
C-12. The ratio of C-14 to C-12 in the atmosphere is
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All living organisms use carbon as they build and repair
tissues. As long as an organism is alive, the ratio of C-14 to
C-12 in its tissues is identical to the ratio in the atmosphere.
However, when an organism dies, it stops taking in C-14.
The C-14 already present in the organism starts to decay
into nitrogen-14. As the dead organism’s C-14 decays, the
ratio of C-14 to C-12 changes. Scientists measure the ratio of
C-14 to C-12 in the remains of the dead organism to
determine how much time has passed since the organism
Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. That means
radiocarbon dating is useful for measuring the age of the
remains of organisms that died up to about 50,000 years
ago. In older remains, too much of the carbon-14 has
decayed to be measured accurately.
Dating Rocks
Radiocarbon dating is useful only for dating organic
material. Organic material is material from once-living
organisms. Organic material includes bones, wood,
parchment, and charcoal.
Most rocks do not contain organic material. Even most
fossils are no longer organic. In fossils, living tissue has been
replaced by rock-forming minerals. For dating rocks,
geologists use different kinds of radioactive isotopes.
Dating Igneous Rock Another common isotope used in
radiometric dating is uranium-235 (U-235). Radioactive
isotopes can be trapped in the minerals of igneous rocks that
crystallize from hot, molten magma. U-235 trapped in the
minerals immediately begins to decay to lead-207 (Pb-207).
Scientists measure the ratio of U-235 to Pb-207 in a
mineral to determine how much time has passed since the
mineral formed. This provides the age of the rock that
contains the mineral.
Dating Sedimentary Rock To be dated by radiometric
means, a rock must have U-235 or other radioactive isotopes
trapped inside it. Radiometric dating is not as useful for
dating sedimentary rocks. The grains in sedimentary rocks
come from a variety of weathered rocks in different locations.
The radioactive isotopes in the grains record the age of the
grains that make up the sedimentary rock. This does not
help scientists learn when the sediment was deposited. For
this reason, sedimentary rock cannot be as easily dated using
radiometric dating as igneous rock.
Different Types of Isotopes Isotopes with short half-lives are
useful for dating relatively young rocks. Isotopes with longer
half-lives are useful for dating much older rocks. The half-life
of uranium-235 is 704 million years old. This makes it useful
for dating rocks that are very old.
Radioactive Isotopes Used for Dating Rocks
Parent Isotope
Daughter Product
704 million years
1.25 billion years
4.5 billion years
14.0 billion years
48.8 billion years
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Often, geologists use combinations of several isotopes to
measure the age of a rock. Using combinations helps make
the measurements more accurate. The table below shows
some of the most useful radioactive isotopes used for dating
rocks. Notice that all are isotopes with long half-lives.
The Age of Earth
Since the discovery of radiometric dating, geologists have
tried to find Earth’s oldest rocks. The oldest rock formation
dated by geologists using radiometric means is in Canada. It
is estimated to be between 4.03 billion and 4.28 billion years
old. However, individual crystals of the mineral zircon have
been found in rocks in Australia. These zircon crystals have
been dated at 4.4 billion years old.
For a long time, people have searched for ways to
determine the age of Earth. With rocks and minerals more
than 4 billion years old, scientists know that Earth must be
at least that old. Radiometric dating of rocks from the Moon
and meteorites indicates that Earth is 4.54 billion years old.
Scientists accept this age because evidence suggests that
Earth, the Moon, and meteorites all formed at about the
same time.
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Radiometric dating, the relative order of rock layers, and
fossils all help scientists understand Earth’s long history.
Understanding Earth’s history can help scientists understand
changes taking place on Earth today. Scientists can also use
what they have learned to predict changes that are likely to
take place in the future.