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CV and list of publications - Thomas Mørch Frøsig
Thomas Mørch Frøsig
Address: Belsager 27
Phone: +45 61 78 18 82
born: 13.04.1985
2670 Greve
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
From November 1st 2014 post doc and daily project lead for two years in the group of Gregers Jungersen at
National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark on the project “Accelerating development of
vaccines against cancer with pigs as a large animal model (CANVACPIG)”, granted by The Independent
Council for Research. During my stay at DTU I am going to use my expertise in flow cytometry and tumor
immunology as a solid platform for doing immune monitoring and T-cell epitope mapping of vaccinated
pigs, while obtaining skills in doing in vivo experiments and as a project lead.
2009-2014 I worked intensively with immunology in relation to cancer at Center for Cancer Immune
Therapy, University Hospital Herlev, in the group of Sine Reker Hadrup. I focused on different assays taking
advantage of the high-throughput method of flow cytometry, on ELISA and on culturing of human immune
and cancer cells. Additionally, I have got in-depth experience with protein expression in E. Coli and
subsequent HPLC purification and testing of refolded MHC-peptide complexes.
My key skills are multicolour flow cytometry and culturing of immune cells, both of which I have done
intensively for more than five years. I am educated cand.scient.pharm, which means I have a pharmacist’s
strong background in all fields related to drugs (chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy, quality assurance
etc.). To focus my carrier as a scientist I chose cand.scient.pharm. with half a year of extra relevant
education instead of obtaining the cand.pharm.’s right to work at a pharmacy (JUS certificate).
1/11 2014-: Post doc and daily project lead at National Veterinary Institute, Technical University of
15/8 2014: Obtained the PhD degree after defending my thesis entitled “Elucidating the
immunological effects of 5-Azacytidine treatment in patients with mylodysplastic syndrome and identifying
new conditional ligands and T-cell epitopes of relevance in melanoma”.
4/8 2014-1/11 2014: Validation Specialist at at Dako, an Agilent Technologies Company.
1/4-31/7 2014: Research assistant at Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, Hematological Department,
Herlev University Hospital.
22/3 2014: handed my PhD thesis.
1/1 2011-23/3 2014: PhD fellow at Center for Cancer Immune Therapy, Hematological Department, Herlev
University Hospital with four main projects:
 Identify new T-cell epitopes restricted to HLA-A1, -A3, -A11 and -B7 from common melanomaassociated antigens
 Investigate the protein Nodal as an immunological target
 Elucidate immunological effects of treatment with the hypomethylating agent 5-Azacytidine in
patients with myeloproliferative disorders
 Design and evaluate conditional ligands restricted to HLA-B*08:01, HLA-B*35:01 and HLA-B*44:05
for UV light-mediated peptide-exchange
1/8 2009-30/11 2010: Master student at Center for Cancer Immune Therapy (CCIT), Hematological
Department, University Hospital Herlev; master’s thesis evaluated with highest degree (12).
2005-2010: bac.pharm and cand.scient.pharm at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of
CV and list of publications - Thomas Mørch Frøsig
Additionally I have given talks and presented posters at national and international conferences, been a
teacher in pre and post graduate university courses and supervised two PhD students, two master’s thesis
students, two bachelor’s students and two high school students (in their “Større Skriftlige Opgave”). I hold
Certificate in Laboratory Animal Sciences FELASA C.
2013: 75.000 DKr from Brødrene Hartmanns Fond and 5.311 DKr. from Danish Cancer Society.
2011: 50.000 DKr. from ”Dansk Kræftforskningsfond”.
2010: 112.500 DKr. from the Research Council at Herlev University Hospital and 120.000 Dkr. from Danish
Cancer Society.
November 2009: FARMA’s ”Innovation Grant” on 5.000 DKr.
Overgaard NH, Frøsig TM, Welner S, Rasmussen M, Ilsøe M, Sørensen MR, Andersen MH, Buus S, Jungersen
G. Establishing the pig as a large animal model for vaccine development against human cancer. Front
Genet. 2015 Sep 15;6:286.
Frøsig TM,
Elucidating the immunological effects of 5-Azacytidine treatment in patients with myelodysplastic
syndrome and identifying new conditional ligands and T-cell epitopes of relevance in melanoma
Dan Med J 2015;62(8):B5144.
