Download Listeria and Food: the risk to people with weakened immune system

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Listeria infection causes few or no
symptoms in healthy adults and children.
However, it can be very serious for people
whose immune systems are weakened
by disease or illness as well as pregnant
women and their unborn children,
newborn babies and the elderly.
While health authorities seem to be
getting the message across about the
risk of Listeria to pregnant women, the
awareness among other ‘higher risk’
groups is not as high.
People with immune systems that are
weakened by disease or illness are
at risk from listeria regardless of age.
This can include people suffering from
cancer, leukaemia, AIDS, diabetes, liver
or kidney disease. It can also include
anyone on medication that can suppress
the immune system (for example,
corticosteroids such as prednisone or
cortisone – but not topical creams and
ointments), including organ transplant
Health authorities advise people with
compromised immune systems, and
their families, that they need to consider
taking precautions against contracting
Listeria may be found in certain types
of foods, especially ready-to-eat foods
that have not been stored or handled
correctly after being produced or
cooked. Unlike most microorganisms,
listeria can multiply in some foods such
as soft cheeses, smoked salmon and
sandwich meats even when stored under • refrigerate leftovers promptly and use
refrigeration for a long time. Therefore
within 24 hours, or freeze
you can reduce your risk of contracting
• reheat food thoroughly until it is
listeriosis by avoiding specific foods and
steaming hot. Also remember to always
by practising good food hygiene.
wash your hands before preparing or
The foods to avoid include:
eating food.
• cold meats, including chicken, from
There is comprehensive advice about
delicatessen counters and sandwich bars, safer food choices, safe food handling
and packaged sliced ready-to-eat meats and dates on packaged foods on the Food
Standards Australia New Zealand website
• pre-prepared or pre-packaged fruit
at: http://www.foodstandards.
and vegetable salads including those
available from buffets and salad bars
• chilled seafood such as raw oysters,
sashimi and sushi, smoked ready-toeat seafood (such as smoked salmon)
and cooked ready-to-eat peeled
prawns in salads, sandwiches or
prawn cocktails
• soft, semi-soft and surface ripened
cheeses such as brie, camembert,
ricotta, blue and feta
• unpasteurised dairy products
• refrigerated types of paté and meat
• soft serve ice cream
You can further reduce your risk of
listeriosis by following these food safety
• eat freshly cooked or freshly prepared
• use food within its ‘use by date’
• wash fruits and vegetables
before using
Reproduced with the permission of Food
Standards Australia New Zealand
Contact Council
Phone (07) 3412 3412
Email [email protected]