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•The last two Dark Sky Nights are two weeks
away on Monday April 17 and Wednesday
April 19. Set-up will start at 7:30pm.
•Don’t forget about your project.
Presentations will be Monday May 1 at
3:20pm. A written paper is also due at the
same time. Exam 4 is after the presentations
The biggest black holes are located
at the centers of galaxies
Journey to
a Galactic
Black Hole
Black holes often form jets of
relativistic particles
of a Black
Hole Jet
The clearest evidence of a black hole
is from spectra
Extreme redshift to extreme blueshift in a small
space is the fingerprint of stuff orbiting a black hole
Quasars are supermassive black
holes at the centers of galaxies
The closest quasar is about 2.4 Gly. Locally we find their
distant cousins: AGN’s
Chapter 10: The Expanding
Measuring the expanding Universe
The Classical Doppler Effect
v obs  rest
z 
Spectroscopic binaries are examples
of the classical Doppler effect
The Relativistic Doppler Effect
For objects moving away or towards you at speeds close
to the speed of light a different Doppler formula must be
used. For the classical Doppler effect z must always be
less than 1. For the relativistic Doppler effect z can be
anything greater than zero.
So how big is the universe?
The Milky Way is the biggest thing we can see with our
naked eyes. Is this the extent of the universe? If not, how
big is the Milky Way compared to the universe?
The Spiral Nebulae of Lord Rosse
Is this something inside the Milky Way or outside it?
William Hershel’s Milky Way
Count stars in each direction and then plot it out. The Milky
Way is a wide, flat disk shape with the Earth located close
to the center.
Harlow Shapley’s Milky Way
Herschel’s Milky Way
Measure the distance to the globular clusters using RR
Lyrae stars and then plot it out. Can’t tell the shape of the
Milky Way but it is much larger than Herschel’s Milky Way.
The Shapley – Curtis Debate
April 1920
•Harlow Shapley…The Milky Way is
huge so the spiral nebulae must
be located within the Milky Way
•Heber Curtis…The spiral nebulae are
island universes like our Milky
Way and thus are not part of it
•No definitive conclusion was reached
The Big Problem pointed out by the
Shapley – Curtis Debate
No one had good measurements of the
distance to the spiral nebulae. Without
knowing how far away they were we can’t
know how big they are.
So how do you measure the
distance to a celestial object?
Stellar Parallax…too small to
measure with the naked eye
Defining the parsec
Problem: the largest measured parallax angle is
less than one arcsecond. Parallax can only be
measured accurately for stars less than 1600
lightyears away. Farther than that and the parallax
angle is too small to measure.
Luminosity Distance
dL 
If we know the intrinsic luminosity of something
we can measure its apparent brightness and
calculate its distance.
Luminosity can be found for
pulsating variables by measuring
their period of pulsation
The Tulley-Fisher Relation
works for spiral galaxies
If we observe a Type Ia Supernova
we can use it to determine the
distance to the galaxy
The “Distance Ladder”
Complicating factor to the
luminosity distance: extinction
Edwin Hubble looked for Variables
in the Andromeda “Nebula”
Since the period-luminosity relationship for Cepheid's had
been recently determined, their luminosity could be calculated.