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AGEC 340: International Economic Development
Course slides for week 3 (Jan. 26 & 28)
Consumption Patterns*
What explains differences and changes in
consumption during economic development?
* If you’re following the textbook, this material is in Chapter 3.
Week 3.
Determinants of Consumption
• What drives changes in consumption choices?
– food consumption drives nutrition and health;
– many other purchases also help drive development
• From an econ. point of view, we look separately at:
– price effects (“this product is too expensive”)
 demand curves
 price elasticity of demand
– income effects (“my income is too low”)
 income-consumption (Engel) curves
 income elasticity of demand
…and then consider lots of other factors as well!
The Demand Function
Lots of factors could influence quantities consumed;
mathematically, for any one good (Q1):
Q1 = f (...)
What should be in the function?
For example, for the quantity of wheat…
Qwheat = f (...)
How about for the quantity of pork?
Qpork = f (...)
…or potatoes?
Qpotatoes = f (...)
What does actual consumption look like?
(click through to
source websites)
Luxembourg: The Kuttan-Kasses of Erpeldange
Food expenditure for one week: 347.64 Euros or $465.84
USA: The Revis family of North Carolina
Food expenditure for one week: $341.98
Japan: The Ukita family of Kodaira City
Food expenditure for one week: 37,699 Yen or $317.25
UK: The Bainton family of Cllingbourne Ducis
Food expenditure for one week: 155.54 British Pounds or $253.15
United States: The Fernandezes of Texas
Food expenditure for one week: $242.48
Kuwait: The Al Haggan family of Kuwait City
Food expenditure for one week: 63.63 dinar or $221.45
Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca
Food expenditure for one week: 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09
China: The Dong family of Beijing
Food expenditure for one week: 1,233.76 Yuan or $155.06
Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin
Food expenditure for one week: 582.48 Zlotys or $151.27
Guatemala: The Mendozas of Todos Santos
Food expenditure for one week: 573 Quetzales or $75.70
Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo
Food expenditure for one week: 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53
Mongolia: The Batsuuri family of Ulaanbaatar
Food expenditure for one week: 41,985.85 togrogs or $40.02
India: The Patkars of Ujjain
Food expenditure for one week: 1,636.25 rupees or $39.27
Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo
Food expenditure for one week: $31.55
Mali: The Natomos of Kouakourou
Food expenditure for one week: 17,670 francs or $26.39
Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey
Food expenditure for one week: 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03
Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp
Food expenditure for one week: 685 CFA Francs or $1.23
Now back to economics…
What explains differences and changes in
consumption during economic development?
Week 3.
Determinants of Consumption
• What drives changes in consumption choices?
– food consumption drives nutrition and health;
– many other purchases also help drive development
• From an econ. point of view, we look separately at:
– price effects (“this product is too expensive”)
 demand curves
 price elasticity of demand
– income effects (“my income is too low”)
 income-consumption (Engel) curves
 income elasticity of demand
…and then consider lots of other factors as well!
The Demand Function
Lots of factors could influence quantities consumed;
mathematically, for any one good (Q1):
Q1 = f (...)
What should be in the function?
For example, for the quantity of wheat…
Qwheat = f (...)
How about for the quantity of pork?
Qpork = f (...)
…or potatoes?
Qpotatoes = f (...)
The Demand Function
• To make comparisons, we need to express this
mathematically, in terms of specific variables:
Qwheat = f (Pwheat , other prices, income, tastes & tech.)
• To show the demand function in two dimensions,
we must fix the level of all the other variables
• For example:
hold constant
Qwheat = f (Pwheat , other prices, income, tastes & tech.)
Qwheat = f (Pwheat, other prices, income, tastes & tech.)
hold constant
Holding all else constant,
we can draw lines on a graph…
We will look at the two kinds of lines separately.
First, demand curves:
Qwheat= f (Pwheat, other prices, income, tastes & tech.)
on horiz. axis
on vertical axis
Then, income-consumption (“Engel”) curves
Qwheat = f (Pwheat, other prices, income, tastes & tech.)
on vert. axis
on horizontal axis
Our textbook picture: two demand curves
price change
is shown by
along the
income changes shift the curve
How can we measure these curves?
Can we make comparisons that eliminate units?
slope = rise / run
≈ 100 / -500
= -0.2
units are $/ton per mt/yr
elasticity = %∆Q / %∆P
= (∆Q/Q) / (∆P/P)
≈ 500/2500 / -100/50
= .2 /-2
= -0.1
= 10%
no units, so
we can make
We also need income elasticities of demand
but how big was
this income change?
…let’s say it was
from 250 to 1000 $/yr :
n = %∆Q / %∆I
≈ 1500/500 / 1000/250
= 3
= 0.75
no units so
we can make
Demand follows fairly regular laws:
In response to price, note:
--The “law of demand”: demand curves slope down
» price elasticities of demand are negative
» higher prices lead to lower quantity consumed
--Food demand is usually “price-inelastic”
» quantity consumed changes less than price
» higher prices lead to more total expenditure
( E < 0)
( |E| < 1)
In response to income, note:
--Food demand follows “Engel’s Law”: grows slower than income
» income elasticity of demand is often less than one
( n < 1)
» higher income allows a lower share of it spent on food
--Staple food follows “Bennett’s Law”: grows slower than other food
» income elasticities are especially low
( |nstaples| < |nothers| )
Engel’s Law across countries:
Our textbook picture
In terms of quantity consumed as income rises,
“Engel Curves” look like this:
For all food, Engel’s law applies:
the income-consumption curve
gets flatter as income rises
For starchy staples consumed as food,
Bennett’s law applies: the incomeconsumption curve is really flat
(e.g. as rice, porridge, bread etc.)
or dying
very lowincome
we are here!
Income per capita
For Exercise #1, use real-life data
from our textbook…
Describing the past
allows us to forecast the future
From your homework exercise:
But reality is more complicated!
How has U.S. consumption actually changed
with our income growth?
Estimated total food consumption in the U.S.,1970-2006
(calories per capita, by source)
Added Sugars
Added Fats
Meat, eggs,
and nuts
Source: Calculated from the Loss-Adjusted Food Availability estimates of the USDA/Economic
Research Service ( Data last updated March 15, 2008.
In conclusion…
• To explain and predict changes in consumer
demand, we need to consider:
– price effects, using demand curves
as measured by the price elasticity of demand
– income effects, using “Engel” curves
as measured by the income elasticity of demand
– …and then consider many other factors that can
shift these curves over time or across countries.