Download natural feeding for cats - 2017

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A vet we Love, Mrs V L Payne BVetMed MRCVS has written this fantastic guide to feeding raw
cats for us. This is an example menu for an average cat, please do realise that no 2 cats are ever
the same so this basic menu may need to be adapted for your cat as an individual.
Don’t miss Vickys’ Videos on our Website and more on our You-Tube channel!
Natural Feeding, also called Raw Feeding diet is an increasingly popular way to feed pet cats based
on the diet of their ancestors.
Natural Feeding can be a safe, cost effective and satisfying way to feed your cat, but does take a little
more effort and forward planning than opening a bag of kibble!
There are many ways to approach Natural Feeding and none are necessarily right or wrong. Over time
you will develop a regime which suits you and your cat but outline below are answers to Frequently
Asked Questions and an outline of one way to provide a complete Natural Diet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a Natural Diet healthier for my cat than a processed one?
There is no scientific data to prove this is true. However most owners following this diet report that their cats are
well muscled with shiny coats, full of energy and need less trips to the vets. Teeth in particular benefit from the
cleaning action of chewing bones and obesity is less common on the diet. Raw food is high in water which may
help avoid bladder and kidney problems in cats.
I thought feeding bones was dangerous?
Raw bones, especially those of the ribs, neck and spine, are relatively soft and can easily be chewed, swallowed
and digested. Cooked bones should not be fed as they are liable to splinter and could pierce the intestines.
Chicken wings and portions of rabbit or chicken carcass are most suitable for cats.
Is it safe to feed raw meat? What about bacteria?
All raw meat can carry bacteria so take the same hygiene precautions as you would when preparing your own
meals. Cats stomach juices are more acidic than ours and food stays in the gut for less time meaning they are at
much lower risk of ‘food poisoning’. Never feed you cat meat that is ‘off’. Owners with compromised immune
systems are advised not to feed a raw diet.
Doesn’t my cat need some carbohydrates?
Your cats wild relatives eat nothing but small mammals, birds and insects. Carbohydrate is included in modern
processed food as a cheaper source of energy but it is not the preferred ‘fuel’ for your cat.
Is Raw Feeding expensive?
It doesn’t have to be. Complete prepared raw diets can be expensive but by buying in bulk and preparing your
own meals the cost can be surprisingly low. A cat can eat for less than 50p a day. A freezer to make the most of
cheap meat and bones when available helps keep costs low.
Is a Raw Natural Diet suitable for all cats?
No. Elderly cats or those with certain illnesses may not tolerate a raw meat diet. Home cooked diets may be
suitable or a good quality commercial diet.
Am I letting my cat down by not feeding Raw?
No. Raw Natural Feeding is not for every cat or every owner. Alternatives include high meat content wet foods
such as Natures Menu or quality ‘hypoallergenic’ kibble. Look for foods which have a high meat content, an easily
digested carbohydrate (if any) such as rice or potato and no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.
How do I switch over?
It is generally thought that it is best not to feed raw meat and cooked kibble in the same bowl. Most cat suffer no ill
effects from switching straight from kibble or tinned meat at one feed to raw food at the next. BUT cats can be
very difficult to change to a new feeding regime! You may need to lightly cook the meat for a few days or cut the
skin on chicken wings to reveal the meat.
You need to supply your cat with raw meat, bone and vegetables every day.
Meat can take the form of minces or chunks and you should feed a variety of meats, offal and
maybe even fish during the week.
A spoonful of vegetables is enough for most cats, more can be fed to overweight cats to fill
them up. Vegetables should be pureed in a food processor to allow the cat to digest them. A
small amount of fruit can also be fed. Most vegetables are suitable but avoid onions as these
can be toxic. Root vegetables contain quite a lot of sugar so limit these in overweight cats.
Green leafy vegetables and herbs should make up most of the vegetable portion. You don’t
need to buy veg especially for your cat; peelings, stalks and slightly soft or yellowed vegetable
all make good cat food.
Bones should have some meat attached and be of a suitable size for the cat. Ideal bones
include chicken wings and carcasses, ribs, necks and spines and rabbits.
Rabbit portions, including any offal, can be a complete meal.
Start by feeding 150g of meat and meaty bones per 5kg of bodyweight per day. This will need
to be adjusted if your cat gains or loses weight or changes activity level.
Vitamin supplements are not usually required if feeding a varied, mixed diet to a healthy cat. A
glug of salmon oil can help supply essential fatty acids, especially if you don’t feed fish.
Eggs can be fed occasionally. Blend them with the veg including shells!
Blended veg last for only 1-2days in the fridge but can be frozen in portions. An ice cube tray
is ideal for cat portions.
Bones and carcasses can be bought from the internet or sourced from butchers and
gamedealers. Feeding bones can be messy; consider isolating your cat in place which you
can easily mop down afterwards or outdoors in summer.
Cats like to eat little and often so split their allowance into at least 3 meals a day.
This is a sample menu for a healthy active adult 4kg cat:
100gm minced chicken, teaspoon veg puree
50g Rabbit portion
100g minced beef, teaspoon veg puree
Chicken wing
100gm minced oily fish, teaspoon veg puree
50g Rabbit portion
100g liver chunks
Chicken wing
100g minced white fish, teaspoon of veg puree
50g Rabbit portion
100gm minced chicken, teaspoon veg puree
50g Chicken carcass portion
100g minced beef, teaspoon of veg puree
50g Whole small fish including bones
For more information please make and appointment with holistic vet Vicky Payne.
Mrs V L Payne BVetMed MRCVS
Don’t miss Vickys’ Videos on our Website and more on our You-Tube channel!