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IIS Technologies
Designed to deliver
information publishing
Serves as a platform for developers to extend
internet standard communication capabilities
Runs as a Windows NT 4.0 (Option Pack) service
IIS Components
Full Scale publishing includes following
Transport Services
Client applications
Administrative Tools
Database Connectivity
Encrypted Communication
IIS 4.0 Components
Hypertext Publishing
File Transfer
ODBC Gateway
Encrypted Comm.
Server Admn.
Hypertext Clients
WWW Server
FTP Server
Internet D/Base Con.
Secure Socket Layer
Internet Service Mgr.
IIS 4.0 Installation
Installed as a component of WinNT4.0
Run the set up wizard to install web services
and various other components
Simply check the items to be installed
IIS 4.0 Management
IIS 4.0 introduces Microsoft Management
Console (MMC) a window based tool that
enables the management of all the web
services & applications from a single window
Web Site Content
HTML Pages
Client Side Scripts
Active Server Pages (ASPs)
Client & Server Side Scripts
Web Content Creation Tools
Hypertext Text Markup Language (HTML),
Dynamic HTML
Scripting Languages
JavaScript, Jscript and VBScript
Component Creation Languages
VisualBasic, Java, VisualC++, VisualJ++ etc.
Content Authoring & Management
IIS Application (VB6.0 Feature)
HTML Editors
Content Publishing Environment
Web Servers
Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0
Netscape Communication Server for WinNT
Netscape Communication Server for Unix
Novell Netware Web Server
ASP Technology
Active Server Page (ASP) is an open
environment where one can combine HTML,
scripts and reusable components to create
dynamic and powerful web-based business
ASP runs as service of web server and is
optimised for multiple threads & multiple
ASP File
File created with Active server Pages have the
extension .ASP
ASP file is simply a file that contains HTML,
scripts & calls to components
When a change is made in the ASP file on the
server, you need only save the changes to the
file – the next time web page is loaded, the
script will automatically be compiled
ASP Built-in Objects
To get information from the user
To send information to the user
To control the IIS
ASP Built-in Objects
To store information about the user’s current webserver session
To share application-level information & control
settings for the life-time of the application
Examples of ASP Applications
A web-based Personnel Information System
(Leave Monitoring System, HBA Monitoring
System and other modules which form part of
employee’s career cycle)
Integrated on-line store, inventory and orderprocessing system
Dynamic HTML
HTML provides limited interactivity to web
DHTML extends HTML with an object model
allowing scripting of the objects to change
the styles and attributes of page elements
Allows developers to bring more creativity
and control to web pages, thereby adding
dynamic behaviour
Examples of DHTML Use
Business Applications
DHTML can help build dynamic forms (e.g. master
detail order entry forms) and can respond to user
input, recalculate on the fly and obtain additional
information in the background
Interactive Documents
Documents delivered over the internet are
essentially confined to page-by-page metaphor,
whereas DHTML creates interactive documents
that responds instantly to user actions
Examples of DHTML Use
Dynamic Expansion
With DHTML Search Result pages can be
programmed using scripts to provide a detailed
listing as the mouse passes over it thereby,
eliminating redundant fetches from the server
Table Manipulation
Tabular data such as Price lists can be sorted,
filtered & viewed using local database engine
IIS Application
An IIS (Internet Information Server)
application is a Visual Basic application that
lives on a Web server and responds to
requests from the browser
An IIS application uses HTML to present its
user interface and uses compiled Visual Basic
code to process requests and respond to
events in the browser
IIS Application
To the user, an IIS application appears to be
made up of a series of HTML pages
To the developer, an IIS application is made
up of a special type of object called a
webclass, that in turn contains a series of
resources called webitems
IIS Application
The webclass acts as the central functional
unit of the application, processing data from
the browser and sending information to the
A series of procedures are defined that
determine how the webclass responds to
these requests
The webitems are the HTML pages and other
data the webclass can send to the browser in
response to a request
IIS Application vs ASP Application
resemblance to
Server Pages
Both types of applications present dynamic
Web sites and perform their processing on
the server rather than the client
IIS Application vs ASP Application
However, each has its unique advantages. Active
Server Pages are for script developers interested in
authoring Web pages, and offer the unique capability
of intermingling script with HTML
IIS applications are for Visual Basic developers
building Web-based applications, rather than Web
pages. IIS applications allow for complicated
business processing and easy access from almost any
browser or platform
IIS Application vs DHTML Application
Like IIS applications, DHTML applications also allow
you to respond to events in an HTML page. However,
there are several key differences between the two
types of applications:
Object model — DHTML applications use a different object
model than IIS applications to access and work with the
elements on an HTML page. While IIS applications use the
Active Server Pages object model, DHTML applications use
the DHTML object model
IIS Application vs DHTML Application
Location of processing — IIS applications are designed to
perform most of their processing on the Web server, but
DHTML applications perform most of their processing on the
browser machine. You do not create any Web server
components when you create a DHTML application
Dependency — DHTML applications are intended for use on
intranets, and are dependent on Internet Explorer 4.0 or
later, while IIS applications can be used on the Internet or
an intranet. End users of an IIS application do not need a
Browser-IIS Interaction
Browser sends an HTTP request to the IIS for
a page on the web server
The web server gets the requested page and
processes the server side scripts, (which are
enclosed within delimiters “<%” and “%>).
The scripts can assign values to variables or
request information from server (interaction
with other tiers)
Browser-IIS Interaction
The processed page containing only
HTML and client-side scripts, if any, is
sent to the browser
Case Study – Web based Reports of
RuralSoft Reports are a combination of IIS
Application and ASP based web pages
The web-site to host the Reports is prepared
using ASP technology (InterDev6.0) and the
actual reports have been developed using IIS
Application, thus combining the power of the
two technologies
Case Study – Web based Reports of
The Reports further interact with data
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) to
fetch the data from the database