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Have you
about the
To understand the MDG, we first need to
think about problems that affect people
Can you think about
two or three
problems that affect
people around the
Now think in
some ideas to
resolve those
In the year 2000, the United Nations did the same
exercise than us. They analyzed the main problems in
the world and gave some ideas to resolve them.
They created the MDG, the Millennium Development Goals
as the way to resolve those problems.
And they put a
deadline to achieve
those goals: the
year 2015
Three years from now
So, what are the MDG?
The MDG are 8 goals that cover many different
We will review all them now but before we have a
question for you…..
What do you
think are the
themes covered
by the MDG?
This goal aims to reduce by
50% the people who live on
less than $1 a day.
There are millions of people who have less that
30 dollars to cover all their expenses per month,
including food, housing, education, water,
electricity, transportation, clothes, etc
Do you think a family can leave
with $30 per month?
This goal also aims to reduce by
half the number of people who
suffer from hunger.
This goal aims to ensure
that all boys and girls go
to school and they finalize
at least primary school
There are many million of children
who cannot go to school because:
they need to work, there is not
schools where they live, they are
forced to get married, they are not
allow because are from different
ethnic group or minorities.
This goal aims to eliminate the
differences between girls and boys
in schools.
In many countries girls and boy are
treated in different ways and that is
very bad because girls and boys are
equal and have the same rights as
human beings.
In some countries, parents send only
boys to schools and girls do not receive
education. In some countries girls are
thought to be nurses and boys to be
This goal aims to reduce
the number of children
who die under the age of
five for reasons that are
In many countries young children die
because they don’t have access to
heath services, because the water is
not drinkable and they don’t have
money to buy good water. Many
children die because their parent
don’t have money to buy
This goal aims reduce the number
of women who die from
complications of pregnancy and
Many women who are expecting a
child die because they don't have
access to a hospital or in the hospital
they don’t have the resources
needed to cure them. Many women
die during the childbirth because
there are not doctors, midwifes or
nurses to take care of them.
This goal aims to stop the
progress of HIV/AIDS and give
treatment for those who need it.
This goal also aims to reduce
malaria and other major diseases.
The HIV/AIDS and malaria are very
terrible diseases that could cause the
death of a person if they don't receive
medical treatment. In many countries
people don't have access to hospitals
and medication. People who have
HIV/AIDS also suffer discrimination
based on prejudices.
This goal aims to improve the
life of people who live in
slums and ensure that they
have access to safe drinking
Millions of people leave in very poor
houses, some of them in small rooms
covered by plastic and cardboards.
They don't have water, they need to
have shower in the streets or
wherever they find water.
This goal aims to help the
poorest countries in the world by
giving them more technologies
and reducing their debts
Many countries have large
amount of debts and they
need to pay too much many
to the banks, so they don’t
have money to improve the
quality of live of people in
their countries.
So, what’s next?
Do you think that these problems have
been resolved?
Do you think that MDGs will be achieved
by 2015?
Do you think that MDGs cover all the
problems or there are something that
we should add?
Think about..
•MDGs will not be achieved by
•Many countries did not show any
•Some countries have progress
but still many things need to be
done to overcome these
The United Nations is leading the MDG
process and they are calling for actions
to evaluate and review the MDGs
How children and youth
can be engaged?
Are you interested
on this process?
Let's throw out some
ideas and start
brainstorming on
how YOU can be
Here there are more
Participate in discussions around the MDG
Get the word out
Create a school group to promote the MDG
Publish articles and artwork online or
Launch a post-MDG art contest
More Ideas
Organize a public meeting or forum in your
Start an educational radio show
Organize a theatre group showcasing the future
you want from the MDG
Organize a concert
Write letter to your government asking for
actions regarding the MDG
We believe that
children and
youth can change
the world
Problem Statement
You should be able to summarise in 2-3 sharp sentences your
“one-minute message”
Example one-minute message
• Statement: Children in crisis are missing out
on the opportunity of an education.
• Evidence: More than 50 million children
affected by armed conflict are facing a future
without education, without hope. This
includes 200,000 children in our own country.
Example one-minute message
• Statement: Only 30% of the progress needed
to reach MDG 4 target of cutting child
mortality by two thirds by 2015 has been
• Evidence: Most of these deaths are caused by
poverty: 99% of under-five child deaths take
place in developing countries.
Example 1 minute message
• Statement: Girls in (country X) have unequal
opportunities at completing secondary school.
• Evidence: Only 62% of girls complete secondary
school in (country X). International research
shows that educating girls leads to economic
growth, thereby benefiting all children.
• Solution: Please consider supporting a national
policy that will encourage more girls to attend
Make your solution SMART
Original solution
• Improve health service in rural areas
SMART solution
• Increase coverage of high-quality essential
health services for children in five rural
locations in the country by 2020.
Example solutions
• Problem statement: Physical and humiliating
punishment was identified as an issue by
children in x% of schools.
• Solutions:
– Education committees adopt and implement nonviolent teaching policy in x districts by 2020
– A forum for children to speak about it created by
– National legislation against physical and
humiliating punishment passed and enforced by
Example solution
• Statement: Only 30% of the progress needed
to reach MDG 4 target of cutting child
mortality by two thirds by 2015 has been
• Solution: Globally, wealthy countries need to
increase their commitment to health from $16
billion a year to $42.5 billion by 2015 to meet
the health MDGs.