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Beekeeping Equation
Madison County Beekeepers Assoc.
May 12, 2011
Owens Bee Company
Owens Bee Company
Raising Healthy Bees and Producing Pure Honey
• Hobby or Profession
• Simplification and Diversification
• Observation, Contemplation, and Implementation Strategy
• Local, Regional, National then Global
• Selling and Marketing your Products
• Honey, verses Sugar feeding
• Medication verses Organic / Green Principles
• Public Land usage verses Farmers
• Good Neighbor Polices
• Bee Law
• Swarm collection and Bee Removal
• Equipment for Production, Processing and Marketing
Owens Bee Company
Raising Healthy Bees and Producing Pure Honey
• Many Specialties in Beekeeping.
a. Honey of all types
b. Hive By Products
c. Bee Removal
d. Pollination
e. Crafts
f. Medical
• Cost of Wood ware
• Plant for forage crops, or wild crops
• Splitting verses Swarm Collection
Owens Bee Company
Study of life and their environment
• Honey Bee Anatomy
• Understanding Reproductive Cycles
• Identify Bee diseases
• Observation to see how your bees are doing
• Understand Bee Senses and how they use them
• Nutrition for Healthy bees
• Available Resources
Books, CD’s, Websites
Owens Bee Company
Study and Propagation of Plants
• Identify Plants used by Honey Bees for
Protein and Carbohydrates in your area.
• USDA Plant Website:
Owens Bee Company
Study of composition of matter and its properties.
• Identify, and become familiar with Pesticides,
and Herbicides that are applied near your apiaries
and the danger they pose to your bees.
• What minerals do honey bees need for a healthy diet, and
where do they get them?
• Identify Medications used in beekeeping and their
correct application. Learn the pro’s and con’s of usage.
Owens Bee Company
Mechanical skills with vision
• Building or Buying Equipment?
• Equipment required to build your equipment.
• Bee Removals
Removal from Structures
Owens Bee Company
The Identification and Study of Insects
• Integrated Pest Management
• State Bee Inspectors, and University Websites.
• Local beekeeper educational resources are available.
• If you know the pest, you will better know how to treat
the problem.
Owens Bee Company
Study of living things with their surroundings
• Factors to consider in selecting Apiary location
are forage, shelter, and water sources.
• Exposure to environmental elements such as wind, rain,
sun, flooding, etc.
• Honey Bee and Human interaction
• Learning to live within natures normal cycles. Known as
• Proximity of Honey Bee Predators, and Competitors.
Owens Bee Company
Injuries and life saving techniques
• Beekeepers need to “Bee” able to identify and treat with
Basic First Aid supplies the following:
Bleeding, and Puncture Wounds
Allergic reactions
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke
Snake, Scorpion, and Spider Bites
Sprained Ankles
Back injuries
• Learn CPR
• Carry a First Aid Kit
Owens Bee Company
Study of Animals
• Identify critters that are getting into your bee hives.
Can cause significant bee loss
Spread disease
Destroy valuable equipment
Scare the Hell out of the Beekeeper!
Owens Bee Company
Owens Bee Company