Review based on my PhD thesis.
Frøsig TM, Yap J, Seremet T, Lyngaa R, Svane IM, thor Straten P, Heemskerk MHM, Grotenbreg GM and
Hadrup SR, Design and validation of conditional ligands for HLA-B*08:01, HLA-B*15:01, HLA-B*35:01 and
Cytometry A. 2015 Jun 1. doi: 10.1002/cyto.a.22689.
Hjortsø MD, Larsen SK, Kongsted P, Met Ö, Frøsig TM, Andersen GH, Ahmad SM, Svane IM, Becker JC, thor
Straten P and Andersen MH,
Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO)-reactive T cells differ in their functional characteristics in health and
OncoImmunology. 2015 Jan;4(1).
Frøsig TM, Lyngaa R, Met Ö, Larsen SK, Donia M, Svane IM, thor Straten P and Hadrup SR,
Broadening the repertoire of melanoma-associated T-cell epitopes.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2015 May;64(5):609-20.
Frøsig TM and Hadrup SR,
Comment on “5-Azacytidine Promotes an Inhibitory T-Cell Phenotype and Impairs Immune Mediated
Antileukemic Activity”
Mediators Inflamm. 2015;2015:871641.
Hadrup SR, Maurer D, Laske C, Frøsig TM, Andersen SR, Walter S and Gouttefangeas C,
Cryopreservation of MHC multimers - a requirement for quality assurance in detection of antigen specific T
Cytometry A. 2015 Jan;87(1):37-48.
Gang AO*, Frøsig TM*, Brimnes MK, Lyngaa R, Treppendahl MB, Grønbæk K, Dufva IH, thor Straten P and
Hadrup SR, *These authors contributed equally
CV and list of publications - Thomas Mørch Frøsig
5-Azacytidine treatment sensitizes tumor cells to T-cell mediated cytotoxicity and modulates NK cells in
patients with myeloid malignancies.
Blood Cancer J. 2014 Mar 28;4:e197.
Larsen SK, Munir S, Andersen AW, Frøsig TM, Ødum N, Svane IM and Andersen MH,
Functional characterization of Foxp3-specific spontaneous immune responses
Leukemia. 2013 Dec;27(12):2332-40.
Lin L, Chan C, Hadrup SR, Froesig TM, Wang Q and West M
Hierarchical Bayesian Mixture Modelling for Combinatorially Encoded Flow Cytometry Studies
Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol. 2013 Jun;12(3):309-31.
Munir S, Andersen GH, Met Ö, Donia M, Frøsig TM, Larsen SK, Klausen TW, Svane IM and Andersen MH,
HLA-restricted CTL that are specific for the immune checkpoint ligand PD-L1 occur with high frequency in
cancer patients.
Cancer Res. 2013 Mar 15;73(6):1764-76.
Chang CX, Tan AT, Or MY, Toh KY, Lim PY, Chia AS, Froesig TM, Nadua KD, Oh HL, Leong HN, Hadrup SR,
Gehring AJ, Tan YJ, Bertoletti A and Grotenbreg GM
Conditional ligands for Asian HLA variants facilitate the definition of CD8+ T-cell responses in acute and
chronic viral diseases
Eur J Immunol. 2013 Apr;43(4):1109-20.
Munir S, Frøsig TM, Hansen M, Svane IM and Andersen MH,
Characterization of T-cell responses against IkappaBalpha in cancer patients.
Oncoimmunology. 2012 Nov 1;1(8):1290-1296
Andersen RS, Kvistborg P, Frøsig TM, Pedersen NW, Lyngaa R, Bakker AH, Shu CJ, Straten Pt, Schumacher
TN and Hadrup SR,
Parallel detection of antigen-specific T cell responses by combinatorial encoding of MHC multimers.
Nat Protoc. 2012 Apr 12;7(5):891-902.
Ellebaek E, Engell-Noerregaard L, Iversen TZ, Froesig TM, Munir S, Hadrup SR, Andersen MH and Svane IM,
Metastatic melanoma patients treated with dendritic cell vaccination, Interleukin-2 and metronomic
cyclophosphamide: results from a phase II trial.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012 Oct;61(10):1791-804.