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The purpose of this study guide is to help you prepare for
our upcoming test. It is not considered homework. It will
not be collected or graded. However, I strongly recommend
that each question be answered correctly. Becoming familiar
with the content on this study guide will help you greatly
on the day of the test.
Please be familiar with the following terms:
Consul –
Dictator –
Senate –
Ex post facto –
Republic –
Patrician –
Plebeian –
Forum –
Gladiator –
Tribune –
Which Italian volcano erupted violently in A.D. 79?
Which location was destroyed as a result?
Which 2 main mountain ranges make up part of Italy?
Identify Italy’s 2 key rivers.
Name the 2 largest islands that are part of modern
day Italy.
Which ancient culture greatly influenced ancient
According to Roman myth, which 2 brothers oversaw the
birth of Rome?
Which language did the ancient Romans speak?
Before the days of the Roman republic, which
civilization had conquered and ruled Rome?
What was the collection of written Roman law called?
10. Which types of people were generally patricians?
11. Which types of people were generally plebeians?
12. Which class made up the majority of Roman citizens?
13. Which part of the Roman government did plebeians run?
14. Which part of the Roman government did patricians
15. Which part of the Roman government included people
who served as generals/judges?
16. To conquer the Italian peninsula completely, which 4
groups of people did the Romans have to defeat?
17. Which Greek king did the Romans defeat?
18. Why did the Romans choose to battle Carthage after
gaining control of the Italian peninsula? Cite 4
19. What was the name of the series of wars Rome fought
against the Carthaginians?
20. Name the foremost military leader of Carthage.
21. Which Roman general invaded Carthage and ended any
future Carthaginian threats to Rome?
22. Which key battle defeated Carthage as a military
23. Which new form of transportation was heavily used
during Carthage’s invasion of Italy?
24. As time went by, which officials became most powerful
in the Roman government?
25. Before becoming dictator, which area of the Roman
Empire did Julius Caesar govern?
26. Cite 3 accomplishments of Julius Caesar while he was
27. Who was Julius Caesar’s main rival before he became
28. How did Cleopatra help Julius Caesar become dictator?
29. Who is specifically blamed for killing Julius Caesar?
30. Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?
31. Who defeated Julius Caesar’s assassin in battle?
32. What eventually happened to Cleopatra?
33. Which key time in Roman history began under Augustus?
34. Which Roman emperor began vigorously persecuting
Christians? What was his reason?
35. In the years to come, why were Christians in general
punished in the Roman Empire?
36. Which person was essential
in helping Christianity
gain followers in the 1st century A.D.? What is
ironic about this man?
37. What is Emperor Constantine perhaps best known for in
38. What important decision did Emperor Diocletian make
to save the Roman Empire from ruin?
39. Which new capital did Emperor Constantine construct
for the Roman Empire (Cite the name that he gave to
this new city)?
40. Why did Constantine accept Christianity and stop
persecution of Christians?
41. List 5 reasons the Roman Empire came to an end.
42. Name the chief god of ancient Rome.
43. Who was Spartacus?
Roman government?
Why did he rebel against the
44. What is meant by the phrase “law is higher than any
45. Which Roman law is contained in the U.S.
46. Why is the Roman alphabet important to us?
47. What is a Romance language?
Romance languages?
Which countries speak
48. Who was ancient Rome’s most popular writer of epics?
Which epic did he write?
49. Which Roman structure is comparable to Greece’s
50. Which Roman structure served as a large sporting
51. Which ancient Roman holiday was celebrated in