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Standard 7: Objective 2
QUESTION #’S: 22, 27, 34, 37
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for
Various Injuries and Infections
Avulsions: an injury in which a body structure is forcibly detached
from its normal point of insertion by either trauma or surgery.
Amputation can be a treatment for severe avulsions.
Abrasions: a wound caused by superficial damage to the skin, no
deeper than the epidermis. It is less severe than a laceration, and
bleeding, if present, is minimal.
Blisters: a small pocket of body fluid (lymph, serum, plasma, blood,
or pus) within the upper layers of the skin, typically caused by
forceful rubbing (friction), burning, freezing, chemical exposure or
infection. A blister should not be popped unless medically
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for
Various Injuries and Infections
Contusions (Bruises): occur when small blood vessels
under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a
twist, bump, or fall. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
(RICE) is used to treat this injury.
Lacerations (Wound): a type of injury which
happens relatively quickly in which skin is torn, cut, or
punctured (an open wound), or where blunt force
trauma causes a contusion (a closed wound).
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for
Various Injuries and Infections
Ring worm: a fungal infection that develops on the top
layer of your skin. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that
grows on the skin. Once the fungus is established, it
spreads out in rings. It can be treated with creams or
ointments that you put on your skin to kill fungi.
Athlete’s foot: contagious fungal infection that affects the
skin on the feet and can spread to the toenails and
sometimes the hands. Most cases of athlete's foot can be
treated at home using an antifungal medicine to kill the
fungus or slow its growth.
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for
Various Injuries and Infections
Impetigo: a highly contagious skin condition. It usually occurs
on the face, neck, and hands of young children and infants.
Impetigo typically is treated with an antibiotic ointment or
cream that you apply directly to the sores.
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus): a
bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in
humans. MRSA is spread by contact. So, you could get MRSA
by touching another person who has it on the skin.
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatments for
Various Injuries and Infections
Warts: are small, usually painless growths on the skin. Most of
the time they are harmless. They are caused by a virus
called human papillomavirus (HPV). One treatment is
freezing: In this treatment, a doctor will use liquid nitrogen to
freeze a wart.
Eczema: is a condition that makes your skin red and itchy.
It's common in children but can occur at any age. Good
skin care is a key component in controlling eczema. For
some people with mild eczema, modifying their skin care
routine and making a few lifestyle changes may be all that is
needed to treat eczema.
Question 22
What is treatment for a bloody nose?
Placing ice on the back of the neck
Applying direct pressure while leaning the head forward
Applying direct pressure while leaning the head backward
Lying the athlete on his/her back
B because the blood needs to go somewhere and if the patient leans
back, it will most likely go down the throat. Blood could get in the
windpipe causing a blocked airway, or go into the stomach.
Question 27
What is the risk of an adolescent athlete returning to competition while still
exhibiting signs and symptoms of a concussion?
Anaphylactic shock
Brachial plexus injury
Second-impact syndrome
D because second-impact syndrome occurs when the brain swells rapidly,
and catastrophically, after a person suffers a second concussion before
symptoms from an earlier one have subsided.
Question 34
What is the tearing of a muscle called?
The answer is D. A strain is a stretch, a contusion is a bruise, a sprain is the
twist of ligaments, and an avulsion is the tearing of a muscle
Question 37
Identify the signs and symptoms of inflammation (Choose 3)
A, B, and F are all signs of inflammation.