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6-5.6 Explain the principal causes and
key events of the Reformation,
including conflicts....and figures……
Call for a change
 By
the late Renaissance, people had
begun to complain about problems in the
Catholic Church.
They called on its leaders to end
corruption and focus on religion.
Their calls led to a reform movement
against the Roman Catholic Church
called the Reformation.
Reformation: was born out
of new thinking from the
Renaissance. There was a call
for the Roman Catholic Church
to change. This was in 1517. It
resulted in the creation of
Protestant churches.
 People
felt that the clergy and the pope
had become too political.
 The
way the church raised money was
also considered unfair. The sale of
indulgences was unpopular.
An indulgence was a document given by the
pope that excused a person from penalties
for sins he or she had committed.
The idea that the church was letting people
buy their way into heaven made Christians
Martin Luther
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther added his
name to list of people calling for reform.
Luther nailed a list of complaints to the door
of a church in Wittenberg. This list was
called the Ninety-five Theses.
The printing press allowed this list to be
spread to neighboring states.
 This
upset many Catholics and Pope Leo
X called him a heretic and had him
Heretic : a church member who disagrees
with official doctrine. He was ordered to
appear before a diet, or council of nobles
and church officials in the city of Worm.
He was ordered to leave Germany and was
helped into hiding. His ideas led to a split
in the church.
 The
people who protested against the
church became known as Protestants.
 Protestant
: those who
protested against the Roman
Catholic Church
Luther’s Beliefs
 Luther
thought that anyone could have a
direct relationship with God.
 He
did not believe that priests had to
speak to God for the people.
 Beliefs
should be based on the Bible,
not interpreted by priests or the pope.
 Luther
translated the Bible into German
so that Europeans could read it for the
first time.
John Calvin
 Predestination
was one of Calvin’s main
teachings. This was the idea that God
knew who would be saved before they
were even born. Nothing could change
God’s plan, however it was important to
live a good life and obey God’s laws.
Other Reformers
William Tyndale believed everyone should be
able to read and interpret the Bible. He
translated the Bible into English, and the
Catholic authorities had him executed.
Henry VIII wanted to leave his marriage. The
pope refused Henry’s request, so he left the
Catholic Church and created his own church.
The Church of England, or Anglican Church,
was much like the Catholic Church, but it
opened the door for other churches to
Catholic Reformation
The effort to reform the Catholic Church from within is called
the Catholic Reformation, or Counter-Reformation.
In some parts of Europe, Catholic leaders responded to
Protestant criticism by forming new religious orders, or
The first new order in Spain was created by Ignatius of Loyola.
The order was called the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits.
The Jesuits were a religious order created to serve the pope
and the church.
Jesuits were trained to be as disciplined as soldiers in their
religious duties.
By teaching people about Catholic ideas, Jesuits hoped to turn
people against Protestantism.
Catholic leaders met together to discuss more ways
to reform the Catholic Church. This meeting was
known as the Council of Trent.
The council restated the importance of the clergy in
interpreting the Bible.
The council ordered the bishops to live in the areas
where their churches were located.
The council officially rejected the ideas of the
Protestant leaders.
The pope created religious courts to punish
Protestants found in Italy.
Spanish Inquisition
In 1492 the king and queen defeated the last Muslim
forces in Spain.
Muslims and Jews were forced to convert to
The Spanish Inquisition was organized to seek out and
punish Muslims and Jews who had converted but
secretly kept their old beliefs.
The Catholic Church was ruthless in carrying out the
Inquisition and later sought out Protestants.
The Catholics had very little opposition left in Spain.
Religious Conflicts
 In
Spain nearly everyone was still
 In
northern countries people were mostly
 The
Holy Roman Empire was a patchwork
of different kingdoms, some Protestant
and some Catholic.
 These
divisions led to political conflicts.
Protestants in France were called Huguenots.
The Huguenots and the Catholics began a war
when the Catholic king banned all Protestant
Violence began in 1562 and did not end until 1598.
Fighting was ended by the Edict of Nantes,
which granted religious freedom to the
Protestants in France, except in Paris and a
few other cities.
King of Bohemia forced everyone in the kingdom to become
Protestants rose up in revolt in 1618.
This led to the Thirty Years’ War.
The war grew, and both sides called on other countries to come
to their aid.
After 30 years of fighting, an agreement was reached—The
Treaty of Westphalia.
It allowed rulers to decide whether their countries would be
Catholic or Protestant.
The states of Germany became independent with no single
rule, independent of the Holy Roman Empire.
Through the Protestant Church, people began to make
decisions about their churches. Now that they had
that power, they also wanted political power.
Local towns began to govern themselves, and the
national government had to share power.
The sharing of power between local governments and
a strong central government is called federalism.
On an individual level, people began to think more for
themselves and to investigate on their own.
Review Questions
1. What was a major criticism of the pope in
the early 1500’s?
2. What were the Ninety-Five Theses?
3. Why was the Council of Trent important?
4. Who were the French Huguenots?
5. What was the Spanish Inquisition?
6. Why do you think more Protestants lived in
northern Europe and not southern Europe?