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 Processes that bring about changes in
economic prosperity and the quality
of life
 It is always geographically uneven
Choose a country from the front board and
tape it on the Development continuum on
the back wall –
MDC= most developed countries
LDC= less developed countries
Countries that are considered to be developed MDCs
 US
 Canada
 Australia
 New Zealand
 Japan
 Most of Europe
Developing Countries
 Rest of the world –
Transition countries – like
Russia, Eastern Europe
Developing – China,
Mexico, Brazil
LDCs – least developed –
majority of Africa,
Myanmar, Laos,
How can you tell where a country is on the
development continuum?
 Lots of indicators
 Economic
 Human indicators
Collect Data
 Using three countries – one you think is an
MDC, one a transition and one LDC – gather the
statistics asked for – Directions on one of the
Economic Indicators
 GNP/GNI per capita
 Inequality of wealth
 Inflation rate
 Unemployment rate
 Labor sector most are
employed in (services,
industry, agriculture)
 Economic growth (increase in
Human Indicators
 Life Expectancy
 Infant mortality rate
 Poverty rate
 Access to basic services
 Health care
 Risk of disease
 Education
 Literacy rate
 Technology access
 Male/female equality
 Government spending on these
There is no one way to measure development.
UN has developed the HDI – Human development
Index as a way to try and standardize the
measure of development.
HDI Includes:
 GDP per capita
 Life expectancy
 Adult literacy rate
 Total enrollment in education as a percentage
of the total school age population
 Measured on scale of 0-1
Models of Development
Rostow’s Modernization model or Ladder of
 Assumes all countries
follow a similar path to
development /
Stage 1 - Traditional
 Economy is based on subsistence agriculture
and bartering. Little infrastructure to support
2 – Preconditions for take-off
 Belief in economic progress
 Business class emerges
 Agriculture starts to become
 Productivity begins to increase
3 – Take Off
 Change from a traditional economy to modern
economy and society
 High rates of investment
 Adopting new technologies
 Rapid expansion of manufacturing
4 - Maturity
 Sustained economic growth
 Ongoing industrialization
 Urbanization
 Economic expansion
 Different kinds of industries and services
5 – High Mass Consumption
 Most prosperous stage
 High levels of production
 High levels of consumption
 Sizeable service sector
 High per capita income
 More disposable income
World Systems Theory - Wallerstein
 Core
 Semi-Periphery
 Periphery
Barriers to Development
What would keep countries from